Minutes of Dunshaughlin Area Meeting 9th November 2009

Ashbourne Civic Offices 9.00am

Councillor Joe Bonner presided

Members Present

Councillor Nick Killian

Councillor Niamh McGowan

Councillor Brian Fitzgerald

Councillor Regina Doherty

Councillor Maria Murphy

Councillor Noel Leonard

Officials in Attendance

Michael Killeen Area Manager

Brendan Fulham Area Administrator

Emmanuel Mwadiwa Executive Engineer (Dunshaughlin Area)

David Keyes SEE Infrastructure – Water & Sewerage

Fergal O’Bric A/Senior Executive Planner

Assumpta Kelly Administrative Officer – Community & Enterprise

Richard Donagh Assistant Engineer – Community & Enterprise

Margaret Carroll Staff Officer

1.0  Confirmation of Minutes

1.1  Confirmation of Minutes of Dunshaughlin Area Meeting held on 12th October 2009. On the proposal of Councillor Nick Killian and seconded by Councillor Maria Murphy the minutes were confirmed.

1.2  Confirmation of Minutes of Dunshaughlin Area Special Meeting held on 2nd November 2009. On the proposal of Councillor Noel Leonard and seconded by Councillor Maria Murphy the minutes were confirmed.

2.0  Expression of Congratulations and Sympathy

·  The members expressed congratulations to Senchelstown Football Club on winning the Meath S.F.C.

Councillor Leonard advised the meeting that the protocol committee of Meath County Council has agreed that votes of sympathy should only be passed in respect of bereavements related to Members or Staff members of Meath County Council.

3.0  Matters arising from the minutes.

Members sought clarification with regard to the issue of applicants for Planning Permission being requested to withdraw their applications prior to decision being made as a result of the recently introduced new guidelines from the EPA regarding Waste Water Treatment and disposal systems serving single houses. During the debate issues raised included, the possible need for a Special meeting of the full Council to discuss the matter further, other planning authorities not implementing new guidelines and that details of the current problems were not circulated to the Members at full Council meeting of 2nd November 2009.

Fergal O’Bric A/Senior Executive Planner advised that the new guidelines came into effect on 20th October 2009 and based on legal advise must be fully implemented by the Planning Authority from that date. The Planning Authority are obliged under Section 34(2) of the Planning & Development Act 2000 to take cognisance to its policies as adopted in the County Development Plan and to any guidelines issued in making a decision on a planning Application. He advised that applicants and or their agents were being contacted by Planning officials advising them of the new requirements prior to a decision being made on their planning applications. A public notice would issue in the local press and the Councils Website would be updated to notify the public of the introduction of the new guidelines.

4.0  Report from Protocol Committee

4.1.0 Planning Applications

Cllr Brian Fitzgerald:

Planning Ref: Name: Decision Date:

DA/900611 (For) Neil & Sandra McCarrick 11/11/2009

DA/901480 (For) Sarah McDonald 12/11/2009

DA/901141 (For) Vivian & Finbar Marsden 13/11/2009

DA/901536 (For) David & Celine Barker 22/11/2009

Da/901621 (For) Fiona O’Brien 03/12/2009

DA/901633 (For) Adele Buckly 13/12/2009

DA/901522 (For) Thomas Reid 11/11/2009

Cllr Nick Killian

Planning Ref: Name: Decision Date:

DA/900611 (For) Neil & Sandra McCarrick 11/11/2009

DA/901075 (For) Andrew Taffetsauffer 15/11/2009

DA/901520 (For) Carol Mooney 15/11/2009

DA/901105 (For) Barry Brady 24/11/2009

DA/901559 (For) Michelle Farrell 26/11/2009

DA/901562 (For) Brian Caffrey 26/11/2009

DA/901563 (For) Bernard Caffrey 26/11/2009

Cllr Niamh McGowan

Planning Ref: Name: Decision Date:

DA/901495 (For) Carol Mooney 16/11/2009

DA/901528 (For) Gary & Deirdre Crowley 18/11/2009

Cllr Noel Leonard

Planning Ref: Name: Decision Date:

DA/901075 (For) Andrew Taffetsauffer 15/11/2009

DA/901520 (for) Carol Mooney 16/11/2009

DA/901552 (For) Thomas Reid 19/11/2009

DA/901536 (For) David & Celine Barker 22/11/2009

DA/901559 (For) Michelle Farrell 26/11/2009

DA/901589 (For) Ultan Thornton & Aoife Barrett 29/11/2009

DA/901593 (For) William Cassidy 02/12/2009

DA/901633 (For) Adele Buckly 13/12/2009

Cllr Maria Murphy

Planning Ref: Name: Decision Date:

DA/901525 (Against) Pat Dunne 17/11/2009

DA/901633 (For) Adele Buckley 13/12/2009

5.0 Other Statutory Business

5.1.  To receive report on DRAFT Disability Implementation Plan, including reference to submissions received and synopsis of Audits carried out.

