MAN 3240 Assignment Dates
Week / Module Number / Module Title and Activities/Assessments / Assessments DueMay 15 - May 21 / 1 / Introducing Organizational Behavior
- Reading
- Syllabus
- Begin Here Module
- Chapters 1, 3, & 4 in Organizational Behavior text
- Chapters 1, 3, & 4 PowerPoints
- Quizzes
- Quiz - M1 - What is Organizational Behavior?
- Quiz - M1 - Individual differences l
- Quiz - M1 - Individual differences ll
- Dropboxes
- M1A1 - Introduction Bio Dropbox [Not Graded]
- M1A2 - Team Charter Form
- M1A3 - Dealing with Team Members: Low Self-efficacy; Learning Styles; Types of Fit
- Discussion
- Discussion - M1 - Exercises to Assess Your Motivation to Lead and Goal Orientation
M1A1 and M1A3 due on SUNDAY before 11:30 pm
M1A2 (Team Charter) due next week, on WEDNESDAY.
DISCUSSION posts: JUST THIS WEEK: All posts due SUNDAY. (All future discussion posts will be due on Wednesdays and Fridays).
Your team assignments will be made sometime in the middle of the first week, and you will receive an email from me with your team assignments. This is why your team charter, M1A2, is not due until the following week, so that there is time for you to connect with your teammate(s).
May 22 - May 28 / 2 / Group Behavior, Effective Teams, Organizational Culture
- Reading
- Chapters 12 & 15 in Organizational Behavior text
- Chapters 12 & 15 PowerPoints
- Quizzes
- Quiz - M2 - Group Behavior
- Quiz - M2 - Culture
- Dropboxes
- Case Analysis - M2A1 - Solutions to Team Problems
- Case Analysis - M2A2 - Culture of a Team
- Discussion
- Discussion - M2 - Organizational Culture
DISCUSSION POSTS: FIRST post due Wednesday; SECOND post due Fridaybefore 11:30 pm.
May 29 - Jun 4 / 3 / Leading and Making Decisions
- Reading
- Chapters 9 & 13 in Organizational Behavior text
- Chapters 9 & 13PowerPoints
- Quizzes
- Quiz - M3 - Leading
- Quiz - M3 - Making Decisions
- Dropboxes
- Case Analysis - M3A1 - Leadership Styles
- Case Analysis - M3A2 - Team Project Part 1 - Proposal
- Discussion
- Discussion - M3 - Decision Making, Ethics and Leadership Challenges
DISCUSSION POSTS: FIRST post due Wednesday; SECOND post due Friday before 11:30 pm.
Jun 5 - Jun 11 / 4 / Communication, Power, Influence, and Politics, Managing Conflict and Negotiating
- Reading
- Chapters 8, 10, & 11 in Organizational Behavior text
- Chapters 8, 10, & 11 PowerPoints
- Quizzes
- Quiz - M4 - Communicating
- Quiz - M4 - Power influence and Politics
- Quiz - M4 - Managing Conflict and Negotiating
- Dropboxes
- Case Analysis - M4A1 - Use of Power and Influence in Teams
- Case Analysis - M4A2 - How to Influence Your Boss
- Discussion
- Discussion - M4 - The Pros and Cons of Conflict on an Organization
DISCUSSION POSTS: FIRST post due Wednesday; SECOND post due Friday before 11:30 pm.
Jun 12 - Jun 18 / 5 / Organizational Structure and Design; Organizational Change
- Reading
- Chapters 14 & 15 in Organizational Behavior text
- Chapters 14 & 15 PowerPoints
- Quizzes
- Quiz - M5 - Organizational Structure
- Quiz - M5 - Organizational Change
- Dropboxes
- Case Analysis - M5A1 - Workplace: Evo - Designing Adaptive Organizations
- Case Analysis - M5A2 - Designing Organizational Structure
- Discussion
- Discussion - M5 - Johnson & Johnson CEO William Weldon - Leadership in a Decentralized Company
DISCUSSION POSTS: FIRST post due Wednesday; SECOND post due Friday before 11:30 pm.
Jun 19 - Jun 25 / 6 / Diversity; Social Perception, Attributions, and Perceived Fairness
- Reading
- Chapters 2 & 6 in Organizational Behavior text
- Chapters 2 & 6 PowerPoints
- Quizzes
- Quiz - M6 - Diversity
- Quiz Actions for 'Quiz 13 - M6 - Diversity
- Dropboxes
- Case Analysis - W6A1 - Team Paper on Organizational Change
- Discussion
- Discussion - M6 - Current Event
DISCUSSION POSTS: FIRST post due Wednesday; SECOND post due Friday before 11:30 pm.
Jun 26 - Jul 2 / 7 / Attitudes, Values, Moods, and Emotions; Motivation Behavior
- Reading
- Chapters 5 & 7 in Organizational Behavior text
- Chapters 5 & 7 PowerPoints
- Quizzes
- Quiz - M7 - Motivational Behavior
- Quiz - M7 - Attitudes Vales and Emotions
- Dropboxes
- Case Analysis - M7A1 - System to Motivate Employees
- Discussion
- Discussion - M7 - Ted Talk on Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivators
DISCUSSION POSTS: FIRST post due Wednesday; SECOND post due Friday before 11:30 pm.
Jul 3 - Jul 6 / 8 / Presentation of Team Paper and Peer Evaluation
- Quizzes
- Peer Evaluation Quiz
- Dropboxes
- M8A1 - Team Paper Presentation