Buckswood School





Standard 1 – Statement of boarding principles and practice
1. A suitable statement of the school’s boarding principles and practice is available to parents and staff, is made known to boarders, and is seen to work in practice.
How the school MEETS and EXCEEDS the standard (with appropriate evidence)
The following excerpt from Boarding Principles and Practice Statement available at https://www.buckswood.co.uk/administration/policies/ provides evidence of standard met.
The aim of Boarding at the Buckswood School is to provide a safe and secure environment for the personal and academic development of each boarding student. The ethos aims to reflect, as far as is possible in a communal environment, the best values of family life. The Boarding experience encourages tolerance, respect for others, kindness, spiritual and moral awareness and self-discipline. It develops independence and the strength and ability of the individual to function as part of a team.
Care is taken to ensure a similar ethos and atmosphere across the Houses, whilst at the same time maintaining the individual character of each House and ensuring a progression of responsibilities and privileges commensurate with the different age groups.
A copy of Buckswood’s boarding principles and practice is displayed in each boarding house.
Plans for future improvement (with indicative timescale)
To review student feedback from the Xchange questionnaires. Subsequently, implement any improvements or clarify misunderstandings concerning the boarding principles and practice.
To review each year to ensure that the diversity of nationalities within the student body are accommodated and catered for.
Assessed by / GS/JO / Date / 10/4/2017
Next review / Sept 2017
Standard 2 – Boarders’ induction and support
2.1 There is an appropriate process of induction and guidance for new boarders.
2.2 Each boarder has a choice of staff to whom s/he can turn for personal guidance or for help with a personal problem.
2.3 The school identifies at least one person other than a parent, outside the staff, and those responsible for the leadership and governance of the school, who boarders may contact directly about personal problems or concerns at school. Boarders are informed who this person is, and how to contact them and they are easily accessible. Boarders are also provided with one or more appropriate helpline(s) or outside telephone numbers, including the Office of the Children’s Commissioner, to contact in case of problems or distress.
Evidence relating to the changes in March 2015 to Standard 2.3 (see page 5):
How the school MEETS and EXCEEDS the standard (with appropriate evidence)
2.1 There is an appropriate process of induction and guidance for new boarders.
New Pupil induction checklist (p.28 Pastoral Booklet 2016/17 available at https://www.buckswood.co.uk/administration/policies/booklets/
Each student is personally inducted into their boarding house by their member/s of House Staff.
2.2 Each boarder has a choice of staff to whom s/he can turn for personal guidance or for help with a personal problem.
The Child Protection Team is part of the Safeguarding Team and consists of the Designated Safeguarding Lead, a Designated Assistant Child Protection person, the Headmaster, the Boarding Coordinator and the School Medical Nurses.
(Excerpt from Child Protection Policy available at https://www.buckswood.co.uk/administration/policies/)
2.3 The school identifies at least one person other than a parent, outside the staff and those responsible for the leadership and governance of the school, who boarders may contact directly about personal problems or concerns at school. Boarders are informed who this person is, and how to contact them and they are easily accessible. Boarders are also provided with one or more appropriate helpline (s) or outside telephone numbers, including the Office of the Children’s Commissioner, to contact in case of problems or distress.
We want you to be happy at Buckswood – so, if anything or anyone is making you unhappy,
Important Numbers:
CHILDLINE: 0800 010390
Sandra Marsh – Independent Person 07788715443
Children's Commissioner for England
Sanctuary Buildings
20 Great Smith Street
Telephone: 020 7783 8330
(Excerpt from Complaints Policy available https://www.buckswood.co.uk/administration/policies/)
The above contact details are displayed in each Boarding House.
Plans for future improvement (with indicative timescale)
Increase the amount of independent persons to include other nationalities so that students feel that they can talk openly in their own language. (See Boarding Improvement Plan)
Assessed by / GS/JO / Date / 10/4/2017
Next review / Sept 2017
Standard 3 – Boarders’ health and well being
3.1 The school has and implements appropriate policies for the care of boarders who are unwell and ensures that the physical and mental health, and emotional wellbeing of boarders is promoted. These include first aid, care of those with chronic conditions and disabilities, dealing with medical emergencies and the use of household remedies.
