Main Stories 1August 2008
- Zannier says there will be negotiations (Koha Ditore)
- Zannier: UNMIK can stay longer (Zëri, Epoka e Re, Express)
- Zannier and Bogdanovic to continue in September (Express)
- Kosovars with new passports enter FYR Macedonia (dailies)
- Kuçi: Defence minister to be appointed this week (dailies)
- Shtrpce’s illegal actions not stopped by anyone (KohaDitore)
- For Serbia, Kosovo is an obstacle to integration into EU (Express)
Kosovo Media Highlights
Zannier says there will be negotiations (Koha Ditore)
In an interview for the paper, UNMIK head Lamberto Zannier announced aproposal which would create a Serb ethnic police within the Kosovo Police, but give the Serb police special autonomy in its chain of command.
According to Zannier, Customs in the north would resemble the Hong-Kong model,in which one territory has two customs areas. The same arrangement is also planned for the judiciary.
Zannier said that he enjoys the support of the Contact Group on these issues. Regarding the discussions with Belgrade, Zannier qualified them as “very difficult, delicate and complex negotiations.”
“For as long as resolution 1244 remains in force, the UN mission will remain the key player in Kosovo,” Zannier said.
Zannier: UNMMIK can stay longer (Zëri, Epoka e Re, Express)
The papers carry an interview UNMIK Chief Lamberto Zannier gave to the BBC. Zannier told the BBC that the United Nations mission in Kosovo could continue to stay in Kosovo for longer than foreseen initially with EULEX fully deployed.
Asked his position on whether he could impose his decisions on the Kosovo institutions having in mind that independence has been declared, Zannier said that his executive competencies are there and he sees space to use those competencies mainly in the rule of law area, adding that he implements his competencies in consultation withPristina or involved parties.
In regards to the dialogue between Pristina and Belgrade,Zannier acknowledged that there were two years of negotiations without any results. But he added that those negotiations were held in a different atmosphere, because at the timeresolution 1244 was fully implemented with UNMIK having a completely different role. Since Kosovo declared independence, there are newfacts on the ground. Some of these facts have created tensions, triggered reactions and have to be dealt with, he said, because in some areas there is a vacuum in the rule of law – in the North of Kosovo.Something needs to be done as soon as possible, said Zannier,so that the situation does not escalate. He said the dialogue is not meant to achieve an agreement on some principles, but in fact is meant to solve the problems on the ground.
Zannier and Bogdanovic to continue in September (Express)
UNMIK chief Lamberto Zannierand Serbian Minister for Kosovo Goran Bogdanovic are reported to have agreed that their next meeting will be held in September. However, UNMIK Spokesperson Alexander Ivanko told the paper that the dialogue between UNMIK and Belgrade will also continue during August on a technical level. He said the Kosovo Government will be briefed on everything related to these talks.
The paper also carries a statement by Deputy Prime Minister of Kosovo Hajredin Kuçi, who said that UNMIK should not lead talks with Serbia regarding the political and legal position of Kosovo or its internal organization.
Kosovars with new passports enter FYR Macedonia (dailies)
Papers report that citizens equipped with new Kosovo passports were allowed to enter Macedonia yesterday after the Interior Ministry there sent a memo to border crossing saying that Kosovo passports should be accepted.
Kuçi: Defence minister to be appointed this week (dailies)
Deputy Prime Minister Hajredin Kuçi is quoted as saying that the name of the new defence minister will be revealed during the week. He said that because security in Kosovo is not only a responsibility of Kosovars, the appointment of the Kosovo Security Force minister will be made in coordination with international institutions.
Shtrpce’s illegal actions not stopped by anyone (KohaDitore)
The paper reports that the Shtrpce Municipal Assembly, which was created based on the results of Serbian elections, has reached a decision to stop all illegal construction in the nearby Brezovica ski resort. According to the paper, a truckload of construction material heading for Brezovica was stopped and the materials could not be used for the work because of a decision by the municipality.
Deputy Prime Minister Hajredin Kuçi said the Kosovo Government is not aware of the case, but that it had spoken to SRSG Lamberto Zannier and that the situation in Shtrpce should return to normal. UNMIK Spokesperson Alexander Ivanko did not want to speak about the political aspects of the case and said the question should be addressed to the police.
For Serbia, Kosovo is an obstacle to integration into the EU (Express)
The head of foreign politics at the London-based think tank Centre for EU Reforms, Tomas Valasek, has stated that the main obstacle for Serbia on its road to European integration will be Kosovo, despite the fact that the arrest of Radovan Karadzic has considerably improved Serbia’s image.
Valasek assessed that the effort to fulfil the obligations to the Hague Tribunal was the first condition for Serbia’s progress on its road to EU integration, but Kosovo will be a problem for Belgrade.
“Kosovo will continue to ruin the relations between Brussels and Belgrade,” Valasek is quoted as saying. And the main reason for this is that the current Serbian Government is heavily opposing Kosovo’s independence.”
