Dundee Glow Help

Glow is a portal to a collection of ICT tools able to support the Curriculum for Excellence and learning and teaching across all Scottish schools. There are a number of ways to help teachers and pupils gain an understanding of the functions and uses of Glow.

Learning and Teaching Scotland is the managing agent for Glow and offers a general overview of the functions available and the learning and teaching opportunities at

More detailed instructions are at There you will find three sections:-

Learning in Context – a set of online videos taking you through the various parts of Glow.

Glow Learn Tutorials – structured instruction in the use of the Virtual Learning Environment.

Developing Your Skills – Acrobat reader (pdf) files detailing the functions and learning and teaching uses of Glow and which can be saved for future reference.

To access these sites there is no need to be logged into Glow itself.

Within Dundee there are a number of ways of getting help.

The updated “What to do if..” help sheet is available on DC2.

The ICT Support Team has included Glow-related courses in CPD online, and, to complement this, the trainers in the IT Section will in future also be offering drop-in sessions covering the functionality of the various Glow component parts.

From a computer on the schools network there are a variety of help files stored on the M drive. For primaries the drive is dundeeprimaryshare, folder Glow training materials. For secondaries the drive is Masterclass, folder Glow resources.

Once you are logged into Glow from school or home there is a small icon called Glow Help at the bottom of every page. You may also navigate to My Glow Groups and then to the group called FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions). There you will find:-

Noticeboard- news of any relevant updates on the availability of help.

Discussion- for users to participate in discussions surrounding any problems in using Glow.

Documents-with the more important help files from the M drive accessible from home.

TheQuestions and Answers- linked directly to the page on the Dundee website which will attempt to answer specific difficulties encountered in the early stages of using Glow.

The FAQs can also be accessed from outwith Glow by following this link,

The Dundee Glow ICT SupportSection can be contacted by email at .

At the bottom of the FAQs Noticeboard page there is a link to a chat room which will normally be open at lunch time for live discussion of any immediate problems in using Glow. The Glow Meet section on the same page links to a video conference which will be opened occasionally for a demonstration of its uses but also to field any questions.