[wellbeing” means wellbeing within the meaning of section 10(2) of the Children Act 2004 – see page 5]
3.2 Suitable accommodation, including toilet and washing facilities, is provided in order to cater for the needs of boarding pupils who are sick or injured. The accommodation is adequately staffed by appropriately qualified personnel, adequately separated from other boarders and provides separate accommodation for male and female boarders where this is necessary.
3.3 In addition to any provision on site, boarders have access to local medical, dental, optometric and other specialist services or provision as necessary.
3.4 All medication is safely and securely stored and proper records are kept of its administration. Prescribed medicines are given only to the boarders to whom they are prescribed. Boarders allowed to self-medicate are assessed as sufficiently responsible to do so.
3.5 The confidentiality and rights of boarders as patients are appropriately respected. This includes the right of a boarder deemed to be “Gillick Competent” to give or withhold consent for his/her own treatment. [Gillick competence is used in medical law to decide whether a child (16 years or younger) is able to consent to his or her own medical treatment, without the need for parental permission or knowledge. A child will be Gillick competent if he or she has sufficient understanding and intelligence to understand fully what is proposed. ]
Evidence relating to changes to 3.1 and 3.4 in March 2015 – see page 5:
How the school MEETS and EXCEEDS the standard (with appropriate evidence)
3.1 The school has, and implements effectively, appropriate policies for the care of boarders who are unwell and ensures that the physical and mental health, and emotional wellbeing of boarders is promoted. These include first aid, care of those with chronic conditions and disabilities, dealing with medical emergencies and the use of household remedies.
Evidence of standard met:
Boarders-who-are-unwell-policy-Boarders Health & Wellbeing 2
First Aid policy 2
Medical treatment and first aid policy 1
Boarders-who-are-unwell-policy-Safeguarding at BHS 2
All available at https://www.buckswood.co.uk/administration/policies/
Buckswood Health Service (BHS) is situated in a purpose built, detached building within the school grounds. It has consulting rooms where scholars can speak privately with a nurse. It also has its own toilets, washing facilities and a suite of rooms where the health staff are able to care for scholars who are too unwell for school
Buckswood employs trained nurses who are supported by health assistants and an administrator. Their aim is to enable scholars to remain as healthy as possible and support them when they are unwell whilst at school. The nurses have a wide range of experience and will usually be able to help a scholar without needing to consult with a doctor. However, they liaise closely with the GP surgery and will, at their discretion, either consult with them by telephone or arrange an appointment for a scholar to be seen.
Excerpt from Boarders-who-are-unwell-policy-Boarders Health & Wellbeing 2 available at https://www.buckswood.co.uk/administration/policies/
3.3 In addition to any provision on site, boarders have access to local medical, dental, optometric and other specialist services or provision as necessary.
Parents are encouraged to arrange routine dental and eye care at home when the scholar is on holiday. However, in the case of an emergency, appointments with local dentists and opticians can be arranged (although there may be a charge for treatment and we will need specific consent from parents). Orthodontists, Physiotherapists, Osteopaths, Chiropodists, and Reflexologists can also be accessed once parents have consented to treatment.
Excerpt from Boarders-who-are-unwell-policy-Boarders Health & Wellbeing 2 available at https://www.buckswood.co.uk/administration/policies/
3.4 All medication is safely and securely stored and proper records are kept of its administration. Prescribed medicines are given only to the boarders to whom they are prescribed. Boarders allowed to self-medicate are assessed as sufficiently responsible to do so.
BHS staff will pass on medication that needs to be administered during the evening and weekends, at the evening handover. House staff must ensure this medication is given as prescribed and that it is recorded on the Medical Administration Record (MAR) sheet. (NMS 3.4)
The house staff will be given a limited supply of ‘homely remedies’ by BHS. (See Safe Storage and Administration of Medicines Protocol). House staff must only give medicine that has been provided by BHS and in accordance with the homely remedy protocol. Any medicine given must be documented, with details of what medicine they have given, to whom and why. They must also record the date and time. This medicine sheet will be kept in the handover book and reported to the nurse at the next handover.
As stated on the medical form parents are asked to complete for their child, scholars are only permitted to bring prescribed medication to Buckswood. Before a boarder can self-medicate, their competence to do so will be assessed. If the nurse decides that they are able to keep and administer their own medication, they will ask the scholar to read and sign a self-administration form (NMS 3.4). Medicines must never be shared amongst scholars and, if house staff become aware that a scholar has taken someone else’s medicine, they should report it to BHS, giving as much information as possible.
