ASTMALIN -herbs forasthma
Herbs forAsthmathatreducehyperactivity ofthe bronchi andalveoliinterms ofprovokingfactors.Affects smoothmuscle spasm.Reduces breathlessnessattackand dry, painful cough. Reduces chest tightness. It increases thebody's defenses andprevents asthma attacks.
Ingredients: Basil (Ocimum) leafandfruit 12%, Yarrow(Achileamillefolium)fruit12%, Broadleafplantain (Plantagomajor) leaf12%, Coltsfoot(Tussilagofarfara) leaf12%, Poplar (Populus) leaf
12%, Salvia leafandblossom12%,Flax (Linumusitatissimum) seed28%
Usage: Apackageofmixture/20 g./ is brewedwith 600 ml. boilingwater; add2 teaspoons ofhoney and boil onlowheat about 10 minutes. Strain (preferably throughgauze).
Drink3 times perday 20 minutes beforemeals in175 ml.
Drink upto two months afterthe symptoms disappear.
Function:Foradults andchildrenover7 years.
Favorableeffect on the airways. Reduces risk by removing secretions andcramps. Assist theliningofthe upper respiratory tract andrespiratory structures. As furthersupportrespiratory fromallergic andinflammatory processes inseasonal and systematic problemsofbreath andreducedimmunedefense.
Storage conditions: Keep protected fromdirectsunlight and heat placeat airtemperatureto 20° Candhumidity upto 70%.
Logistical information forthe wholesaler:Packaging net weight 140g.;20 pieces inabox
Anisefacilitatesremoving coughinginacuteandchronicinflammation ofthe airways (bronchitis, tracheas, pharyngitis, laryngitis,coughofdifferent origin). Enhances secretion ofgallbladderandstomach. Aniseherbcalmscolic paininthe stomachandintestines .
Ingredients:Anise(fruit) -FructusAnisi 40 g.
Usage: Theherbis usedinthe formofinfusion.3-6 teaspoons ofcrushed fruits ofanise pour400 ml. boilingwater. After1 hourstrainthe extract.
Logistical information forthe wholesaler:Packaging net weight40 g.;100 pieces inabox
Ambrosia– thelegendary drinkofthe Gods, whichrejuvenates andextends life! Sinceantiquitythe wise people enjoy the natural gifts!Anyone canachieveperfection ifyoulistento thevoiceof nature! This combination provides youwith so desired for centuries YOUTH, VITALITY andLONGEVITY! Counteracttheaging process Tonicity, Vitality, Longevity
This is theformula ofBALANCE.
Ingredients: Angrimony (AgrimaniaEupatorial) stalk– 9g.,Pinepeak(Turiorispirl) – 9g.,Basilleaf
– 9g., elderflower – 9g., bunny stepstalk– 9g.,hawthornflowerandleaf– 9gr., Icelandlichen – 9g., thyme(Thymus) stalk– 9g., knotgrass stalk– 9g., walnut leaves– 9g., meadowsweet stalk– 9g. Usage:Fromthismixture2 tablespoons brewin500ml waterand boil onlowheat 15 minutes. Strain(preferably throughgauze). Sweetenwith honey andlemon by request. Itis recommended permanent use ofAMBROZIA. Storage conditions: Keep protected fromdirectsunlight and heat placeat airtemperatureto 20° Candhumidity upto 70%.
Betterinteract with allfeeding and dietary norms.
Meadowsweet is usedas arheumatismandantidiuretichelp. Internally is used by infusionin ascites andotheredema, pleurisy andsandinthe kidneys, rheumatismandskinrashes. It hasa diaphoretic effect andis used for colds.
Usage: 2 tablespoons ofdrugs covered with 400ml. boiling waterandleaveto soak for1 hour. After straining drink100 ml.3 times daily before eating.
