Solano Community College

School of Applied Technology & Business

Fall 2017

CIS 73 – CRN 81264

Microsoft Excel

Instructor: Kevin Anderson, J.D.

Office: Building 500, Room 515

Office Hours:

Th 5:00 -6:00 PM (Vacaville)

Phone: (707) 864-7000 Ext. 4405


SIMnet Website:


This course provides a thorough study of spreadsheet operation and enables the student to use the spreadsheet to perform mathematical computations and analysis. Students will create graphic representations of the information contained in a spreadsheet, perform list management routines, use functions, create tables, create charts, perform "what if" analysis, and create macros using Visual Basic for Applications.

Textbook (In Digital Format):

1.  Microsoft Office 2013 In Practice Excel Complete by Wood & Nordell McGraw Hill Education © 2014 ISBN 9780077486914.

Teaching Methods:

1.  The book is digital and access to the book can be obtained from the website referenced above. I will cover the assigned chapter concepts in class. Class assignments, projects, quizzes and exams will be completed using the Simnet software.

2.  Chapter lessons, projects and other related exercises will be regularly assigned to reinforce material in the text.

3.  Exams – Three exams will be given as well as a final exam. The exams are skills exams and will utilize the SimNet software

Student Learning Outcomes

Describe and demonstrate entry-level skills using a computer with a graphical user interface, the internet, word processor, spreadsheet, database, and presentation software

Class Policies

Student Conduct: To create a comfortable learning environment for all students, I expect all students enrolled in this class to attend the entire class promptly and consistently. I also expect you to treat other students and the instructor with respect, follow the instructor’s directions for appropriate classroom discussions and participation. I also expect students to avoid disrupting the class in any way.

Moreover, to create a professional and positive learning environment, this instructor expects students to take this class seriously, prepare thoroughly, and actively participate. So that all students can profit from the class, students are expected to have the appropriate academic skills when they enter the class or acquire the necessary skills concurrently through the use of labs, tutors, instructor conferences, or enrollment in classes teaching the needed skills.

Missed Classes: Students are responsible for obtaining material distributed on class days when he/she was absent. This can be done through contacting a classmate who was present or by seeing the instructor during his office hours. Missed or late quizzes cannot be made up under any circumstances except for good cause and adequate notice a makeup quiz may be given.

Assignments: All lab assignments are due the following week on Monday’s at the end of class. Late assignments may be assessed a penalty.

Academic Dishonesty: Cheating is a serious offense and may be punished by failure on an exam, quiz or project; failure in the course and/or expulsion from the college. For more information refer to the Solano Community College Catalog page 36, or the Solano Community College Student handbook.

Need for Assistance: If you have a condition such as a physical or learning disability, which will make it difficult for you to carry out the work or will require accommodations, please notify me as soon as possible. You may also contact Disability Services Program (DSP).


10% Class participation and attendance

40% SimNet In-class lessons and SimNet Computer Laboratory Projects

50% Exams