Making it Real : Warrington Community Living Action Plan
Priority 1: Ensuring people have real control over the resources used to secure care and support.Action / Lead contact / Expected result / people/carer involvement / Deadline
Ensure all forums for communication with the people we support happen on a regular basis and discuss meaningful topics / MAS / Greater quantity and quality of feedback and involvement in service and organisational planning / Greater people who use services/carers / February2014
Development of our Community Network to be entirely person centred in its operation, with a heavy focus on co-production / RMcG / Teams understand required level and quality of existing people’s involvement in their own support / Intensive involvement of 3 people who use services and their carers / March 2014
Introduce the use of Individual Service Funds / MAS / Pilot schemes in place in next six months / One person using community based services and 12 in a residential setting / April 2014
Use new website as facility for people/carer feedback / MAS / Two way feedback from people/carers ensures MIR is carefully monitored / Available to wider public. / December 2013
Priority 2 : Workforce - I have access to easy to understand information about care and support which is consistent, accurate, accessible and up to date.
Action / Lead contact / Expected result / people/carer involvement / Deadline
Update all information for people who use/may wish to use services / MAS / Fully revised information that gives people what they have told us they are most interested in / Consultation with our Bespoke and wider consultation groups / January 2014
Populate new website with accessible information / MAS / New website with information that people use / Consultation with our Bespoke and wider consultation groups / January 2014
Update complaints and comments procedure to make sure it is accessible and easy to read/follow / MAS / Fully revised format that is able to be used more readily by the people we support / Consultation with our Bespoke and wider consultation groups / November 2013
Priority 3: I have good information and advice on the range of options for choosing my support staff.
Action / Lead contact / Expected result / people/carer involvement / Deadline
Continue to update our recruitment materials to make sure they put the people we support at the heart / AM / Colleagues are more attuned to the focus on the people we support being in charge / Consultation with our Bespoke and wider consultation groups / Dec. 13
Continue to seek further ways we can actively and purposefully involve the people we support directly in recruitment / AM / Colleagues are more attuned to the focus on the people we support being in charge / The whole process is co-produced with people who use services / March 2013
Start to tailor recruit staff for the community networkboth for and with the individuals they will be working with / RmcG / People we support get staff they really value and feel in control of / Involvement of 3 to 4 people/carer representatives. / October 2014