Logistical information forthe wholesaler:Packaging net weight 50 g.;50 pieces inabox
BASIL HerbaBasilici
Theherbis usedforstimulationofappetite, forthe treatment ofchronic colitis, gastritis andenteritis (especially accompanied by colicky persons). It is usedagainstcoughand bronchialasthma. It is recommended forurinary tract inflammation, toothache,fever, tonsillitis.
Ingredients: Basil (stalk)– HerbaBasilici– 50g.
Preparation: Apply inthe formofaninfusionof1-2 teaspoons ofherb brewedwith 250 ml.Water and drinkit for1 day.
Logistical information forthe wholesaler:Packaging net weight 50 g.;50 pieces inabox
ELDERFlores Sambuci
Flowers areusedanti-inflammatory, diaphoretic, secret lyticandexpectorant in the airway inflammation, colds, bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis cough.
Ingredients: Black elder( flower)– Flores Sambuci– 30 g.
Preparation: Theflowersareused in theform of infusion. Two tablespoonsherb pour 250 ml.Boilingwater. Leaveto soakfor15-30minutes. Strain.
Logistical information forthe wholesaler:Packaging net weight 30 g.;50 pieces inabox
Usedagainst constipation, improvesdigestionandappetite, against flu, sexualweakness, paininthe stomachand intestines, sandinthe gallbladder, externally: lavageincl.leucorrhoea, hemorrhoids, compresses and washforacne, eczema , wounds, inflammationinconjunctivitis.
Ingredients:Whitegermander(stalk)– HerbaTeucrii
External: Two tablespoons of chopped herbs pour500 gof boilingwater. Boilafew minutes. Allow to soak for30 minutes. Strain and take threetimesadaybeforemeals 80-150g.
Internal: Lavageinleucorrhoea, hemorrhoids.
Infusion for inside using is preparedfrom 4 teaspoons drugsand 200gof boilingwater.
Logistical information forthe wholesaler:Packaging net weight 50 g.;50 pieces ina box
YARROW HerbaMillefolii
Aromaticand bitterherbthat raisestheappetiteandstrengthens the excretion ofgastric glands in dyspepsia and hyperacidity.
Acts asstringent in diarrhea, stomatitis, gingivitis andinflammatory forgastritis, colitiswith diarrhea andcolic, inflammation ofthe kidneys and bladder, rheumatism.
Ingredients: Yarrow(stalks)- HerbaMillefolii–50 g.
Preparation:Internal: Two tablespoons herb; pour 400gof boilingwater.Boilafew minutes. Allow to soak for30 minutes. Strain and taken threetimes adayafter meals 60-120g.
Logistical information forthe wholesaler:Packaging net weight 50 g.;50 pieces inabox
PINE PEAKS TurionesPini
Used forinflammationofthe upper respiratory tract,chronic bronchitis andbronchial asthma, bronchiectasis androtting bronchitiswith abundant purulent secretions. Pinepeaks areusedin diseases ofthe urinary tract (sandandstones inthe renal pelvis and bladder), in scurvy, scrofula, dropsy, inflammation
Pinepeaks-TurionesPini-40 g
Usage: Therearedifferent ways ofpreparation and useofthe herb. Inacutecatarrhofthe upper respiratory tractmakeinhalationas 20 g. Placein a 250mlboilingwater. Forinsideuse:prepared infusionof100 g. pinetops and2 1/2liters ofwater, boil until the liquidremains 1/2 l. Cool and straininfusionsweetenedwithhoney if desiredanddrinkone cup3 times daily.
Inrheumatismandskin diseases –bathswith a infusionof500 grams. Herb boiled for
30 minutes with 5 liters of waterandaddedto thewaterbath.
Logistical information forthe wholesaler:Packaging net weight 40 g.;50 pieces inabox
Ant secretory andantitussiveeffect in acuteandchronic bronchitis, irritating coughof different originandbronchialasthma.Regulates painfulandirregular menstruation.
Thedrug has adiuretic effect.
