Long Sutton Primary’s Nursery: Term One (Autumn1) – 2016-17
This term we will naturally be focussing on setting all of the children into their new class, helping them to build new friendships, and introducing them to our daily routines and expectations.
Communication & Language
Our focus at this stage of the year will be on encouraging the pupils to communicate appropriately with their new classmates.
We will promote and model politeness and tolerance.
Through repeated reading of firm favourites such as “The Hungry Caterpillar” and “Brown Bear” we will try to encourage memorisation of stories so that the children can join in and feel a part of the group. This will also facilitate the recognition of rhyme and repeated phrases.
Once our foundations for the start of the year have been firmly laid we will be gradually phasing in phonics activities for the older children as a continuation of their work last term. / Physical Development
There will be a range of resources to help children develop gross motor skills and coordinationfrom the outset. There are a variety of popular bikes and scooters, and the pirate ship and slide apparatus will be made available whenever the weather is amenable and appropriate child adult ratios are in place.
Once routines have bedded in generally, older children will continue to be encouraged and supported to develop fine motor skills bytracing and free writing letters and numbers and their names. We will maintain a strong focus on achieving a correct, comfortable pencil grip to achieve greater accuracy (our “pro grip!”) / Personal Social and
Emotional Development
As always our aim from the outset is to prepare children for their Reception year. To do so we will emulate the expectations of the Reception classes in an age appropriate way. We will focus on:
  • Making friends and getting along – how to treat those around us
  • Behaviour expectations
  • Caring for our Nursery environment.
  • Understanding the rules and conventions of circle time
  • Taking part – joining in and trying new experiences.
/ British Values and the Wider Community
Democracy:Choosing by voting at story/’boogy’ time.
Rule of Law: Understanding how our behaviour affects others and that we will have to sit and reflect if we hurt someone deliberately.
Liberty: Having the confidence to speak out on the carpet and contribute constructive ideas.
Mutual Respect & Tolerance:Taking turns and sharing. Accepting that others may be chosen on occasions when we are not.
To encourage attentiveness at story time we will always follow our stories with a fun quiz that will challenge pupils to recall information, and also sometimes to give opinions about a characters feelings. We will also often challenge pupils to predict “what happens next?” / Mathematics
We will be counting each other at registration every morning to see how many people are in.
Through songs such as “Once I caught a fish alive”, we will be recite numbers in order to make them memorable.
We will be refreshing / introducing the numicon and understanding that we can tell its value by counting the number of holes.
We will be introducing the dice and counting the dots after rolling. This will later develop into matching the dice number with the correct numicon piece or number of objects / Understanding the World
We will begin by clearing our raised beds of weeds and then go on to plant and care for some seeds and plants.
Once pupils are settled into the Nursery environment and become familiar with expectations, we intend to take the pupils on a nature / sound walk to introduce them to the “wooded” area of the school playing field. / Expressive Arts and Design
We will always have colouring and drawing materials available, along with playdough.
We will be doing a number of craft activities involving cutting and sticking that relate to the popular stories that we will share.