Minutes Malta September - October 2014
Main items for the kick-off workshop were:
- Preparation for the Pre-Courses and materials
- Work on the CLIL book
- Ensure that all teams know their tasks and responsibilities
- Quality control and monitoring
- Dissemination
September 27th
The two Danish teams from Kroggaardskolen and SyddanskErhvervsskolemet to coordinate the exploitation and dissemination activities in Denmark. It was agreed to prepare joint courses like the first one that took place in NørreSundby with participants from schools in Northern Jutland that are contemplating to implement CLIL. We have agreed to cooperate on offering CLIL courses and CLIL introduction to
- Center for Undervisningsmidler - University College Lillebælt
- NislevgaardEfterskole (a school specializing in dyslexia)
SDE will address the Danish EfVET members and offer CLIL introductions and a CLIL course to take place in Roskilde in the spring 2015 (after the materials are ready including pre-course for content teachers.
September 28th
The Danish teams continued work on future DK dissemination, workshops andexploitation activities, it was agreed to access policy makers in NorthernGermany (Schleswig-Holstein, which is the northernmost of the sixteen statesof Germany), this is possible as LiseKnattrup from Kroggaardskolen has theneeded connections within the State Parliament of Schleswig-Holstein. It is envisaged that the DK teams can present the project to politicians in the parliament.
September 29th
The teams met in the “White House” at ETI and were welcomed by
Sandra and Kent.
The new members of the teams were introduced, i.e. Tanya-Jo (MCAST), Traudel (SUPSI), Marilena (Bussero), and Alfred (MCAST).
Each partner summarizedactivities since the Madrid meeting and presentedthe experiences of the experimentation with the scenarios:
SDE: We have found it difficult to pilot all the VET scenarios due to restrictions in our curricula, but we’ll try to offer suitable parts of scenarios as part of the student’s optional subjects so we can test these without the restrictions. SDE has also carried out several dissemination activities as part of courses arranged by the past TOOLS project and also to project partners in other consortia. Clil4U was also disseminated during Eurocall 2014 in Groningen with brochures, newsletters, and an exhibition. William Lynge presented Clil4U at the ThinkCLIL conference in Venice with a presentation and also handed out brochures and newsletters.
Bussero: Activities and experiences Jan. 2014 to 30th Jun 2014
•Joined the kick-off workshop in Madrid Jan 2014
•Compiled the initial quality report
•Translated project brochure in Italian
•Created two scenarios and tested them: “Food for life” – Vegetables and Fruit”
•Tested four scenarios (created by Spanish and Danish partners) in four different contests
•Compiled feedbacks on both primary and VET scenarios
•Compiled evaluation after testing of 4 scenarios created by DK and Spain
•Met SUPSI for an extra meeting in Bussero during the testing phase - May 9TH 2014
•Updated the school website with news about the project
•CLIL being implemented in classes.
•Compiled 1st biannual reports
•Dissemination among the whole staff of the three schools through ICMG Bussero: Infant – Primary and Secondary, 100 teachers involved
•Forwarded the project newsletters and scenarios to the school staff
•Disseminated the project in the area East of Milan with brochures, meetings for the families, local newspaper articles and during the Parents’ Day
•Organized a special “Parents’ Day” dedicated to the Project and specifically to the partnership with Denmark, 450 pupils and their families involved
•Presented to the families the video made by SUPSI during the testing phase in Bussero
•Presented the project during a Mayors’ meeting of the area East of Milan
•Written articles for newsletter n° 42 and 43
•Met the local press - Published 4 articles
•on 2 different local newspapers
Positive aspects: Development of the scenarios has been focused on producing modules, activities, worksheets, and other supplementary materials as single units. This has created cooperation and creativity among teachers working in pair or small groups. Each scenario created is a learning unit which is fully complete, for other teachers possibly use.
During the testing, atmosphere in the classes was good and all the pupils enjoyed the activities. The activities were generally interesting and engaging. Pupils enjoyed especially songs, videos, stories and doing the experiments and working in team. They have learned new words and language structures. They were motivated by and interested in the topics. When the topic wasn’t new for the class, children could remember and increase their content skills on the topic itself.
Lights and Shadows: The level was challenging enough for them to feel that they had achieved something. Sometimes the vocabulary was too difficult for the language level of the target group (i.e. muscles). Contents were often part of our curriculum.
