United Nations Development Programme

Introduction of land levelling technology to address climate change in the project region Sakarchaga

The joint project AF/UNDP/MNP “Addressing climate change risks to farming system in Turkmenistan at national and local levels” continue activitiesto introduceadaptation measures aimed to address sustainable water management in the context of climate change. In Sakarchagaproject region (oasis area) the evenly flatted field surface- is of main factors in ensuring the effective use of fertilizers, land, water and energy resources and obtaining high yields of major crops.

The main purpose of land leveling in agriculture is elimination of surface irregularities of the fields, which make it otherwise difficult to undertake irrigation works and mechanized farming. To address the above mentioned challenges, together with CRM sister-project the equipment was purchased for laser leveling of irrigated lands. The laser planning is a method of land leveling using special equipment –a laser gadget, and used when the difference in the surface roughness of the field does not exceed 1-3 cm. Until now irrigated landsin Zahmetfarms in Sakarchaga region, laser land planning was not practiced. In the course of assessing the vulnerability of local communities to the effects of the climate changeit was noticed that the non-uniformity of irrigated fields contributes to soil degradation and leads to large losses of water on irrigation fields. Therefore, the national project experts in collaboration with the local land-leasershave decided to obtain and use laser planning for irrigated lands. In 2014 on the fields of the Farmers’Association Zahmet a laser planner was installed on tractor MTZ-80, and it was the first time when farmers used this technology in Mary province.

The new technology has ensured uniform seed germination of wheat. According to preliminary estimates the savings of irrigation water was about 25%, while the expected increase in wheat yields by 15%. Leaseholder Mr.YlyasovCharyguly confirmedthat this technology not only saves water, but also retains the mineral fertilizers solved in the water and applied to the root zone of the soil. Laser leveling, in addition to increasing wheat yields also insures more efficient use of fertilizers in the soil horizon,and also will allow to increase the income from the harvested wheat crop.So far 8 farmers benefited from the use of laser land leveling on a total area of ​​17 hectares.

However, as said, the local coordinator of the pilot region SakarchagaMr. JumadurdyevOvezdurdyin the nearest future ten leaseholders more are waiting for their turn to introduce laser leveling on more than 20 hectares of its irrigated land.

In a little while there is a plan to extend laser levelling on an area of ​​over 20 hectares. In the face of climate change, communities in the project region of Sakarchaganecessitates the use of modern technologies in adaptation measures, which will allow efficient use of available water resources, and increase the yield of major crops.


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