Ingredients: WhiteElecampare – roots- (RADIXINULAE)
Preparation: 4 teaspoonsofthe herb pourwith400 ml. waterandleaveto soak for30 minutes. After straining- to betaken 3 times daily by 120 ml 15min. beforemeals.
Logistical information forthe wholesaler:Packaging net weight 50 g.;100 pieces inabox
WHITE BIRCH FoliaBetulae
It is usedinfusionordecoction ofthe leaves ofthe herb forkidney disease, edema, rheumatism, gastrointestinal, heart disease, skin diseases etc. Inrheumatism–compresses ona sick placewith mashed freshleaves.
Ingredients: Whitebirch(leaves)-FoliaBetulae -40 g.
Usage:Preparethe infusionof4 teaspoons of dry powderedleaves of1/2 literof boiling waterthat is drunkfor1 day=
Beforeyou drinkthepotionandinfusions because they arehighly acidic, they shouldbeslightly alkaline so addalittle baking soda.
Logistical information forthe wholesaler:Packaging net weight 50 g.;50 pieces inabox
TRIBULUS HerbaTribulusterrestris
Forimpotence, infertility andprostatehypertrophy. Theherb has a good diuretic effect on sandand stones inthe kidneys and bladder. Increases theacidity ofgastric juice. Theherb has a stimulating effect in sexual sphere, diuretic, laxativeandanti-fungalaction.
Ingredients: Tribulus-HerbaTribulusterrestris-30 gr.
Usage: Oneteaspoonofthe herbboil5 min. in200 ml of water. The resulting extract is drunkthree times a day -60ml. in case of kidney disease, impotence andinfertility
Ingredients: St. John’swart, thyme, oregano,lemon balm, without filterthread.
Logistical informationforthe wholesaler: Packing: 20pscX 1.5g.; 120pieces inabox
BRONHOALIN- herbsforacute bronchitis
Liquefies andimprovesdischargeinto thebronchi, which has aprotective effect on the bronchial wall.Inflammatory process affects thelining of thebronchi act andcalms thecough.
Helps restorethelung tissue.Improvesrespiratory
Ingredients: Mixtureof dry herbs 100 gr.
Substance: Marshmallow(Althaeaofficinalis)flowerandleaf,Elder(Flores Sambucinigri)flower, Thyme(Thymus) stalkandflower, Peppermint(MenthaPiperita)leaf,Ribwort plantain(Plantagolanceolata)leaf, Primerose(Primula) stalkand flower, Oregano (Origanumvulgare) stalkand flower, Liquorice root (Radix Liquiritae).
Theherbal combination is madeby PeterDimkovrecipes.
Usage: 4 g. ofthis mixture(1 tea spoon) is brewedwith 250 ml. hot waterandsimmeronlowheat about 10 minutes. Strain(preferably throughgauze). Drink3 times a day 20 minutes beforemeals 75 ml ofthe brew. Sweetenwith honey and lemonifdesired. Drinkupto two months afterthe symptoms disappear.
Thereare no agerestrictions. Inchildrenyoungerthan7, the daily doseis half(3 x40 timesml.potion).
Onepackofthe mixtureis enoughforabout 25 days.
Prevention is necessary: body temp, healthyeating, prevention ofstress, sport andreturnto nature. Acutebronchitis is a diseasethat isappeared by inflammation ofthe lining ofthe pulmonary bronchi, which swells andthickens andthereby narrowsor completely blocks thefineair passages inthe lungs. Causes: infection is viral or bacterialin nature.
Complications: pneumonia
Prevention is necessary: body temp, healthyeating, prevention ofstress, sport andreturnto nature. Logistical information forthe wholesaler:Packaging net weight 100 g.;20 pieces inabox
Stalks offlat sea holly havea diuretic, antispasmodic andanalgesic, anti-inflammatory action. Recommended forsandandstones inthe kidneys, difficulturination, colicofa different nature, detention gas whoopingcough, inflammation ofthe bile ducts, etc.
