Make A Bad Power Point


Design a 3 slide Power Point using one of the following topics:

1.  My Family – discuss any information about family members – ages, names, characteristics, etc

2.  My favorite ______is…

(hobby, team, TV show, band, etc)

Your Power Point should include the following:

3 Slides in total

-A Title Slide with your name on it

-2 slides containing information about you topic

Below is a list of rules, your Power Point should break at least 3 of them.

Guidelines for making a great Power Point (in this project, you will break them)

A.  Do not use sentences and paragraphs, instead use bulleted points

B.  Do not use more than 7 bulleted points on a page, or more than 7 words in a bulleted point ( the 7X7 Rule)

C.  Do not use too many sounds and animations in your power point. Sounds and animations should be appropriate to the topic.

D.  The font size should be easy to read.

E.  The font style should be easy to read.

F.  The font color and background should be easy to read.

After you create a bad Power Point, take one of your slides and make it good. In other words, take a bad slide and make it follow the rules above.

Answer the following in complete sentences.

1. Which guidelines did you break when you made the bad Power Point ?

2. Most people have a hard time using bulleted points instead of writing paragraphs and sentences on all of their slides. Why do you think this is true ?

3. Which rule do you think is hard to follow when making a Power Point ? Explain why you think this rule is hard to follow. (choose a rule other than the one in question 2).