Busssero has found that the timing of the testing phase should be modified: feedback should follow the testing and the school holiday considered before scheduling.
It’s hard for primary teachers to evaluate the scenarios created by VET, and perhaps vice versa. It would be much better to separate the feedback: primary scenarios for primary teachers and VET’s for VET.
During the feedback phase we receiveddifferent opinions and suggestions concerning each part of the scenario. The matter is how to establish what has to be modified… and
who makes the last decision
- Dissemination: we will present the project at EFVET
- Have presented the project through the EfVET steering committee
- Newsletters have been sent to all schools in CECE’s cooperation partners (more than 2000 schools)
- Scenarios for primary school have been developed
- Feedback has been given to the primary school on the scenarios and also to VET scenarios
- CLIL book, suggestions to the book has been given.
- The CECE member, the Zola school has developed and tested scenarios and has delivered articles to the newsletter
- The project has been disseminated during the CECE Annual Conference in 2013 and will be presented too in October 2014 CECE Conference
- The institutional European Department brochure, with information of CLIL on it, has been handed in the transnational meetings and other evens
- Created and piloted two vocational scenarios: Fish and Seafood and Photovoltaics
- Responded to feedback from peers
- Proofread and gave feedback to scenarios of other partners
- Had Skype meetings and discussions with ETI and David Marsh concerning the creation of the CLIL Guide Book
- Created the CLIL Guide Book and presented it on October 1st in our second meeting in Malta
- Dissemination activities with teachers from Cyprus and EU during the Teachers’ development day at the University of Nicosia
- Written 2 articles for the newsletter
- Biannual report completed
- Received feedback from content teacher
- Created 2 scenarios: Jan did the digestive system scenario (in English) and Traudel the Tunnelbau scenario (in German).
- Both scenarios were used in class and the students’ feedback was incorporated into the revised versions.
- We also responded to feedback from other partners.
- Proportion between language/grammar and content: we had a consistent language part, more than the other partners, but this is necessary for our students
- We tested the “domotics house” scenario, but only parts of it because of time constraints. This point will apply also to future scenarios because our class teaching time islimited.
- Unfortunately we couldn’t test the other Vet scenarios because the content is notappropriate for our students.
- We gave feedback on all the other scenarios
- Visit to Bussero to observe the implementation of a scenario; short film available on CLIL4U website
- Biannual report completed
- Contributions to newsletters
- Meetings with other university teachers in order to discuss possible collaboration and CLIL modules The outcome of these meetings:
- Participation in the summer school module, entitled fashion and luxury summer school, conducted by our business studies department. Student feedback records appreciation
- Marketing course for 1st year students in the department of business studieswill incorporate CLIL elements. We will collaborate with the content teacher in the planning and design of these elements. This is a significant step because the language component has been officially approved and included in the module description.
- Potential course at USI, “professional ethics” for IT students: discussions under way to insert CLIL components in the course, such as presenting and defending arguments, report writing etc.
ETI: Carried out substantial dissemination reaching more than -250 language and content teachers taking part in ICT and language methodology courses at ETI. The ETI team has also developed online pre-course language modules for content teachers and compiled dissemination materials; newsletter articles and the brochure. A core role for ETI has been the peer-reviewing of the scenarios and the language editing of the first six primary school scenarios (plus the first VET scenarios) and assisting the CT team with the CLIL book.
KGS: Have prepared scenarios and given feedback on the VET scenarios and both given feedback on and tested the primary school scenarios in classes. Together with SDE college we ran a CLIL course for teachers in Northern Jutland (NørreSundby) invited by the regional resource center in Aalborg. We contacted the Danish TV2 and were interviewed by a journalist from TV2 who produced a video showing us running a scenario produced by the Spanish primary school, Zola. See: Solar System. We have also written an article for the leading Danish pedagogical magazine: "LiviSkolen" which will deal exclusively with CLIL in Denmark:
MCAST:Has produced four scenarios and made language edits for the VET school scenarios. The original resource person for the Clil4U project, JasomnMassini has left the college for a position at the Maltese Ministry of Education. This has caused some delays in the work, which are now being focused on so the planned outputs can be delivered by the end of the current year.