IngredientsFlat sea holly – stalks (HERBA ERYNGII)
Preparation: 2 tablespoons herb boil10 min. in500 ml. water.After cooling strainand drinkthree times a day 1 cupbefore eating.
Logistical information forthe wholesaler:Packaging net weight 50 g.;50 pieces inabox
Used in cases of exhaustion, weakness, nervous andmental fatigue. Favorable impact to strengthen lactation andmenstruation. It is recommendedin cases of fluidretention inthe body andinthe inflammation ofthe liverandspleen. It is usedas anemetic(to inducevomiting).
Ingredients: Vervain– stalks (HERBA VERBENAE)
Preparation: 2 tablespoons choppedstems and500 ml. boiling water, boil5 minutes. Aftercooling strain.Drink100 ml. 4times daily before meals.
Facilitates coughing andsecretions inchronic bronchitis andbronchial asthma, has a diureticaction. Folkmedicinerecommends veronica ingout, kidney stone disease, rheumatism, bladder inflammation, chronic skindiseases andfuruncles.
Ingredients: Veronica –salks (HERBA VERONICAE)
Preparation: On onetablespoonof herb pour400ml. boiling water. Allowto soakfor30 minutes. After straining tobetaken 3 times daily 120 ml. beforeeating.
Logistical information forthe wholesaler:Packaging net weight 50 g.;50 pieces inabox.
Ingredients: hawthorn,mint, lemon balm, without filterthread.
Logistical information forthe wholesaler:Packing: 20pscX 1.5g.; 120pieces inabox
Ingredients: rosehipfruit , strawberry flavour, raspberry, blackberry , withoutfilterthread. Logistical information forthe wholesaler:Packing: 20pscX 1.5g.; 120pieces inabox
It is usedincases of sorethroat, laryngitis, tracheobronchitis, coughofdifferent origin. Relieves stomach pains andacts favorably oninflammation ofthe stomachandintestines, ingastriculcers, diarrhea, liverand biliary diseases.Outside as infusionfor compresses appliedto thetreatment of festering wounds and baths-inskinrashes. Intheformofa gargle recommended forangina, toothache, inflammation ofthe oral mucosa.
Ingredients: Sage tea –leaves (FOLIA SALVIAE)
Infusions of1 tablespoonof herbin1/2 l.Of boilingwateris usedas a gargle and fortreating of festering wounds. Forinternal usepreparedinfusionof1 tablespoonof herband250 ml. boiling water.
Logisticalinformation forthe wholesaler:Packaging net weight 50 g.;50 pieces inabox.
HAWTHORNFioresCrataegicum folio
Usedinthe treatment ofcardiovascular disease-mild hypertension, cardiac neurosis, angina, atherosclerosis, insomnia and nervous agitation, overactivethyroid glandandothers. Ingredients: hawthornflowerandleaf-FioresCrataegi cum folio
Preparation: Makea brew with 1 tablespoonof theherb: pour250 ml.boilingwaterandleaveto soak for2 hours. Drinkonecupof the potion threetimes a day.
Logistical information forthe wholesaler:Packaging net weight 50 g.;50 pieces inabox
Theherb dandelionand preparations ofdandelionenhancethe function ofthe liver, gall bladderand kidneys, so it isusedinliverinflammation, gallbladderdisease, gallstones, jaundice, incompleteabsorption offats anddiureticinflammation and kidneystones andbladder. It is appliedas an anthelmintic. Stimulates metabolism.
Ingredients: Dandelion(stalk)-HerbaTaraxaci-50 g.
Preparation: Infusion:onetablespoonofherb dandelionis boiled with500 ml. waterfor10minutes. Strain.Drink4 timesaday.
Logistical information forthe wholesaler:Packaging net weight 50 g.;50 pieces inabox.
