Year group / Christmas / Easter / Other
1 / What do Christians believe about who Jesus is? (Focus on Gabriel telling Mary she was going to have a baby who was son of God.)
Talk about Magi bringing gifts and why Christians today give gifts at Christmas- how else can we show we love others? / The resurrection and new life. What do Christians believe about the significance of Jesus’ death? Consider the symbols Christians use at Easter to represent new life, e.g. Easter Eggs, the cross and Spring flowers. / Christianity
What did Jesus teach? Parables- The Lost sheep, Good Samaritan, the Prodigal Son.
What do we know about the childhood of Jesus?
What happened at the Baptism of Jesus? How do you become a follower of Jesus today? (Baptism).
Who were the friends of Jesus? Who were the disciples?
What is the church? Why is it important to Christians? What is worship? What does a vicar/ minister do? Which Christian buildings are in the local area? (Could visit church or speak with vicar/minister.)
What is a Synagogue? Why is it important to Jewish people? What does a Rabbi do? How do Jewish people worship? (kippur, tallit, tephillin)
Who/ what is God? (Christian and Jewish ideas about the nature of God: Loving; caring; authority- using Old and New Testament sources).
Harvest- giving thanks for Creation, God’s role in the Creation.
Valuing self, others and the world- love, care, forgiveness and honesty.
2 / Luke’s account of Mary and Joseph looking for somewhere to stay in Bethlehem. What are their experiences of rejection and acceptance?
The angels bringing good news- what does that good news mean for Christians? Look at words of carols, which glorify God in the way the angels praised God when they appeared to the shepherds. / Jesus’ burial, resurrection and ascension, including appearances to Mary Magdalene. Consider the experiences of people Jesus appeared to explore events from their perspectives. / Christianity
What does the bible teach us about Jesus’ ministry? (stories, miracles-Feeding the five thousand, Jairus’ Daughter, Zaccheus)
Christian values- 2 greatest commandments.
How has the story of Jesus impacted on people’s lives? E.g. famous Christians.
Sukkot- Harvest- G-d as creator (Jewish beliefs)
Chanukah – symbols and significance to Jewish people, customs and practice.
Why is Jewish home life important? (Role of mother, Shabbat, mezuzah).
Local Jewish community
What do Jewish people celebrate at Purim?
What is prayer? Why do people pray? (Christianity and Judaism) The Lord’s Prayer and the Shema.
What are Holy Books? What is the Bible? (Special for Christians, source of authority, teaching and help- look at stories from both Testaments, which show these).
What is the Torah? (Stories from the first five books that show it is a source of rules, values, authority).
What do we know about Moses as a baby/child and Joseph?
3 / How Christmas is celebrated - both by Christians and in today’s culture - looking at the beliefs behind the customs. Study Christian customs, such as making nativity crib scenes, Christingle, carol services, giving of cards and presents. Look at the different styles of cards, and classify them according to whether their message is religious or non-religious. Consider customs that have been taken from pagan celebrations –e.g. the date of 25th December and using holly. Talk about other traditions which have developed, such as the decorating of evergreen trees and eating turkey. What are pupils’ experiences of celebrating Christmas? How does this differ according to their and their family’s beliefs? Learn about how Christmas is celebrated in different cultures around the world. / Peter - his denial and reinstatement as the rock on whom the church was to be built, Jesus and his disciples in the garden of Gethsemane and Jesus’ prayers in John 17. Explore reasons why Peter and the disciples did not stand by Jesus and consider repentance and forgiveness, which can be explored from the pupils’ own personal experiences, the experiences of Peter and Jesus, and Christians’ beliefs and experiences of repentance and forgiveness today. / Christianity
Harvest- giving thanks for the creation
The Bible-structure, content and use- different genres of books within the Bible, read some examples from Old/New Testament
Look at Gospels first
Stories about Jesus- Importance, Teachings and Miracles- biblical context focussing on Christian values and attitudes e.g. forgiveness, honesty, trust in God.
(Check the stories, parables and miracles, which have been covered in KS1 before planning).
The First Disciples- - how did they become disciples?
Islam- belief in one God (Allah), nature of Allah through 99 names.
What does Islam teach? The Shahadah
Aspects of the life of Muhammed, prophet of Allah, including receiving the Qur’an
The Qur’an and its significance for Muslims.
How is it used and treated? Source of authority and teaching.
Words and meanings of parts of the Qur’an
God as creator – caring for the world
Covenant- God’s relationship with humankind
Creation Stories from Islam and Christianity
Ibrahim and Moses (Musa) as an adult (as a child covered in Y2) as important figures for Christians and Judaism. Why are they important to believers?
4 / Focus on the annunciation to Mary, the experiences of Elizabeth and Zechariah and the birth of John the Baptist, from Luke.
