A Healthy Life Subgroup Action Plan 16/08/2016

A Healthy Life Subgroup Action Plan 16/08/2016

A Healthy Life Subgroup Action Plan 16/08/2016

What / Why / How / Who / Target date
1.Communication-mandatory project plan update / To provide transparency and access to information for all stakeholders / To submit updates (when appropriate) to the Communications Officer by 27th of each month for inclusion on the NHS website / All to Jill Asher / 27/08/16
2.Baseline population data collection / To collate accurate information to guide evidence based proposal for service development and improvement / 1. Circulate reference documents to all group members including:
ASD Needs Assessment Report, Scottish Executive Feb 2006
Scottish Strategy for Autism Mapping Project Report Feb 2013
Children and Young people in NHS Highland Health Needs Assessment Dec 2014
2. Identify whether there are existing Datix reports relating to unmet need in Autism
3. Explore whether it is possible to extract prevalence data from Vision/ GP practices
4. Contact Public Health to review the above data collection strategy and seek advice on additional sources of information / Allan Tubb
Allan Tubb/ Neil McNamara
Malcolm Hamilton
Rohan van der Speck / 31/08/16
3.Secure Primary Care input to the subgroup / Improved recognition and awareness in Primary Care is agreed as being vital to delivering the aims of the sub-group / Contact directly GP’s known to have an existing interest in ASD and invite them to the next subgroup / Andrew Denovan/
Neil McNamara / 24/08/16
4.Clarify the focus of the subgroup / There has been rich discussion thus far on the potential meaning of “A Healthy Life” and the scale/ scope of challenges to face in developing the service. However, this is a time limited project with specific deadlines, tasked with proposing achievable goals / To convene an extra session for the free exchange and sharing of ideas, thereby allowing formal meetings to focus on development of the action plan / Faith Wilson/ Neil McNamara / Albion House booked for 20.09.16
5.Clarify recommendations on existing assessment tools / It is recognised that use of the DISCO tool in isolation is not suitable for all adults with Autism. A tailored, person centred approach is required – drawing on a combination of relevant information regarding current functioning and developmental history where available / Draft a position statement describing current best practice in the use of DISCO, ADOS and relevant screening tools. / Rohan Van der Speck / 08/11/16
6.Develop recommendations for a fully constituted NHS Highland specialist adult autism service / There is an emerging consensus (locally and nationally) that this would be by far the best model to deliver service improvement and the desired outcomes of the sub group / Draw on existing demographic information and examples of good practice (see above) to draft a proposal for NHS Highland / All / 08/11/16
7.Education and training in Primary Care / See rationale given under item 3 above / Proposals for wider education and training to be included in draft document under item 6 above / All / 08/11/16

Compiled 16/08/16