The world today is changing at a rapid rate. People are working together to promote economic development, eliminate threats to global security, protect the environment, and advance science and technology.
- Trade and Globalization
- Social Challenges
- Threats to World Security
- Environment and Technology
WHII.45 Explain the social and economic effects of the spread of AIDS in Asian and African countries. (H)
WHII.46 Explain how the computer revolution contributed to economic growth and advances in science, medicine, and communication. (H)
WHII.47 Explain the rise and funding of Islamic fundamentalism in the last half of the 20th century and identify the major events and forces in the Middle East over the last several decades. (H, E)
A. the weakness and fragility of the oil-rich Persian Gulf states, including Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and others
B. the Iranian Revolution of 1978-1979
C. defeat of the Soviet Union by the Mujahideen in Afghanistan
D. the origins of the Persian Gulf War and the post-war actions of Saddam Hussein
E. the financial support of radical and terrorist organizations by the Saudis
F. the increase in terrorist attacks against Israel and the United States
WHII.48 Describe America’s response to and the wider consequences of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack on the WorldTradeCenter in New York City and the Pentagon in Washington,
D. C. (H)
Pacing Guide: April 6th – April 15th (7 days)
Key Questions:
How does economic interdependence affect countries around the world?
What are some patterns and effects of global trade?
How does Globalization lead to Cultural Exchange?
How are individuals, groups, and nations working to protect human rights?
How are human rights threatened and protected?
What global challenges do people around the world face?
What are the causes and effects of population movements? / Skills and Outcomes: When students have finished studying this topic, they will know and be able to:
Make Connections to Today:
- Create a list of important events in the U.S. and the world that have happened during their lifetimes.
- Students will consider thinking beyond wars and conflicts and note some positive changes
- Pair/share lists
- Create a class list of important events
- Create a GO based on class information using such broad topics as medicine, science, technology, global conflicts, etc
- Students will identify what they believe were the most important events
- Write a reflection on why they believe the events were important and possible consequences of the events
Analyze Starting Points Map: World per Capita Map (592)
- Analyze:
- Which parts of the world have the lowest and highest per capita GDPs
- What might explain this regional difference?
- Predict:
- How do you think the continued growth of the global trade might affect this map?
- What do you think the map might look like in 2020?
- Summarize: In a paragraph summarize what information you learned from analysis of this map
Complete three-column term GO for section one terms
Read and Take Noteson Economic Interdependence using the Two-column note format
Read and Take Noteson Global Trade using a three-column GO (column represent: International Trade Organizations, Regional trade, Effects of trade)
- Write a reflection on how global trade affect the world
- Summarize the main idea of the two excerpts
- Point of View: How do these opinions on globalization vary?
- Language: How do the authors use emotional and factual language in support of their point of view
PreviewSection Two: Social Challenges using the PIC method
Read the Inside Story: Running for Freedom on page 598
- Identify the cause of ethnic violence in Burundi
- Explain the couragedisplayed by the acts of Gilbert Tuhabonye
Read and Take Notes on Human Rights using the two-column note format
Read and Take Notes on Global Challenges using a Web GO
- Rankthe types of world challenges based on the importance of their impact on the world
- Write a persuasiveparagraph to defend your top choice
- Identify: Areas of the world where the age expectancy is the lowest, highest?
- Evaluate: Why do you think this may be so?
- Rank the reasons for migration
- Identify which you feel is most common today?
- Expository Writing: Predict how your life would be different if the September 11th Attacks had never occurred?
- Use textual evidence to support your position
- Use persuasive writing in your writing
- Organize students into small groups
- Each group is to develop a list of their favorite foods, communication and music items, sports, and entertainment
- Research the origins of their favorite items using the text and/or outside sources
- Present their findings to the class and explain how these items came to be part of American culture
- Reflective Writing: Each student is to write a reflection about how their daily lives are impacted by globalization
- Studentsresearch a natural disaster that has occurred in the last 20 years ( flooding, earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricane, epidemics)
- Explain the ways in which the national and international community’s responded to the disaster
- Evaluate whether the aid was sufficient to solve the problem it faced
- Write a letter from a person who has migrated to the United States to a friend back home.
- Tell your friend what you like and do not like about you new home
Key Questions:
What are some of the threats to the security of the world today?
What challenges do nations face in trying to stop terrorism?
Why do terrorists choose to become terrorists?
What is the difference between a “freedom fighter” and a terrorist?
How does our treatment of the environment affect everyone around the world?
Why do countries around the world put significant time and money into trying to improve technology to make it environmentally friendly?
What are the moral dilemmas that come from greater scientific and technological discoveries? / Skills and Outcomes: When students have finished studying this topic, they will know and be able to:
PreviewSection Three: Threats to World Securityusing the PIC method
Complete three-column term GO for section three terms
Read the Inside Story: Preparing for an Attack on page 602
- Identify the reason for the “smallpox” outbreak
- Analyze the effectiveness of the drill
Analyze the World Terrorism Incidents Map on page 603
- Identify: Areas of the world where number of deaths caused by terrorism is the lowest, highest?
- Identify: Areas of the world where number of terrorist attacks is the lowest, highest?
- Evaluate: Why do you think there are differences between these set of statistics?
- Identify: How each type of weapon kills, and instances where each has been used
- Analyze: Which of these types of weapons would be the most effectively disbursed by terrorists in Malden? Why?
Read and Analyze the Primary Source:Ethnic Conflict in Darfur using the APPARTS method
- Describe:What is the speaker describing?
- Analyze:According to thespeaker, how did his fellow villagers die?
Complete three-column term GO for section four terms
Read the Inside Story: Thinking Globally, Acting Locally on page 607
- Identify the Green Belt Movement
- Analyze: Why did Wangari Maathai begin the Green Tree Movement? Do you think it has been a success?
Read and Take Notes on Science and Technology using a three column note making format, with a column for each of the three categories: Space Exploration, The Information Age, Medicine and Genetic Engineering
- Identify the major advances in each category in the 20th and 21st century
- Summarize how each of these categories has led to a more connected 21st century world
- Evaluate if the potential rewards of continuing advances in Science and Technology are worth the potential risks.
- Summarize What is the role of the World Wide Web and the Internet in today’s world?
- Analyze How would the world be different today without the Internet?
Critical Thinking and Writing:Have students find current articles on terrorism and responsesto terrorist attacks and organizations.
- Have each student select two articles. Inpairs, have students review the articlesto ensure that they understand the articlecompletely.
- Have students write a short essay answeringthe following questions about each of theirarticles:
3.Where did it happen?
4.When did ithappen?
5.Why is it important to know about thisevent?
Encourage students to use dictionariesas needed, and to write clearly, focusing on themain ideas.
Persuasive Writing: Student will write a petition to the United Nations in an attempt to gain immediate international assistance to help enforce peace in either Darfur or Rwanda
Persuasive tactics employed should include:
- The number of people killed
- The reason for the conflict
- Why immediate assistance/intervention on the part of the UN is necessary
- Describe at least two benefits and drawbacks.
- Analyzeif you believe the benefits outweigh the drawbacks
- Support you answer with evidence from your reading