Following the presentations there was a brief presentation of the Primary school scenarios and ideas for the next scenarios and of the vocational scenarios and ideas for the next scenarios. This was followed by work in the two groups
Decisions Taken:
It was agreed to follow Maria’s suggestion to students instead of “LLs” in our texts and scenarios. We’ll make the final edits for existing scenarios later on, but the decision has to be implemented in our translations and adaptations of scenarios.
We agreed that we must get the approval from parents wheneverwe use photos of children.
We debated the timing of the testing period and it was agreed that feedback on scenarios should happen as soon as possible after the materials become ready in Dropbox and then followed by a testing phase according to the local possibilities. We agreed on a deadline for the scenarios and feedback so we can have the first two times twelve scenarios ready by the end of 2014
It had been proposed that the language editing should be simplified, but for the primary school group it was agreed that Sandra may revise the scenario before the feedback period, she found that there have only been few corrections after the feedback has been applied. The VET group agreed to wait with language editing until the feedback has been incorporated. Jan from Supsi offered to take over the remaining VET language editing in 2014 to assist MCAST
September 30th
We continued the work in the two groups (Primary and VET) on scenarios, where we agreed on a selection and allocation of scenarios.
Kent demonstrated the CLIL materials database/repository (Kent Andersen) and we had a walk-through of the different labels to be used in the database. After this all teams received logins and passwords for the database and started a first compilation of suitable materials for CLIL based lessons in primary schools and vocational colleges resources inthe repository:
ETI presented the first online units that will be used for language training of content teachers prior to participation in the CLIL onsite course(s). We were very impressed with the huge amount of work that the ETI team had put into the online units. Iit was decided to have the coming pre-course units in other languages mainly based on adapted texts and articles from the CLIL book, parts of which are housed in CLILStore, in English
October 1st
The day started with consultations with the financial controller, Lajla Pedersen. Lajla offered assistance to all teams and answered questions about the financial reporting.
Maria and Niki (Intercollege) presented the ongoing work with the CLIL book content. The work has been peer-reviewed by Sandra (ETI) and the book was in version 4 when presented. We worked through the book content and agreed on some minor edits. Since the meeting the work has continued and the current version of the book is at the time of writing these minutes version seven!
We had a debate with ideas for videos that may be used in the CLIL book.Ideally we can insert videos or make QR codes and links from the .pdfversions so the readers can watch interviews with teachers, students, classes working with the scenarios, and parents to primary school students.
SUPSI presented the idea that we should share photos and if possible recordings of students in classes working with scenarios. Such media can be incorporated in the CLIL promotional videos that SUPSI will produce as soon as we have the scenarios ready. SUPSI also suggested that they could visit several teams in order to shoot some footage locally. The first proposal was for SUPSI to visit Bussero, Madrid, and Odense (both partners in DK).
October 2nd
The day started with a recap of the decisions made by the two groups about distributions of scenarios and deadlines for having these ready.
A new template for documentation of dissemination activities was presented, and we agreed that wewilluse it and transfer the older dissemination sheets to the new format, which is needed for the progress and final reports. The main difference is that the new ones also display the documentation of the project teams dissemination activities.
The work with ideas for the videos was continued and it was decided to allocate the video recording as below:
- SDE shoots videos of CLIL used in classes
- KGS -same as SDE
- MCAST– student interview
- Bussero- student and parents interview
- Zola- content teacher interview
- Supsi - content teacher interview.
Deadline for the above videos is November 1st.
We had a debate on where to store video and photos: We need to get a separate storage system where we can still see all photos etc. This is due to the Dropbox problems. The final decision was for the
- videos: Kent creates a closed group in Vimeo and invites all team members to join the group.
- photos: These can still be stored in Dropbox for a short period after which Kent saves them locally and puts them online in a hidden website folder
Translation phase: We agreed that translations maynot be appropriate for all scenarios, but in such cases we need to prepare parallel scenarios matching the idea from the English scenario
The meeting finished with a quality walk through of the achievements and a written evaluation from all participants (online from the “Project Documents” area of the website). After the full partnership meeting we had a brief meeting in the QAB where we agreed that the project is on track and that the needed monitoring of activities is in place.
We decided to see if the next meeting/workshop can be one day shorter so the work days in Malta will be March 16th through 22nd. The workshop will see a test of the pilot course and seek to have the content teachers go through a language test as will be the format for the final courses.
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