Winter Vacation Assignment
Subject: Informatics Practices
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- Attempt all the questions.
- Java Language and MySQL are used
Q1 / (a) / Which of the following is not hardware :
(i) Hard disk (ii) Printer (iii) Keyboard (iv) CPU (v) Assembler (vi) A Java Program / 1
(b) / Define the terms : (i) nibble (ii) gigabyte / 1
(c) / What are the major strengths and weaknesses of computer ? / 2
(d) / What are the software classifications? Discuss their functioning in brief. / 2
(e) / What is a port? Name some port types briefly. / 2
(f) / Write the full forms of the following terms : (i) VDU (ii) MICR (iii) OMR (iv) DVD / 2
Q2. Define the following: 10
- Loops
- Conditional Statement
- Classes and functions
- Actual and formal parameters
Q3. Answer the following.
(a) What is Write Once Run Anywhere characteristic of Java? 1
(b) Differentiate between a Text Field and Text Area 1
(c)What is the difference between if and switch statements? 2
(d)Name the data types supported by Java? 2
(e)What are the operators supported by Java ? 2
(f)Write a program to check wither the given number is even or odd using conditional operator 2
Q4. Write code for the following:
- To obtain a single digit(0-9) and display it in words 3
b. Virus software Hut has developed the following Interface as shown below.
If Bill amount is > 10,000 than discount is as follow
Payment Mode / DiscountCost / 15 %
Credit Card / N/L
Cheque / 10 %
- Write the code to make the Text Fields for Discount & Net Amount in editable. 2
- Write code to “Calculate Discount“ button as per given criteria and discount and net amount should be displayed in Text Field. 4
- Write code for “Stop“ button to close the interface. 1
Q5. Define Function. Explain the following function with suitable example. 10
Q6. Write the queries for the following: 10
- Modify the last name of employee3, to punia
- Remove the entire contents of the table
- Change the data type of column pin code to varchar(10) in the table customer
- Add a primary key constraint to the table employee2 using the empid column.
- List all department numbers in table empl.
- How many job types are offered to employees?
- To display the name, job title and salary of employee who do not have manager.
- To display name, age and marks (aggregate) of students whose age is greater than or equal to 16 from table student.
- To list the employees’ details whose grade are other than G1.
- To display the structure of table student.
Q7. a. Create a table employee as per following Table Instance Chart: 3
Column Name / Empid / empname / Empaddress / empphone / empsal / deptidKey Type / Primary
Nulls/Unique / Not null
DataType / number / varchar / varchar / Varchar / number / varchar
Length / 6 / 20 / 30 / 10 / 9,2 / 2
b. Write the disadvantages of using database system. 3
c. Define the following: 4
(i) Primary key
(ii) Candidate key
(iii) Cardinality
(iv) Alternate key
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Q1. Multiple choice questions (5)
A. The Swing Control components are contained in the
a)Design Window
b)Inspector Window
c)Properties Window
d)Palette Window
B. Pick the one that is used for logical operations or comparisons such as less than equal to or greater than.
a)Arithmetic and Logic unit
b)Control Unit
c)Both of above
d)None of the above
C. A bit stands for
a)Boolean Digit
b)Binary Digit
c)Binary Decimal
d)Byte Digit
D.The most suitable component to accept multiline text is:
a)Text Field
b)Password Field
c)Text Area
d)All of the above
E. What will be the output of the following command?
“ Learning”.concat(“Java”)
a) Learning Java
c) JavaLearning
d) Java Learning
e) Will result in an error
Q2.Define: (3)
Q3. Differentiate between (any 5) (10)
a)Radio Button & Check boxes
b)Text Field & Text Area
c)Combo Box & List Box
d)Design & Source tab
e)Container & Component
f)Text field & password field
Q4. What are operators? Write its type. (2)
Q5. Is Java case sensitive? What is meant by case sensitive? (1)
Q6.Desing GUI application in Java to: (9)
a)accept marks in 5 subjects in five different text fields and calculate the total & average marks. Display the results in separate text fields. Add appropriate labels and an exit button to end the application.
b)design a GUI application in Java to accept weight in Kilograms in a text field and convert it into grams and milligrams on the click of two separate buttons. Display the result in a second text field. The application must have an exit button to end the application and appropriate labels.
c)to accept the name and favourite sport in text fields and display an appropriate message including the name & favourite sport in a dialog box using the concat() method. The application must have an exit button to end the application .