Ingredients: rosehip, oregano, strawberry leaf, blackberry leaf,without filterthread. Logistical information forthe wholesaler:Packing: 20pscX 1.5 g; 120pieces inabox
Theherb dandelionand preparations ofdandelionenhancethe function ofthe liver, gall bladderand kidneys, so it isusedinliverinflammation, gallbladderdisease, gallstones,jaundice, incomplete absorption offats anddiureticinflammation and kidney stones andbladder. It is appliedas an anthelmintic. Stimulates metabolism.
Ingredients: Dandelion(roots)-HerbaTaraxaci-40 g.
Preparation: Infusion:onetablespoonofherbdandelionis boiled with500 ml. waterfor10minutes. Strain.Drink 4 times adayin 100ml.
Logistical information forthe wholesaler:Packaging net weight 40 g.;100 pieces inabox
It is recommendedas a cureforprostateproblems, potency, hemeroidi, skinrashes, lichens, cough, and shortness ofbreath, scrofula,weak heart, malignant wounds, andothers.
Ingredients: ginger– flowers (FLORESONOPORDI)
Preparation: 2-3tablespoonsfinely crushedherbareboiled for10 minutes with 500 ml of water. The resulting extract is left to cool, strainand drink4 times a day aftermeals.
Logistical information forthe wholesaler:Packaging net weight 30 g.;50 pieces inabox
REST HARROW Radix Ononidis
The roots ofthe rest harrowrecommended for retention of fluids inthebody, kidney inflammation andedema ofany origin, overweight. Folkmedicine recommends the roots of harrowinrheumatism, infertility, gout andspikes too.
Ingredients: rest harrow(roots) -Radix Ononidis-40 g.
Preparation: 2 tablespoons brewwith 400 ml. boilingwater. Leaveto soak for30 minutes. After strainingto betaken 3 times daily 70-120 ml. aftera meal. Every 10 days intakeofrest harrowis to be interrupted for7 days.
Logistical information forthe wholesaler:Packaging net weight 40 g.;100 pieces inabox
Supportivetreatment inacuteandchronic inflammation ofthe prostateglandandadenoma inits infancy; kidney problems and urinary tract andrestorethemaftersurgery; Itrecommended for womenwith chronic cystitis.
Ingredients: Willowherb– stalks (NB. EPILOBIPARVIFLORI)
Preparation: Two tablespoons stems are coveredwith 400 ml. water. Infusionstayedtwo hours and strain. Drink4 times daily 100 ml. beforeeating.
Logistical information forthe wholesaler:Packaging net weight 50 g.;50 pieces inabox
DIABETALIN –herbsfor diabetes
Herbal mixturenormalizes the function ofthepancreas and bloodsugarlevels. Regulatesmetabolic processes inthe body.Improves the absorptionofglucose.
It increases the body's defenses
Ingredients: Amixtureof dried herbs: 216 g. (6 sachets of36 grams.)
Substance: Deciduous plantain (Plantagomajor)leaf, Whitemulberry(Morus alba) leaf, Black bluberry (Vacciniummyrtillus) leaf, Echium(Echiumvulgare) leafandflower, Blackberry (Rubus)root, Cornflower(Centaureacyanus) flower, Field horsetail (Equisetumarvense) leafand flower, Iris root, Chicory (Cicoriumintybus)all, Redcilantro (Centauriumerythraea)leafand flower, Haricot bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) dry pods, Rosehip(Rosa Canina) fruit, Black blueberry (Vacciniummyrtillus) fruit.
Theherbal combination is madeby PeterDimkovrecipes.
Usage: Onepacket ofthemixture(36g.) Is brewedwith 1 literofhotwaterandsimmeronlowheat about 20 minutes. Strainimmediately (preferably throughgauze).Drink3 times a day 20minutes before meals in150 ml.Drink upto two monthsafterthe symptoms disappear.
Thereareno agerestrictions. Forchildren under7, the daily doseis half(3 x75ml times.infusion). A whole pack ofthe mixture(216g.)is enoughfor12 days.
Diabetes isa chronicmetabolic disease, which is characterized by high bloodsugar dueto lackofthe hormoneinsulin production orlack ofresponseby the cells to insulin.
