Biology for Majors Lab Instructor: Dr. Cindy Shannon
Biology 4 Office: 60-2104
Winter 2015 Phone: (909)594-5611
Web: Email:
Required Lab Manual: Biology 4 Lab Manual, 12th edition, 2014, Author: Shannon
Day & Nite Publishing
Course Objective: An exploration of the core principles of biology required for advanced study, including concepts of cellular and molecular biology, bioenergetics, genetics, reproduction, evolution, biodiversity & ecology.
YOU MUST BE ENROLLED IN BOTH THE LECTURE & LAB. This is a 4 unit course. NO BEEPERS (PAGERS) OR CELLULAR PHONES ALLOWED--Points will be subtracted for violations of this rule!
ATTENDANCE: If you miss three labs, you will be dropped from the course. Poor attendance will reduce your grade! After January 28th, 2015, you cannot officially be dropped from the class. THE LAST DAY TO RECEIVE A "W" (WITHDRAWAL) IS January 28th!!! After that you must be given a grade in the course, which may entail counting all your remaining work as zeros (F's).
If you are late to class, it your responsibility to report it to the instructor at the end of class, or it will be counted as an absence. Three times late to class counts as one absence.
POLICY ON ACADEMIC INTEGRITY: Anyone cheating may receive a failing grade (F) for the assignment, for the course, or the student may be dropped. Additional disciplinary action may be taken--see section on cheating in Schedule of Classes and Biological Sciences Department Policy on Student Cheating. A copy of the department cheating policy will be distributed and signed by each student the first week of classes.
In lab you will be given a quiz over the previous lab's work each time we meet for lab, beginning with the second lab meeting. You may have questions on that day's lab also, in order to insure you read the lab before coming to class. (With the exception of the ecosystem lab--last lab, in which the quiz will be given the same day as the lab.)
Each lab quiz is worth 10 points, and I will count 13 scores. THERE WILL BE NO MAKE-UP QUIZZES! If you are absent or late and miss a quiz, you will receive a zero (with the exception of college excused emergencies).
Quizzes will consist of multiple choice, matching, true/false, fill-in, and short answer.
Supplies: You will need quiz strips, scantron #815 for quizzes and a number 2 pencil. YOU MUST TURN IN 15 (815) QUIZ STRIPS AND 1 (882) SCANTRON (for the final) TO YOUR INSTRUCTOR NO LATER THAN JANUARY 14, 2015. If you do not turn them in by this date, you may not take any more quizzes!
I count 13 lab quizzes, so 13 x 10 points each= 130 points.
Your lab worksheets will be graded accordingly:
3 points = excellent
2 points = satisfactory
1 point = needs improvement
0 points = unsatisfactory THREE ZEROS WILL LOWER YOUR GRADE ONE GRADE LEVEL. (You need not be absent to receive a zero!)
**Lab Participation will also be considered in these scores.
Summary of lab points possible:
13 quizzes (10 points each)...... 130 points
13 labs (3 points each)...... 39 points
Laboratory Final Exam...... 56 points
Clean-up……………………………………………………..5 points
Total possible 230 points
(Lab counts approximately 30% of your course grade.)
January 19 (Monday)...... Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Discussion Hour
The Bio 4 discussion hour in intended to give students a better understanding of the material. Instructions on writing the formal papers will be given at this time.
Paper #1 is worth 35 points, rough draft is worth 15 points
Ecology Assignment is worth 50 points
These scores will be added to your lecture and lab scores to determine your overall grade.
Poor attendance to the discussion hour will decrease your grade!
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
______January 5 6 7 8
Lecture Microscope Macromolecules Enzymes
Day Hypothesis
Lab 1 Lab 2 Lab 3 ______
12 13 14 15
Cytology Lecture Transport Lecture
Mitosis Day Lab 5 Day
Lab 4
Exam 1? ______
19 20 21 22
Holiday! Photosynthesis Resp/Metab DNA/Protein
Lab 6 Lab 7 Synthesis
Paper 1 Due Lab 8
26 27 28 29
Lecture Meiosis/ Embryology Lecture
Day Genetics Biolab Fly Day
Exam 2? Lab 9 Lab 10
February 2 3 4 5
Taxonomy Ecology
Lab 11 Lab 12 Lecture Evey
Paper 2 Data Day Canyon
Collected Lab 13
Exam 3?
______9 10 11 12
Evolution Sanctuary Lab Final Lecture
Population Lab 15 Lecture Final
Lab 14 Exam 4 Review Exam
Paper 2 Due
Course Student Learning Objectives:
view at