Maintenance of Step Based Pathways

Procura® Health Management Systems

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Software version / Procura 8.0
Documentation version / 8.0
Last Update Date / 2014-07-31

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Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Access Rights for Pathways 1

Pathway System Reference 2

Pathways Module 6

The Pathways Form 6

To View CoSteps and/or Pathways 8

Pathways Variance Codes 9

The Pathway Variance Codes Form 9

To Add a Variance Code Table 11

To Add a Variance Code to a Variance Code Table 12

To Attach a Sub-Code to a Variance Code 14

Pathway Window 16

The Pathway Window 16

To Add a Step Based Pathway 18

To Add/Link an Overview to a Step-Based Pathway 20

To Add/Link Steps and/or Visit Notes to a Step-Based Pathway 23

To Add a CoStep 28

To Define a CoStep 30

Workflow Event Actions 35

Pathway Action Alerts 35

To Assign an Action that Adds a Pathway 36

Appendices 37

OBR/OBP Pathways Count of Days Feature 37

Populating the Plan of Care (POC) 45


Appendix: Access Rights

Access Rights for Pathways

The following access rights are available for Pathways:

Pathway Categories / Provides access to the Pathway Categories Module.
Pathway Module / Provides access to the Pathway Module. This means that users with this access right will have access to the Pathways folder in Procura. They can view Pathways that have been created, but can only add Pathways if they have the “Write access to Pathways” access right.
Pathway Variance Codes / Provides access to the Pathway Variance Codes Module.
Client Pathway Report / Provides access to the Client Pathway Report.
Client Tab - Pathways / Provides access to the Pathways folder in the client record.
Unlock Pathway Visit / Controls whether a user has the ability to unlock locked pathway steps and/or visits. The Unlock button will only be displayed if the access right is granted to the user. When the step or visit is unlocked by the user, the Lock Hours counter is refreshed and begins again from 0 hours. The lock hours are set at the Pathway level.
Write Access to Pathways / If the user is granted this access right they can add Pathways. If they do not have this access right, they will not have the ability to create or add pathways.
Write Access to Pathway Customization / Displays the Customize Pathway button on the ribbon. Note that the label for this button can be configured to display any text.
Write Access to Pathways (for another user) / If the user is granted this access right they can edit pathway entries that have been created by other users. If they do not have this access right, they can only edit pathway entries that they create themselves. This means that they can open another user's pathway entry to view it, but it will be read-only and they will not be able to delete it.
Write Access to Completed Pathways / If the user is granted this access right they can edit completed pathways. If they do not have this access right, they can only open completed pathway entries to view them. In other words, if they do not have this access right, when they open a complete Pathway it will be read-only.
Save Incomplete Pathways / If the user is granted this access right, the Save & Close button will be available on the pathway forms and the user can save incomplete pathways. Otherwise the Complete & Close button will be available and the pathway step or visit will be completed when the user exits the form.


Appendix: System Reference

Pathway System Reference

The ability to configure Procura pathway's settings is available by incorporating a system reference with the label Pathway Settings. The settings for this reference are illustrated in the following example:

