Making the Quality Grade at MMH

Marietta Memorial Hospital believes our patients deserve the best possible care. That's why our entire health care team is always striving to deliver care that meets the highest quality standards. We call it Making the Quality Grade. The federal government now tracks this data for hospitals as well, and it is available to the public on their website at <

Stroke. Heart attack. Arthritis. Serious illness or injury can sometimes mean a slow return to health. And sometimes, recovery can mean learning how to live with a disability. According to the National Institute of Health, physical activity as soon as possible in the process is the key to the best return to health.

Rehabilitation focuses on function. Being able to continue to function is key to maintaining or regaining independence and quality of life, particularly after an illness or injury. Starting rehabilitation early can help you maintain function and increase your chances of returning to your previous level of function as much as possible.

The level of function you had before a disability is an important consideration in the level of function you can expect to regain after rehabilitation. For example, if a healthy older person who walks without a cane falls and fractures a hip, he or she will likely be able to walk again after several months of a rehabilitation program. However, the same goal is not as realistic for someone of the same age who was already having a hard time walking

During the first quarter of 2006, Marietta Memorial Hospital’s Rehabilitation program exceeded National Averages in the length of stay our patient’s had as well as the number that were able to return home.

Performance Per Diagnosis

Diagnosis / MMH Average Length of Stay (Days) / National Average Length of Stay (Days) / MMH % Discharged to Home / National % Discharged to Home
TOTAL / 14 / 14 / 84% / 76%
Orthopedic / 7 / 11 / 88% / 82%
Stroke / 18 / 17 / 79% / 69%
Spinal Cord Injury / 18 / 18 / 93% / 75%
Neuro / 20 / 14 / 75% / 76%
Brain Injury / 23 / 16 / 60% / 71%
Our 90-day follow up questionnaire for the first quarter of 2006 shows that 92% of our patients are still living in their discharged environment.

Patient Satisfaction
At Marietta Memorial Hospital, we know the higher the patient satisfaction, the better outcomes that patient will have. We work very hard to make sure our patients are satisfied with the services we provide. Satisfaction surveys are mailed to our patients after they leave, and patients tell us how they feel about the care they received. Knowing how our patients feel helps us to improve the care we provide, and to plan new ways to meet patient needs.

For the first quarter of 2006, our 90 day follow-up questionnaire shows patient satisfaction rates a 4.6 on a 5.0 scale; family/caregiver satisfaction rated a 4.07 on a 5.0 scale, and 97% of patients would recommend the Rehabilitation Center.


When you or someone you love is having a stroke, every minute counts. If you're having any of the stroke warning signs, you want to know that you are going to a facility that can you help you as quickly as possible. The Rehabilitation Center successfully passed the The Commission on Acceditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF) survey. For that survey, we gained certification as a Stroke Specialty Program.

Accreditation means patients now have access to an accredited, comprehensive, integrated program that will focus on stroke prevention, minimize impairment of patients who have had a stroke, reduce limitations and maximize the quality of life of persons who have sustained a stroke.


Our expansion to private rooms with private baths and additional therapy gym space is expected to be finished September 15, 2006. We will continue to post updated on the Marietta Memorial Hospital website. Look for us under Programs and Services.

Mission -

The mission of the Rehabilitation Center at Marietta Memorial Hospital is to provide comprehensive physical rehabilitation programs of the highest quality in order to improve the functional independence of those served. Marietta Memorial Hospital Inpatient Rehabilitation Unit meets the comprehensive needs of patients and families in southeast Ohio and northern West Virginia. The primary rehabilitation team consists of Physiatry, rehabilitative nursing, physical, occupational, speech and recreational therapy, psychology and social services.

Phone (740) 374-1463

Fax (740) 376-5082

Referral Line (740) 516-5600

Support Group Contacts - Stroke (740) 374-1463

Para/Quad (spinal cord) (740) 374-1422