Environmental Trust Eco Schools program: progress report for grants 2015 onwards

Progress towards achieving project outcomes

School name
(insert name of school)
Project title
(insert name of project)
Grant project number
(insert grant number issued by the Environmental Trust)
Note:That the cells below will expand as you type so the report may expand to more than three pages in length.
To complete this report, please refer to your project plan outlined in question C2 of your grant application.
Part AProject Activities and outcomes achieved
Eco Schools Objective / Activity
List the projectactivities that have commenced. / Outcomes achieved and project activities
To what extent are project activities on track for completion? / Comments
Explain any changes or future actions
required to implement the project activities.
Project activities should be aligned to ore or preferably more of the Eco Schools objectives in column one /
  • How are you going with implementing your project activities?
  • Describe how the activities have helped you achieve outcomes that support Eco Schools objectives.
  • How have you measured progress?
  • What has been successful and what hasn’t?
  • What still needs to be completed?
  • What are your future plans to build on project outcomes?

Objective 1:
Environmental outcomes
How are the activities helping your school promote more efficient resource use and improve the quality of the local environment?
Objective 2:
Student learning outcomes
How will youpromote the development of knowledge and behaviour in students that supports environmental sustainability?
Objective 3:
Teacher professional development
How will the project assist teachers to access targeted professional learning, and integrate environmental management into curriculum delivery?
Objective 4:
School and community partnerships for sustainability
How will youengage with your community to explore opportunities for working together for sustainability outcomes?
Part BGrant expenditure to date
  • Of the $2,500 received from the Trust we have spent (excluding GST)
/ $
  • If there has been a significant variation to your timeline, activities carried out, or budget, you must contact your grants administrator to arrange for a variation.

Eco Schools progress report form – grants 2015 onwards1

Environmental Trust Eco Schools program:
progress reporting template for grants 2015 onwards

Evidence of outcomes

Please provide evidence of the projects outcomes. This might include:

  • photographs (before and after) during activities etc. (photos should include captions)
  • units of work
  • teaching programs
  • publicity
  • other

List items of evidence you have attached.

What now?

  • Please submit an invoice for $1,000to Environmental Trust for second instalment of grant.
  • Raising invoices - DEC schools using the LMBR (SAP) system need to create a Sales Order using our Customer Number 9000100. EDConnect will then email the invoice directly to the Environmental Trust.
  • If this is the first time you’ve received a grant from the Environmental Trust, you will need to contact EDConnect on 1300 32 32 32 or email mailto: to extend our business partner number to your school.
  • Non-government schools are required to add $100 GST.

Published by the NSW Environmental Trust, PO Box 644, Parramatta 2124 Phone: 02 8837 6093

Email: Website: OEH 2016/0528 September 2016

Eco Schools progress report form – grants 2015 onwards1