pp. 434-439
Changing Ways of Life
Main Idea: Americans experienced cultural conflict as customs and values changed in the 1920s.
Your group will present the information that you are assigned. Create a poster that will allow people to collect the information as you give your talk. Please be ready to explain, not just read the words on the poster. You have a small section, please make sure you understand your information for the good of the group.
1. Rural and Urban Differences- why was there a need to spend a lot of money to enforce the Volstead Act? Explain.
The New Urban Scene:
The Prohibition Experiment:
Speakeasies and Bootleggers:
Organize Crime:
2. Science and Religion Crash- explain the circumstances and the outcome of the Scopes Trail.
2. American Fundamentalism:
The Scopes Trial:
*Clarence Darrow-
*William Jennings Bryan
*John Scopes
pp. 440-443
The Twenties Woman
Main Idea: American women pursued new lifestyles and assumed new jobs and different roles in society during the 1920s.
3. Young Women Change the Rules- In what ways did flappers rebel against the earlier styles and attitudes of the Victorian Era?
The Flapper:
The Double Standard:
Women Shed Old Roles at Home and at Work – What key social, economic and technological changes of the 1920’s affected women’s marriage and family life?
New Work Opportunities:
The Changing Family:
4. Youth in the Roaring Twenties (p.444)- How does daily life change as a result of the new way of living?
Flagpole Sitting-
Dance Fads-
pp. 446-451
Education and Popular Culture
Main Idea: The mass media, movies, and spectator sports played important roles in creating the popular culture of the 1920s—a culture that many artists and writers criticized.
5. Schools and the Mass Media Shape Culture- How did high schools change in the 1920’s? What role does the mass media play in creating popular culture?
School Enrollments:
Expanding News Coverage:
Radio Comes of Age:
6. America Chases New Heroes and Old Dreams- What flaws in American society are shown by writers of the 1920’s?
Lindbergh’s Flight:
*Charles Lindbergh-
Entertainment and the Arts:
*Charles Gershwin-
*Georgia O’Keefe-
Writers of the 1920s:
*Sinclair Lewis:
*F. Scott Fitzgerald-
*Edna St. Vincent Millay-
*Ernest Hemingway-
pp. 452-457
Harlem Renaissance
Main Idea: African-American ideas, politics, art, literature, and music flourished Harlem and elsewhere in the United States.
7. African-American Voices in the 1920s- What do the Great Migration and the growth of the NAACP reveal about the African-American experience in this period?
The Move North:
African-American Goals:
*James Weldon Johnson-
Marcus Garvey and the UNIA:
*Marcus Garvey-
8. The Harlem Renaissance Flowers in New York- What were some of the important themes presented by African-American writers of the Harlem Renaissance? How did the artists of the period change music?
* Harlem Renaissance-
African American Writers:
*Claude McKay-
*Langston Hughes-
African Americans Performers:
*Paul Robeson:
African Americans and Jazz:
*Louis Armstrong-
*Edward Kennedy “Duke” Ellington-
*Bessie Smith-