Label / Value / Details
Pathway Label / The Pathway label is displayed throughout Procura. To replace the current value of "Pathway,"add this setting and enter the value that is requested by the customer, (e.g., Care Pathway).
CoStep Label / The CoStep label is displayed throughout the Pathways module. To replace the current value of "CoStep," add this setting and enter the value that is requested by the customer, (e.g., Clinical Program).
Care Focus Group Label / The Care Focus Group label is displayed in the Pathways module. To replace the current value of "Care Focus Group," add this setting and enter the value that is requested by the customer. (e.g., Discipline).
Customize Pathway Label / The Customize Pathway label is a button that is displayed in the Pathway module. To replace the current value of "Customize Pathway," add this setting and enter the value that is requested by the customer, (e.g., Add to Care Plan).
Hide Start Pathway Filters / YES / Hides the filters that are available in the Start/Add Pathways screen.
Hide Item Letter and Number / YES / Hides all numbers and letters that display as a prefix in front of pathway and CoStep items. This applies to the Client Pathway Visit, Customize Pathway, Pathway Dashboard and Pathway Profile Report forms.
Maximum Outcomes Not Met (Repeat Step) / Configures the number of outcomes that were not met for which it is recommended that a step be repeated. For example, if the value is 2 and there are two outcomes that have not been met, when the user completes a step, the action on the Complete Step/Visit Note form will default to Repeat Step.
Notes - Integrated Note Types / Note Type 1| Note Type 2 / Allows smartphone users to communicate client updates, concerns, etc., to other members of the team via dated notes. Only dated notes that match this type will be displayed. Therefore, if you only want to display notes of type 1, the value must reflect the name of note type 1; if you only want to display notes of type 2, the value must reflect the name of note type 2. If you want to display notes of both types, the value must reflect the name of both types, separated with a | symbol. For example, if you want to display the dated notes of a type, called UCP Notes, as well as the dated notes of a type, called In Home Notes, the value for this setting would be UCP Notes|In Home Notes. You can add as many notes types as you want. Keep in mind that the user must have access to the note type(s) you want to display and the note dates must exist within the range of pathway dates, (i.e., start pathway/discontinue pathway).

Initial Assessment Reference / Prior to creating a pathway, you can create an initial assessment from which the questions are copied automatically into the first visit of the pathway. This system reference setting enables you to configure that assessment.This is accomplished by entering, into this system reference setting, the same value that exists in the Reference Number textbox in the Assessment window. Note that this requirement supports CHOBIC and other types of questions.

Show OBP Days / YES / Displays on the Pathway forms the number of days that have passed from the date on which the pathway or order/episode started. Once the step or visit note is completed, it displays the total number of days that elapsed. See also OBR/OBP Pathways.
Automatic Visit Selection / YES / Used to auto select the episode on the Pathway visit form, if services are pre-scheduled.
Automatic Time Selection / YES / Used to auto select the visit times on the Pathway visit form, if services are pre-scheduled.


Pathway Window

Pathways Module

The Pathways Form

As part of the Document Design Studio, the Pathways form enables you to add pathways or costeps for the care of your client. There are two types of pathways: Care Plan Based and Step Based. The elements in a care plan based pathway consist only of visit notes.The elements in a step based pathway can consist of an overview, steps and/or visits notes. Goals can only be created for an overview. A costep can only have one step.

For each step based pathway, you use the Pathways form to define the overview, steps and/or visit notes that need to be taken by the care giver in order to move through the pathway or costep. To each of these overviews, steps and/or visit notes, you can define items, such as Problems, Goals, Outcomes and Interventions. You can attach an assessment to any overview, step and/or visit note. The Problems, Goals, Outcomes and Interventions are coded in the tables to differentiate between those items that Are Required and those that Will Not Display in the pathway.

Defining a pathway or costep is a three-step process. First, you add the pathway or costep to the Pathways table. Then, you add the overview, steps and/or visit notes to that pathway or costep. Finally, you add Problems, Goals, Outcomes and Interventions to the overview, step or visit note.

Department (the department you want to work with in the table below)
Type (the type of information you want to work with, e.g., pathway or costep)
Show Disabled Pathways (includes disabled pathways in the table)
Validate (enables you to assign multiple pathways to a department simultaneously)

(enable you to prioritize the pathway/costep you select by repositioning it in the table)
Depts (enables you to add or remove multiple departments to/from the selected pathways/costeps)
Print (enables you to print the list of pathways/costeps)
Edit (enables you to edit the pathway/costep you select)
Add (enables you to add a pathway/costep)
Table of pathway items (note that the overview and steps are only available in step based pathways)
(enable you to prioritize the step or visit note you select by repositioning it in the table)
Preview (displays a preview of the overview, step sequence, or visit notes you select)
Print (enables you to print the list of overviews, step sequences, and visit notes)
Assessment (opens the corresponding assessment)
Edit (enables you to edit the overview, step sequence, or visit notes you select)
Add (enables you to add an overview, a step sequence or visit notes to the selected pathway) (the arrow opens a menu from which you can choose to add a new element or link to an existing element)

Pathways | The_Pathways_Form.htm