At the outset The Area Manager introduced Assumpta Kelly Administrative Officer and Richard Donagh Assistant Engineer to the meeting. He advised the meeting as to background and the requirement for each Local Authority to prepare a DRAFT Disability Implementation Plan

Richard Donagh presented the following report with the aid of a PowerPoint presentation. He circulated a copy of the Draft Disability Implementation Plan to all present at the meeting.

Objective of Plan

•  The objective of the Disability Implementation Plan is to ensure that people with disabilities can access the same level of services as all customers, where practical and appropriate. This means ensuring that Meath Local Authorities services, public buildings and facilities, libraries, leisure centres, towns, streetscapes and public spaces become more accessible to all.

Policy frameworks which MCC are obliged to adhere to:

•  Building Regulations 2000 – Part M,

•  Buildings for Everyone – National Disability Authority 2002

(principle of Universal Access – inclusive approach),

•  (EU) Barcelona Declaration – adopted by MCC in 2003,

•  Disability Act 2005 requires:

•  Part 3:

–  S.25 – access to public buildings,

–  S. 26 – access to services,

–  S. 27 – accessibility of services supplied to a public body,

–  S. 28 – access to information,

–  S. 29 – access to Heritage sites (OPW),

•  Part 5 – 3% employment target required,

•  Disability Act 2005 (Code of Practice) (Declaration) Order 2006,

•  DoEHLG Sectoral Plan (S.36 of the Act) requires Access Audits to be carried out.

Actions to date

•  Accessibility Audits – 5 electoral areas completed,

•  Draft Implementation Plan – Plan prepared covers the period from 2008 – 2015. Plan sets out a prioritised work programme based on the actions and recommendations of the Audits,

•  Disability Awareness Training given in 2007 to both administrative and technical staff at a senior level.

•  To date €1.5 million in funding has been secured by the Community & Enterprise Section from the DoEHLG.

Contents of Plan

•  Access to Quality Customer Services

•  Objective 1 Organisational Commitment,

•  Objective 2 Equality and Positive Action

•  Objective 3 Human Resource Management,

•  Objective 4 Procurement,

•  Objective 5 Customer Service,

•  Access to the Built Environment

•  Objective 6 Management of the Built Environment,

•  Objective 7 External Environment,

•  Objective 8 Vertical and Horizontal Circulation in Public Service Areas,

•  Objective 9 Facilities,

•  Objective 10 Interior Design, ,

•  Objective 11 Evacuation,

•  Access to services delivered via Information and Communication Technology

•  Objective 12 Communication Strategy ,

•  Objective 13 Public Computers, Kiosks and other Public Access Terminals,

•  Objective 14 Web Accessibility.

Preparation Process

•  Draft Implementation Plan preparation commenced in house – July 08,

•  All Departments/Areas within MCC consulted through Internal Implementation Team,

•  Draft document presented to Disability Advisory Committee (External Committee) – Nov. 08,

•  Social Community & Cultural SPC – Dec. 08.

Consultation Process

•  Draft presented to:

- Town Councils & Full Council January / February 2009 on approval of SPC,

- Social Inclusion Measures Group February 2009,

•  Public display and consultation

–  17th June to 10th July 2009.


•  4 submissions were received relating to the Plan from:

–  Impact Trade Union,


–  Irish Wheelchair Association,

–  Donaghmore Cemetery Committee,

•  All Submissions have been noted.


•  Application submitted to DoEHLG annually for partial funding of prioritised projects in mainstream LA work programmes under the National Disability Strategy Fund,

•  Funding of €89,567 (current expenditure) and €250,096 (capital expenditure) has recently been allocated to Meath Local Authorities for 2009,

•  In previous years funding has greatly assisted County Library services, Kennedy Road development, Kells Civic Offices, lift in Co. Hall, Balrath Wood, hearing loop at all public counters and various sports activities.

Monitoring & Review

•  Monitoring and review of this Implementation Plan will be undertaken on an ongoing basis,

•  Funding for works to be carried out following the Audit is resource dependent,

•  Implementation of the specific actions contained in the Plan will be the responsibility of the Directorate listed beside each action and overall monitoring will be provided by the Community and Enterprise Directorate of the Council,

•  Full support of all within Meath Local Authorities is necessary.

Accessibility Audit Reports Completed

Meath Council Offices

─  County Hall, Navan,

─  Ashbourne,

─  Trim Town & Area Office,

─  Kells Town & Area Office,

─  Navan Town & Area Office,

─  Duleek,

─  Dunshaughlin,

─  Innovation House, Navan,

─  Planning Offices, Abbey Mall,

─  Navan Enterprise Centre.

Meath County Libraries

─  Ashbourne,

─  Athboy,

─  Duleek,

─  Dunboyne,

─  Dunshaughlin,

─  Kells,

─  Navan,

─  Nobber,

─  Oldcastle,

─  Slane,

Dunshauglin Electoral Area

─  Dunshaughlin Public Footpaths,

─  Ashbourne Public Footpaths,

─  Dunboyne Public Footpaths,

─  Ratoath Public Footpaths,

─  Ashbourne Fire Station,

─  Dunshaughlin Fire Station,

─  Dunboyne Playground,

─  Ashbourne Playground,

─  Dunshaughlin Park,

─  Ashbourne Park,

─  Killegland Park,

─  Ashbourne Graveyard.