Kosovo Press Headlines
Koha Ditore
Front page
- Zannier: Negotiations yes, and in fact difficult
- Fehmi Mujota favoured for KSF minister
- Serb NGO from Gracanica comes to the aid of the government
- Sejdiu and Thaçi have ‘misunderstood’ signals for recognitions
- Karadzic appears for the first time before the Tribunal in The Hague
Other headlines
- No one stops illegal decisions of Shtrpce municipality (3)
- Limaj, Krasniqi and Thaçi scored lower results (6)
- First Kosovars with new Kosovo passports enter Macedonia (6)
- Sabit Geci’s sons suspected of aiding Fazli Sejdiu (7)
Front page
- Belgradedoes not stop finding support against the state of Kosovo
- Macedonia recognises passports of Republic of Kosovo
- Editorial: Can a step-by-step strategy work in avoiding big clashes?
- Zannier: UNMIK may stay longer
- Kuçi: Defence minister to be appointed this week
- Government does not give timeframe over Huruglica’s suspension
- Radovan Karadzic appears before the court in The Hague
- Shala: Punishment of state politics
Other headlines
- Gov’t approves plan for European partnership and strategy against trafficking (2)
- Aims of dialogue with Belgrade still unclear (3)
- Hungary pledges to support agriculture in Kosovo (4)
- Armenia should recognise independence of Kosovo (4)
- Officials from Leposavic municipality confidentially receive pay from Kosovo budget (6)
Kosova Sot
Front page
- Budget makers to review salaries
- Prizren – top victim of Ahtisaari’s package
- Editorial: Assembly passes the test
Other headlines
- Mujota: Me, minister of defence…I am waiting (2)
- American Democrats invite Albanians and Serbs in August convention (3)
- Macedonia recognises passports of Kosovo state (4)
- Valasek: Kosovo, obstacle for Serbia’s path to EU (4)
- Eight former soldiers accused of killing 23 Albanians (4)
- Hungary ready for economic investment in Kosovo (4)
- Netherlandspledges € 1 million for Kosovo businesses (7)
Epoka e Re
Front page
- Police, only one command
- Karadzic in the courtroom accuses USA
- Minister…in Thaçi’s hands / Mujota has more chances
- Thaçi to ministers: Careful how much you spend
- Zannier: UNMIK to leaver when EULEX deploys in all of Kosovo
Other headlines
- Official Skopje accepts Kosovo passports (2)
- Bogdanovic’s assistant spoke to U.S. embassy official (2)
- Valasek: Kosovo, main obstacle for Serbia towards EU (2)
- Hungary supports Kosovo (7)
- Commission… for Huruglica (8)
- Netherlands assists Republic of Kosovo (8)
Front page
- Bob is not concerned
- There where he belonged
- Delays and dilemmas
- UNMIK – Belgrade talks continue in September
- Now also the license plates – RKS
Other headlines
- Editorial : For the society (2)
- India supports Serbia
- Kosovo an obstacle for Serbia on its way to EU (2)
- Hungary confirms its support for Kosovo (4)
- UNMIK could stay longer (5)
- The Assembly opened (5)
- Praises and critics (6)
- The first passport in Gjilan (7)
- In 2013, free from mines (6)
- The scope of investigations broadened (7)
- Crazy old people (7)
- Illegal Serb arrested (8)
Front page
- Skopje recognizes Kosovo passports
- Imecz: Hungary will help Kosovo
- The anti-virus for salaries discovered
- Next time with Pristina’s permission
- Priority – KPC
- The board on holiday – KEK without a director
Other headlines
- Kosovo the main obstacle for Serbia (2)
- The name of the Defence minister within this week (3)
- Crvenkovski threatens with law blockades (4)
- RTP strikers do not go back (5)
- Thaçi promises transparency for the budget (7)
Bota Sot
Front page
- One of the suspects, Sabit Geci’s sons, sentenced after the war
- “… But careful how you manage the budget”
- EULEX will not create parallel justice in Kosovo
- Big guns confiscatedand arrests of smugglers
- The criminal Karadzic accused for genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity
Other headlines
- Editorial: Balkan conspiracy (2)
- Kosovo citizens are allowed to enter Macedonia with KosovoRepublic passports (2)
- Kuçi: UNMIK’s time in Kosovo has passed (4)
- Hungary expresses readiness to support Kosovo (7)
- Netherlands helps the private sector in Kosovo (7)
- Albania expresses its interest to invest in the Kosovo mines (8)
Front page
- The scanner that corrupted customs
- Soft opposition
- More engagement requested from the ministers
- UNMIK can stay longer
- Ruins in Ferizaj
- High officials without personal insurance
Other headlines
- From now on the Government is the sovereign (2)
- Karadzic in the Hague (2)
- The scope of investigations broadened (2)
- Editorial: For the KosovoRepublic stamps (5)
- Albania is interested in Kosovo’s mines (6)
Belgrade Media Highlights
- Zannier extended decision on protective zone around Visoki Decani (Beta)
- UNMIK wants K. Mitrovica court to reopen (Beta/Tanjug)
- Kuci: Zannier will not make commitments on Kosovo’s behalf (Tanjug)
- Kaidanow: Obligatory protection of Serbian Orthodox Church rights and facilities in Kosovo (Tanjug)
- Stevic and Bell on Serbs’ situation in Kosovo (Beta/RTS)
- Svarup: India will support Serbia (Beta)
- FYROM not accepting Kosovo passports (Tanjug)
- Group of Serbs arrested near Podujevo (Tanjug)
Zannier extended decision on protective zone around Visoki Decani (Beta)
UNMIK Head Lamberto Zannier has stated that he signed a decree that extends the duration of a protective zone around the medieval monastery of Visoki Decani for another three months. Zannier added that he had told the local authorities that the usurpation of the monastery land must stop, as well as all attempts at counterfeiting the cadastre. The UNMIK Head has said that he pointed the attention of Kosovo Prime Minister Hashim Tachi on the fact that such acts are inappropriate, being that there are legitimate provisions of UNMIK and Pristina authorities, regarding the protection of the Serb cultural and spiritual heritage in the province. The investigation of UNMIK has shown that the municipal authorities in Decani changed the cadastre in 2001, without any court decision, and that they have illegally seized 24 hectares of the monastery land, even though the entire complex is on the UNESCO list.