Causes ofdiabetes: autoimmune characterand heredity.
Complications: hypoglycemia, eyedamage, heart, kidneys, nerves, bloodvessels and diabeticfoot Prevention: weight control, healthy eating, activephysical regime,avoiding alcoholandsmoking, treatment of high bloodpressure, highcholesterol and badlipid profile.
Logistical information forthe wholesaler:Packaging net weight 216g.;20 pieces inabox
Logistical information forthe wholesaler:Packing: 20pscX 1.0 g.; 120pieces inabox
BEDSTRAW Galiumverum
Stalks frombedstrawhavediuretic, astringentandanti-inflammatoryaction. Usedinthe gastro- intestinal diseases, cleansethe kidneys, liver,pancreas, spleen. Actingdiureticandantispasmodic. Usedinthe treatment of depression, nervous tension decreases.
Ingredients: bedstraw-stalks
Preparation: 2 tablespoons herb pour500 ml. boilingwaterandleaveto soak for1 hour. After straining takefourtimes daily beforemeal. Logistical information forthe wholesaler:Packaging net weight 50 g.;50 pieces inabox
Ingrediants: Wort stalks (HERBA HYPERICI),withoutfilterthread. Antimicrobialand antispasmodic action.Calms the lining ofthe mouth, stomachandintestines. It is recommended for kidney stones andgallbladder. Tones the nervous systemin neurogenicdepressionand depression, anxiety, insomnia. Outsideapplied for ulcers and poorly healingwounds.
Preparation: 2 tablespoons pourwith 400 ml boilingwaterand brewfor5minutes. Allowto soak for
60 minutes. Take 3times daily 120ml. afterameal.
Logistical information forthe wholesaler:Packing: 20pscX 1.5g.; 120pieces inabox.
PLANTAINFolia Plantaginislanceolatae
The content ofplantain has anti-inflammatory, astringent, bacteriostaticsecret lytic andexpectorant. Theherb has a beneficialeffect in diseases ofconnectivetissue-internal andexternal bleeding wounds. With its various action herb plantain isusedinthe gastro-intestinal catarrh, flatulence, colic, intestinal, stomachand duodenalulcers andmore. Recommended for bladderinflammation, varicose veins, fungal diseases, urinary frequency, gingivitis andthe like.
Ingredients: Plantain ( leaf) FoliaPlantaginislanceolatae -50 g.
Preparation: A brew of plantain is madeof2tablespoons herbwith 400 ml. boiling water. Boil for10 minutes. Strainandsweetenedwith honey.
Logistical information forthe wholesaler:Packaging net weight 50 g.;50 pieces inabox.
Infunctional diseases ofthe digestivetract herbacts antispasmodic andcarminative.Prescribedin gastritis with reducedacidity, dyspepsia, spastic colitis, flatulenceandcoughmeans. It is alsousedto strength lactation.
Ingredients: Coriander(fruit ) --FructusCoriandri -30 g.
Preparation: Infusion:1-2 teaspoons crushedcorianderpour200 ml. boilingwaterandallowedto soak for1 hour. Strain.
Logistical information forthe wholesaler:Packaging net weight 30 gr.; 100pieces inabox
ASTRAGALUS HerbaAstragali
It is usedas anexpectorant in catarrhofthe upper respiratory tract, asa diureticin diseases of the kidneys and urinarytract. Acting painkillerwithradiculitis, rheumatism,joint diseases and abdominal pain. It is recommendedto increasemilkin nursing mothers, in painful andirregular menstruation, infertility, uterinediseases, whites andaccelerateparturition
Ingredients:HerbaAstragali - 40 gr
External-to gargle in toothacheandsorethroat, baths for rheumatismandimposing insciatica; Internal-1 tablespoonofthe herb pour250 ml ofboilingwater. Boilforseveralminutes. Drink80 ml threetimes a day beforemeals.