Q7. Write the code for: (2)
Q8. Differentiate between: (5)
a)Compiler & Interpreter
d)Input unit and output unit
e)Multiprogramming OS and Multiprocessing OS
Q9. Which of the following are input, output & storage device? (4)
MICR , Scanner, Hard disc, OCR, DVD , OMR , Speaker , Web camera , Joy stick , memory card , Bar code Reader , Micro Phone , Touch Screen , Graphic Tablets, optical disks
Q10. Write full form of:(2)
Q11.What should be done so that only one of the various radio buttons can be selected at a time? (1)
Q12. What does a bus mean? Explain its types. (2)
Q13.What are the two categories of impact printers? What is the advantage of non-impact printers over impact printers? (2)
Q14.How is JAVA compilation process different from Ordinary Compilation? (2)
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- All questions are compulsory.
- Question paper divided in to 3 section A,B and C.
Section A (Each question carry 1 mark)
Q. 1- How many types of language processor are available?
Q. 2- Write any two weakness of a computer system?
Q. 3- What do you mean by Firmware?
Q. 4- Which device is used for billing purpose in shopping moll?
Q. 5- In CRT, LCD and LED which are best and why?
Q. 6- Describe all memory unit in ascending order?
Q. 7 – Write any two port no and their use of network port?
Q. 8 – Write the name of any two popular DBMS software?
Q. 9- Mohan typing a letter while listening a song, Which type of OS is suitable for it?
Q.10- What is firewall? Write the advantage of it?
Section B (Each question carry 2 mark)
Q.11- Write the active prevention from computer virus?
Q.12- Describe the term Adware and Phishing?
Q.13- Write differences between Analog and Digital computer?
Q.14- Write the differences between OMR and MICR?
Q.15- Which are best in between Dot matrix and Laser? And why?
Q.16- Explain Utility software with example?
Q.17- What do you mean by Bytecode of java?
Q.18- Write the output of following expression: If age=25 and age =65
Age > 65 ?350 : 100
Q.19- Write the equivalent java code from given expression:
Z=1/2at + ft2
Q.20- What do you mean by relational operator in java?
Q.21- How many types of Integer in java?
Q.22- what do you mean by shared database?
Section C (Each question carry 3 mark)
Q.23- Resolve the error and rewrite the given code:
If ( 3 > 4 OR 5 > 4 )write o/p of given code
{ n=1 }
Q.24- WAP using while loop to print 1 to 10 natural numbers?
Q.25- WAP using For loop to print 1 to 11 odd numbers?
Q.26- WAP using IF…Else to find a big number out of two numbers?
Q.27- WAP using switch statement to display the name of week days?
Q.28- Describe constant and variable with example?
Q.29- What is data model? Describe E-R model?
Q.30- Write the difference between for and while loop?
Q.31- Write the application of DBMS?
Q.32- Write short note on following:
1) Application s/w2) Database
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Q.1. 1. What is an Operating System? Give one name. (1