UNMIK wants K. Mitrovica court to reopen (Beta/Tanjug)
UNMIK Head Lamberto Zannier said that UNMIK wants the court in Kosovska Mitrovica to be re-opened soon. He told Minister for Kosovo Goran Bogdanovic of the problems with the functioning of the court, according to UNMIK sources. UNMIK spokesperson Aleksandr Ivanko told Beta that UNMIK wants the court to be re-opened as soon as possible. After Kosovo Albanians unilaterally declared independence, Serbs judicial workers, previously driven out of their offices, re-entered the court building and demanded their jobs back. Albanian and international judges had previously worked in the court in northern Kosovska Mitrovica, which is predominantly populated by Serbs.
Kuci: Zannier will not make commitments on Kosovo’s behalf (Tanjug)
Kosovo Deputy Premier Hajredin Kuci said that UNMIK Head Lamberto Zannier will not make any commitments in talks with Serbian officials. “Zannier said that his task is to alleviate talks between Pristina and Belgrade on technical issues,” said Kuci and added that the UNMIK Head will not interfere in the issues of the internal organization of Kosovo.
Kaidanow: Obligatory protection of Serbian Orthodox Church rights and facilities in Kosovo (Tanjug)
The protection of Serbian Orthodox Church rights and its facilities in Kosovo is of utmost importance, since the SerbianChurch plays a big role in the cultural heritage in that region, stated US Envoy in Pristina Tina Kaidanow. She added that the US will be especially engaged in the protection of the Serb spiritual heritage and that they will insist on the strict respect of all rights of the Serbian Orthodox Church.
Stevic and Bell on Serbs’ situation in Kosovo (Beta/RTS)
Serbian Assistant Minister for Kosovo Zvonimir Stevic has informed the official of the US Embassy Bradford Bell in Belgrade about the difficult position and daily problems of Serbs and other non-Albanian population in Kosovo. The Ministry’s statement reads that Stevic has especially pointed to the problems regarding the power and water supply in the Serb enclaves in the province. Bell said that the US government is willing to improve cooperation between its institutions and the Ministry despite objective obstacles.
Svarup: India will support Serbia (Beta)
Indian Ambassador in Belgrade Adziu Svarup said in Jagodina that India will support Serbia in the UN General Assembly in Serbia’s request to the International Court of Justice to examine if the self-proclamation of independence of Kosovo is in line with international law. India adheres to the principle of international law and does not recognize the secession of Kosovo, he said. He visited Jagodina at the invitation of Mayor Dragan Markovic Palma.
FYROM not accepting Kosovo passports (Tanjug)
The FYROM border police are denying entry to people carrying the new Kosovo passports, writes Zeri.According to the daily, the reason for this is that the FYROM government has not yet officially recognized the new travel documents.. Kosovo officials have expressed surprise at the reaction of the FYROM border police, because, writes Zeri, the FYROM government announced that it would accept the new passports, regardless of the fact that it had not yet decided to recognize Kosovo’s unilateral independence.
Group of Serbs arrested near Podujevo (Tanjug)
The KPS has announced that it arrested six Serbs from central Serbia near Podujevo, two kilometers from the boundary line, on the Kosovo side. The police confiscated their vehicle. The Serbs were arrested, as stated, due to the illegal crossing of the boundary line and they were kept in the detention unit in Pristina. They are expected to appear before the Municipal Court in Podujevo.
This media summary consists of selected local media articles for the information of UN personnel. The public distribution of this media summary is a courtesy service extended by UNMIK on the understanding that the choice of articles translated is exclusive, and the contents do not represent anything other than a selection of articles likely to be of interest to a United Nations readership. The inclusion of articles in this summary does not imply endorsement by UNMIK.