Kells Electoral Area

─  Kells Public Footpaths,

─  Oldcastle Public Footpaths,

─  Athboy Public Footpaths,

─  Oldcastle Playground,

─  Kells Playground,

─  Kells Fairgreen Park,

─  Athboy Fairgreen,

─  Athboy Heritage Garden,

─  Kells Fire Station,

─  Nobber Fire Station,

─  Oldcastle Fire Station,

─  Kells Heritage Centre,

─  Kells Swimming Pool,

Navan Electoral Area

–  Navan Public Footpaths,

–  Boreen Keel Playground,

–  Clogherboy Playground,

–  St Finians Graveyard,

–  Hill of Tara Car Park Area,

–  Solstice Arts Centre,

–  Navan Swimming Pool,

–  Ramparts Riverwalk,

–  Cllr. Andy Brennan Park,

–  Balrath Wood,

Slane Electoral Area

–  Duleek Public Footpaths,

–  Laytown Public Footpaths,

–  Bettystown Public Footpaths,

–  Slane Public Footpaths,

–  Slane Picnic Area,

–  Duleek Playground,

–  Bettystown Beach,

–  Slane Hill Parking Area,

–  Bettystown Public Toilets,

–  Laytown Public Toilets,

–  Duleek Courthouse (closed not audited) & Public Toilet.

Trim Electoral Area

‾  Trim Public Footpaths,

‾  Porche Fields,

‾  Trim Fire Station,

‾  Ballivor Public Footpaths,

‾  Enfield Public Footpaths,

‾  Castle Park,

‾  St Patrick’s Park,

‾  St Loman’s Park,

‾  Canal Bank Park,

‾  Norman Pratt Memorial Park,

‾  Griffin Park,

‾  Trim Playground (closed on the day – not audited),

‾  Trim Swimming Pool (closed on the day – not audited),


•  Adoption of the Plan by elected members is now necessary and continued support required,

•  Following adoption Plan will be published and placed on website- www.meath.ie

•  For further Information and Updates Contact,

Community & Enterprise Dept.


A general discussion ensued with all Members welcoming the Draft plan.

It was unanimously agreed to recommend the Draft Plan to the full Council for adoption.

5.2.0 Planning and Economic Development

5.2.1 To receive report on unauthorised developments on N2

The Area Administrator circulated a copy of report that was circulated at the full Council meeting of 2nd November 2009. He also circulated a further update which had been received from the Planning Department on Friday 6th November 2009.

A discussion ensued on the various sites with Members requesting that an up to date map be requested from the Planning Offices showing the various sites involved.

5.3.0 Infrastructure

5.3.1 To receive update on Water and Sewerage Capital Projects

David Keyes Senior Executive Engineer Infrastructure presented his report on Water and Sewerage Capital Projects currently in the course of construction in the Dunshaughlin Area.


Contractors: Civil: Ward and Burke Construction Ltd

M&E: TES Ltd

Commenced: February 2008

Contract Period: 100 weeks

Estimated commissioning: May / June 2010

Treatment Works Site

Civil works are nearly complete with minor finishing works outstanding in the main treatment plant site;

·  95% siteworks completed on site.

·  Install outfall valvesto alllines in the site.

·  Treatment Plant building 95% complete

·  Completeoutstandingsnagsto all works within the site.

Pipelines Works

·  Tie- ins to live mains ongoing at present.

·  Completeall snag works to the pipelines.

·  Complete outstanding worksfor landowners - landscaping and other wayleave requirements.

·  Remove all redundant tanks at existing works when the new System is in full operation

·  Makesystem livewhen Mechanical works completed next May /June 2010.

Borehole Sites

Completework at PW1 &PW7 in the next four weeks.

Mechanical and Electrical Works

TES Ltd main installationworks approx 85% complete at present and final commissioning by May /June 2010.


Contractors: Civil: Ward and Burke Construction Ltd

M&E: Response Engineering Ltd

Commenced: October 2007(Civil) and December 2007 (M&E)

Contract Period: 80 weeks (Civil ) and 52 weeks (M&E)

Estimated completion: Civil Contract :Mid December 2009

M&E Contract: December 2009



Substantial completion for Ward & Burke has been granted on 3rd September 2009 following a final inspection of the Ashbourne and Ratoath Stormwater storage tanks. Some works are remaining which shall be completed in the immediate future, these mainly comprise of : -


·  Snagging at Ratoath pumping station site

·  Switching of flows from old system to new

·  Demolition of existing pumping station

·  Completion of site works in vicinity of existing pumping station and pipeline route


·  Completion of site works


·  Completion of site works

·  Completion access road, new footpath and landscaping

Ratoath-Kilbride Road

·  Permanent reinstatement.


Response Engineering Ltd. has the following works to complete prior to completion of the project;


·  Snagging at Ratoath pumping station