Logistical information forthe wholesaler:Packaging net weight 40 r.; 50pieces inabox.
NETTLEleaves FoliaUrticae
It is usedincases ofanemia, digestive disorders with diarrhea, nosebleeds, heavy menstruation, and hemorrhoids. It is usedinrenal diseases andasa diureticagent, diabetesmellitus, chronic bronchitis, rheumatismandother.Usedoutsideas facilitating healinginwounds, swelling,bruising, hair loss and more.
Ingredients:NETTLE (leaves)-Folia Urticae
Infusiontwo tablespoons ofcrumble NETTLE leaves in400 ml boiling water60min. at room temperature.Strainthroughgauze. Thedurability ofthe infusionis 12hours, providedit is storedin a refrigeratorat 2-8 °C withoutfreezing. Drink theinfusion3 times 120 ml during the day.
Theinfusionis usedexternal too. When hair loss is preparedpotion of100 grams ofleaves that are boiled for30 minutes inhalfliterofwater. Afterstraining throughgauzeadd1/2 l vinegar. With potion wet the roots ofthe hairorwashyourhair beforebedtime.
Logistical information forthe wholesaler: Packaging net weight 40 g.
50 pieces ina box.
HIBISCUS TEAhibiscus fruit
Ingredients: hibiscusfruit,without filterthread.
Logistical information forthe wholesaler:Packing: 20pscX 1.0 g.; 120pieces inabox.
DILL FructusAnethi
It is used formild hypertension, in prophylactic angina, insomnia, flatulence, colicinthe gut, with not enoughmilkinnursingmothers, to increaseappetiteandimprovedigestion. Fruits ofdilltonelining ofthe stomachandact carminative, diuretic, suppress the reflex ofvomiting insea-sickness. Ingredients: Dill ( fruit)-FructusAnethi-40 gr.
Preparation: In the formofinfusion3-6 teaspoons choppeddillfruitspour400 ml. boiling water. Soak for1 hour. Strain. Drink 3 times adayin 120ml. after meal.
Logistical information forthe wholesaler:Packaging net weight 40 g.;100 pieces ina box
Stimulates theregenerativeprocesses ofthe body, it is favorableforthe circulatory system, increases resistanceforces. It is recommended forgynecological disease, uterinefibroids, kidneystones. Clears arterial plaques andcirculatory systemdisorders.Antidiabeticaction.
Ingredients:Stepcat (stalks )– (HERBA CLINOPODI)
Preparation: 1 tablespoonofthe herbpour500ml.Coldwater. Soaked for two hours. Drinkthreetimes a day, 150 ml., 15minutes beforemeals.
Logistical information forthe wholesaler:Packaging net weight 50 g.;50 pieces ina box.
It is usedas a cholereticagent in liverdisease, gall bladderstones etc.,as an agent (for diarrhea), as a diureticand diaphoretictool (colds, edema, kidney disease, etc.).
Theherbis usedagainst hemorrhoids, bleedinggums, lavagevaricoseulcers andothers. Especially recommendedas a gargle forinflammation ofthe throat andlaryngitis.
Ingredients:Agrimony (stalk)– HerbaAgrinioniae – 50 g.
Preparation:Preparetea as 3-4 tablespoons herb pour½ literof boilingwater. After cooling strain thetea and drink for1-2 days.
Inlaryngitis recommendedthe following recipeforgargle:
100 g of dried leaves areboiledin1literof wateruntil the volumeis reduced by 1/3.
Strainandaddhoney if desired.
Logistical information forthe wholesaler:Packaging net weight 50 g.;50 pieces ina box.
Themainaction oflinden floweris temperaturelowering, diaphoreticand diureticin flu,bronchial catarrh, angina, and pneumonia, inflammation ofthe kidneys and bladder, urethritis. Is prescribedand inflammation ofthe upper respiratory tract and functional disorders ofthe stomachandintestines. Ingredients:Linden(flower)– Flores Tiliae –25 g.