2. What are two differences between a compiler and an interpreter.(2 3. Name two Input devices. (1
4. Name 2 ports that allow wireless connection of devices. (1
5. Identify the type of the devices(Input or Output) - OMR, WEBCAMERA (1
6. What is Cloud Storage? Give one example. (1
7. Write any 2 differences between Primary Memory and Secondary Memory (2
8. Define System Software. Give two examples. (1
Q.2. 1. Can a java file contain more than one main() method? (1
- Write Short Notes on (2
1. JVM. 2. Netbeans.
3. What is the purpose of a button group in java? (1
4. What is void data type? (1
5. What type of values are returned when operands are checked with conditional
operators? (1
6. What is a Frame? Write a sample code to create Frame with one text field. (1
7. What is a difference between Text Field and Text Area? (1
8. Differentiate between Formal and Actual Parameters? (2
Q.3. 1. Write a program to check whether a give year is leap year or not(3
2. Write the program to create a simple calculator with +,-,* operations. (5
3. Consider the following while-loop and tell how many times the loop will execute? (1
int a=40,result=0;
for (inti=1;i<5;++i)
4. Find output of the following :-(3
(i) If a,b,c are integers and d is a floating literal
d=(++b/c)/(++a/3); (a=2, b=5 and c=5)
(ii) for(inti=0;x<=10; x+=2)
5. Find errors and write the correct code after underlining the errors:- (3
(i) System.out.ptinln(“Today is:” new Date())
(ii) for (i=2;i<16;i++)
Q.4. 1. Create a table CUSTOMERS based on the following chart:- (3 Table Name: CUSTOMERS
Field Name / Type / ConstraintCUST_ID / int(10) / PRIMARY KEY
CUST_NAME / Varchar(35)
PAN_NO / Varchar(10) / NOT NULL
TRXN_AMT / Double(6,2)
(a) Create a query to add the following data in the above table:- (2
CNR_101, Manisha Pradhan, AFFPCY478Q ,2nd June 2001, 12875.25
- What is RDBMS? (1
- What is the use of NOT NULL Constraint? (1
- Write any 2 types of SQL commands. (1
- Differentiate between CHAR and VARCHAR data types. (1
- What is Cardinality? (1
Q.5. 1. Write output of the following(SQL functions)- (4
- Select SQRT(36);
- Select MOD(35,3);
- Select POWER(2,8)
- Select Trim(“ CWG 2010“);
- Select Length(“IIIF/101 DDA FLAT”);
- Select SUBSTR(“ICE CREAM”,5,3);
- Select (2*5+6/2)
- Name type of SQL command for the following:- (2
- To delete the data in a table.
- To add a column to a table.
- Name the keyword used to avoid duplicate rows in a query.(1
- What is an Aggregate Function? Give one example. (1
- Differentiate between Max and Min functions. (1
- Define UPDATE command with example. (1
Q.6. Write SQL commands for the statements (a) to (i) and give outputs of the SQL Queries (i)on the basis of CUSTOMER_DETAILS (1*10=10
CUST_ID / CUT_NAME / ACCT_TYPE / ACCULT_AMT / DOJ / GENDERCNR_101 / Manoj / Saving / 1025000 / 1999-02-19 / M
CNR_102 / Rahul / Current / 1326000 / 1998-01-11 / M
CNR_103 / John / Saving / 1425000 / 1999-02-04 / M
CNR_104 / Steve / Salary Saving / 1825000 / 1998-02-21 / M
CNR_105 / Manpreet / Current / 1125000 / 1998-05-12 / F
CNR_106 / Catherine / Saving / 1026000 / 1999-01-13 / F
CNR_107 / Ramesh / Saving / 2025000 / 1998-04-22 / M
- To select all the customer of Saving and Current account type.
- To list the names of customer with their date of joining in descending order.
- To list the customers who have opened accounts after 1998 May 31.
- To display female customers with accumulated amount greater than 1025000..
- To list the customers having 15 letters name.
- To list all the account types.
- To update the ACCULT_AMT to Rs. 1925000 where CUST_ID is CNR_105.
- To show the customer who opened accounts in 1999.
- To list the customers who have Salary Saving accounts.
Q.7. 1. What is E-Commerce? Write two advantages of E-Commerce. (2
2. Define E-Governance. (1
3. What are two advantages of e-Learning ? Name one e-Leaning Company. (2
Extra Practical work:
- 20 GUI applications with code and design.
- 20 SQL Queries with atleast four.