Excerpt from Boarders-who-are-unwell-policy-Boarders Health & Wellbeing 2 available at https://www.buckswood.co.uk/administration/policies/
3.5 The confidentiality and rights of boarders as patients are appropriately respected. This includes the right of a boarder deemed to be “Gillick Competant” to give or withhold consent for his/her own treatment.
An individual record of a scholar’s health and care is kept confidentially and securely at BHS. This includes information provided by parents, as well as records of care which has been provided or facilitated through BHS. As appropriate, pastoral and teaching staff are kept informed. Records also include parental and emergency contact details.
Excerpt from Boarders-who-are-unwell-policy-Boarders Health & Wellbeing 2 available at https://www.buckswood.co.uk/administration/policies/
Plans for future improvement (with indicative timescale)
Increase provision to ensure student’s emotional and mental wellbeing (See Boarding Improvement Plan)
Assessed by / GS/JO / Date / 10/4/2017
Next review / Sept 2017
Standard 4 – Contact with parents/carers
Boarders can contact their parents/carers and families in private and schools facilitate this where necessary. This does not prevent schools from operating proportionate systems to monitor and control the use of electronic communications in order to detect abuse, bullying or unsafe practice by boarders.
How the school MEETS and EXCEEDS the standard (with appropriate evidence)
4.1 Boarders can contact their parents/carers and families in private and schools facilitate this where necessary. This does not prevent schools from operating proportionate systems to monitor and control the use of electronic communications in order to detect abuse, bullying or unsafe practice by boarders.
Students have access to the office phone if necessary. (Excerpt from Boarding Channels of Communication Policy available at https://www.buckswood.co.uk/administration/policies/
Plans for future improvement (with indicative timescale)
Increased provision for contact with parents/carers (see Boarding Improvement Plan)
Assessed by / GS/JO / Date / 10/04/2017
Next review / Sept 2017
Standard 5 – Boarding accommodation
5.1 Suitable sleeping accommodation is provided for boarders. It is well organised and managed with risk assessments undertaken and findings acted upon to reduce risk for all boarders. Where pupils are aged 8 years or over, sleeping accommodation for boys is separate from sleeping accommodation for girls.
5.2 Suitable living accommodation is provided for boarders
5.3 Suitable toilet and washing facilities are provided for boarders, which are reasonably accessible from the sleeping accommodation. Separate toilet facilities are provided for boys and girls unless each toilet facility is provided in a separate room intended for use by one pupil at a time, the door to which is capable of being secured from inside. Toilet and washing facilities provide appropriate privacy for boarders.
5.4 Boarding houses and other accommodation provided for boarders is appropriately lit, heated and ventilated, cleaned and maintained, and reasonable adjustments are made to provide adequate accessible accommodation for any boarders with restricted mobility.
5.5 Accommodation is suitably furnished and of sufficient size for the number, and ages of boarders accommodated, with appropriate protection and separation between genders, age groups and accommodation for adults. Bedding is clean and suitable, and is sufficiently warm
5.6 Boarders can personalise an area of their accommodation with suitable posters and personal items if they wish.
5.7 Boarding accommodation is reserved for the use of those children designated to use it, and is protected from access by unauthorised persons. Any use of school facilities by individuals or groups does not allow members of the public (including members of organised groups using school facilities) substantial and unsupervised access to pupils, or to boarding accommodation while occupied by pupils.
5.8 Any use of surveillance equipment (e.g. CCTV cameras) or patrolling of school buildings or grounds for security purposes does not intrude unreasonably on children’s privacy
Evidence relating to the new wording in 5.1 (see page 6):
How the school MEETS and EXCEEDS the standard (with appropriate evidence)
Within our boarding facilities we provide boarders with separate accommodation for boys and girls within all boarding houses which enables effective segregation of genders. Suitable personalisation of dormitories is encouraged in order for students to feel at home.
Staff living accommodation is separated by a lockable door. The living accommodation is organised and appropriate for private study and social purposes. Senior dorms shall be equipped with a personal desk for each student. Male Junior boarders are to complete their evening prep session in the school library. Each boarding house has a common room which students can utilise.