AP US History Summer Reading
All answers must be hand written except for the essay.
As you read, create a chart of each Native American group. Chart should include: Name of tribe, Geographic region, methods of survival, unique qualities, and cause for demise. Not all boxes will be filled in for each tribe.
1. Answer two questions on pg. 15.
2. Discuss the positives and negatives of the Columbian Exchange on both the Europeans and Native Americans.
3. How did the Europeans use the Indians to increase economic profit? Explain the system set up to expedite this.
4. Create a chart comparing the treatment of the Natives by the Spanish, British, and French. Explain the goals of each, success of those goals, treatment of Natives.
5. What happened to the Five Nations of the Iroquois between 1600-1700? Were the Iroquois better off at the beginning of the period or at the end? Why?
6. Compare the causes of the uprisings led by Pope in New Mexico and Matacom in New England. Which rebellion was more successful? Why?
7. What were the major social and environmental changes that made America a new world for Indians?
8. Why was the fur trade so destructive?
9. How were the Natives used by colonial rivalry? How did the Natives use this rivalry to their advantage?
10. How did white expansion and colonial rivalry lead to the French and Indian War? What was the outcomes of this war for the British, French and Natives?
11. How did the Natives lose fight over land rights?
12. Why did assimilation not work?
13. How was the Louisiana Purchase a game changer for Native Americans?
14. Was there anything the Western Indian Confederacy could have done to limit white expansion and preserve Indian lands? Explain your position.
15. Explain ways in which the Cherokee resisted efforts to remove them from there land? Explain the Supreme Court cases in your own words.
16. Why did the Bad Axe Massacre occur? Was this the exception or the rule? Explain.
17. How did the Trail of Tears get its name?
18. Why are the Seminoles different?
19. What is Manifest Destiny? Explain the impact of Native Americans.
20. Which of the peoples native to the Great Plains increased in numbers and in wealth between 1750 and 1860? Why did they flourish while other peoples did not?
21. How did white settlement impact the Plains Indians?
22. Discuss the importance of the buffalo to the Plains Indians.
23. How were the Indian Wars an example of Federal policy failure in regards to the Natives?
24. How did the Civil War lead to events like the Sand Lake massacre?
25. Explain how each of the following eroded Native American rights:
a. Carlisle Schools
b. Lone Wolf v. Hitchcock
c. Ex Parte Crow Dog
d. Dawes Severalty Act
26. What were the last acts of native peoples’ armed resistance? What was the consequence of that resistance?
27. Why did Natives finally give up resistance?
28. What survival strategies did conquered native peoples develop?
29. Discuss the successes and failures of Indian Policy during the New Deal?
30. How did Native Americans try to organize themselves in the 1960s and 70s?
31. How successful was this effort?
Additional readings can be found at jmhrscales.com. Look under AP US History.
Using evidence from the readings, why were Native American efforts to sustain their land and rights undermined by white expansion? Be sure to account for changes from discovery to the end of armed resistance.
A short exam will be given on this material during the first week of school.