Consider what Christians believe about the role of angels as messengers, thinking of the shepherds meeting angels in Luke’s gospel, and Joseph meeting an angel with an important message in a dream in Matthew. What are pupils’ experiences of waiting and of anticipation? How do they feel waiting for Christmas day, birthdays and special events and occasions? Do pupils ever have long waits? What might they learn from the experience of Elizabeth and Zechariah’s long wait? / Focus on the Last Supper, putting it in the context of Passover and making pupils aware that Passover is still celebrated by Jews today. Pupils study the events of the Last Supper and what Jesus was teaching during the Thursday night meal, exploring symbolism. Artefacts used for Holy Communion could be investigated. / Christianity
Why are some people important to followers of Christianity? Lives of great Christians e.g. St Paul,
St Cuthbert, other Northern Saints e.g. St Aidan.
Visit a local place of worship- its significance for those who attend and how it is used.
Pilgrimage- links to own journeys and special places.
Significance of Lourdes, Wolsingham and Holy Island (links to St Cuthbert.)
The Church as a body of believers.
Aspects of Christian Community-worship, prayer, ritual and ceremony expressed in different Christian communities.
Jesus ministry and death-incarnation, redemption and salvation.
Pentecost and Ascension- occasions Christians celebrate.
Baptism- promises made and commitment to the Church, belonging and identity.
What do followers of Islam celebrate at Eid-ul-Adha
How do followers of Islam live?
Hajj- Muslim pilgrimage
The Mosque, worship activities including wudu and prayer. Function and features of a Mosque. The role of the Imam.
Family life in Christianity and Islam.
5 / Look at the two stories in Luke 2:21-52, in which Jesus as a baby and as a boy had experiences in the Temple in Jerusalem. Talk about Jesus being Jewish, and how his family was obedient to Jewish law. Discuss birth and naming rituals and what experiences pupils have of these. Explore what Simeon and Anna were prophesying about Jesus, and look at the insight Jesus showed in the second story. Consider what Christians today believe about who Jesus is and why he came to earth. / Easter traditions around the world. Link to The Church worldwide.
Judas’ role in the events of Easter could be explored. As well as the gospel narratives, Acts 1:18-19 gives Luke’s version of what happened to Judas afterwards. Pupils could consider what motivated Judas, and discuss whether God needed Judas if Jesus was meant to die. Pupils could think about experiences they have had of betrayal or being let down by others, or experiences known to them through stories or television, considering how situations were resolved and how they could have been resolved for the better. It would be best before starting this work to set ground rules in the classroom about focusing on how pupils felt rather than naming names. / Christianity
Christian belief and practice across the worldwide church, including expression through art and music.
How do followers of Christianity live?
Jesus’ Ministry- teachings and miracles- Biblical context and significance today
(Check with KS1 and Y3 staff to see which they have already covered).
Discipleship and what it means to be a follower of Christ today. Why are the disciples important to followers of Christianity?
Effect Jesus had on people then. Why did people choose to follow, not follow him?
The Pharisees.
Celebrating Divalhi
Raksha Bandhan
Hindu family life and home life, making links with their own life. How do followers of Hinduism live?
Mandir: its functions and features, importance to the Hindu community.
Belonging and identity through Communion and Confirmation. Belonging and identity Hindu naming ceremony and Sacred Thread ceremony.
6 / Take Matthew’s story about Herod, the magi, the flight into Egypt and the massacre of the baby boys. What do pupils know about undeserved suffering, for example from news reports? Discuss what Christians today believe they should do to help those who suffer. Consider what Christians believe about Jesus and what it means to say that Jesus is ‘king’. How does this affect the way that they live and what they do? / Pupils study focusing on Jesus’ arrest and trial. Pilate and Herod – what they did and their role in the trial. Pupils research Jesus’ teachings against the scribes and Pharisees, the questions they posed him and his replies throughout his ministry as well as during Holy Week. Explore reasons why Jesus died, and consider the significance of his death for Christians. / Christianity
Nature of God-as revealed in the Bible, the Trinity
The origins of the Bible- importance for believers and significance of some of the messages today.
Effect Jesus’ teaching has on people today.
Commandments and Beatitudes as guidance.
Trimurti- Vishnu, Shiva, Brahma
Hindu Deities- e.g.Rama, Krishna, Ganesha, Lakshmi, Hanuman, Kali, Durga
Aum Symbol
Purana and Ramayana- insights and teachings of Hinduism
Hindu values- Ahimsa, respect, caring, vegetarianism
People inspired by God- e.g.MK Gandhi,Desmond Tutu, local minister and people known to the pupils.
Links between Christian, Muslim and Judaism values.

British values = blue highlight