Making ChooseIt maker 2 activitesNew activity:
Open ChooseIt maker 2 either from the desktop or from the Start Menu
Type in the name of the activity, a little blurb about what it does and which group you want it to be saved in. Click OK
Number of choices : The Editor will ask you how many choices you would like to present to your learners and show you how the screen will look.
Adding pictures, text and sound:
You can then add a picture or writing to your choice boxes.
You need to click on the choice box you want to change and add sound, writing or a picture to it, doing all of these is the same as with SwitchIt maker 2. Once you have added pictures, sounds or text to the screen click OK
Choosing a reward box
You need to nominate one or more reward boxes. This means when students click onto this choice there will be lights and sounds and celebration!! This might be an activity where you want students to click on the animal, so you would nominate the animal box now so students get the correct reward when they choose it. ChooseIt! Maker 2 will then automatically reward the learner for answering correctly. If you wish, you can have more than one right answer.
You nominate the reward box(es) by clicking on the choice box and a green tick will appear over the top.
When you have chosen all of the reward boxes you need you click on the Done box on the right hand bottom corner.
Instruction box
This next page will ask if you want to add an instruction to the page. If you have students who respond well to text you can give them a written clue about what to do. Click on the yes and use your keyboard in the same way as with SwitchIt maker 2.
Reward sound:
You can even record your own reward sound - try a favourite piece of music, or a recording of the class cheering! You can load sounds from your computer or using a microphone the same way as with SwitchIt maker 2. Once you have finished click OK.
Well done!! ChooseIt maker will automatically save your changes and you can now play your activity, add another page or change this page.