- Fill in the missingletters
s______g / inventarizace
d______t / útvar
m______t / správa
s______s / odbyt
c______n / porovnání
i______r / ukazatel
a______g / účetně
g______s w____e / hrubá mzda
m______l d______e / škoda na materiálu
f______e / poplatek
- Fill in the missing words
They are ------expressed in monetary units, that the company received from its activities
Main part of revenues are ------of own outputs and goods
Another part of revenues are financial revenues, such as ------in cash box in the case of stocktaking and extra revenues
Company revenues are found out when the ------of output is multiplied by its price
We must distinguish revenues from income, not every ------is revenue
surplus, income, sales, sums, amount
- Consider, whether the following costs belong to operational, financial or extraordinary:
a) interests of loan
b)gross wages of employees
c)material damages due to flood
d)bank fees
e)material consumption
f)depreciation of DM
4.Decide whether the statements are true or false:
Costs represent consumption of factors of production for a particular purpose expressed in monetary units.
True False
Fixed costs change with the change in volume of production
True False
Revenues are sums expressed in natural units, that the company received from its activities.
True False
The result of company management is found out by comparing receipt cards with material issue slip.
True False
Proportional costs vary directly with the change in volume of production.
True False
- Find out the result:
The company has spent in the past period total costs on its activity 2 560 000,- crowns. 24 000 pieces of goods were sold in the sales price of 137,- crowns per piece. Find out the result of company management.
6 . Crossword (fill in the English equivalents)
1. / N / D / I / T / I / O2. / E
3. / A
4. / R / T
5. / S
- Objekt
- Sériový
- Pekárna
- Dávka
- Operace
Biňovec, K. Přehled učiva k maturitní zkoušce z ekonomiky. Fortuna, 2004. ISBN 80-7168-747-2.
Švarcová Jena, ing a kolektiv, Ekonomie, stručný přehled. Ing. Jena Švarcová, Ph.D., CEED nakladatelství a vydavatelství, 2006. ISBN 80-903433-3-3.
Klínský Petr, Munch Otto, Ekonomika pro obchodní akademie a ostatní střední školy 1-4. Fortuna, 2003, ISBN 80-7168-862-2.
Autorem materiálu a všech jeho částí, není-li uvedeno jinak, je Ing. Marcela Zlatníková
Projekt Anglicky vodborných předmětech CZ.1./07/1.3.09/04.0002 je spolufinancován Evropským sociálním fondem a státním rozpočtem České republiky