SIC Meeting

10:00am-12:00pm June 6, 2009

Main Firehall, Savary Island

SIC members

Area A: Janine Reimer, Rick Thaddeus

Area B: Mary-Ellen Dewsnap, Sharon Feduniak

Area C: Phil Zweep, Jack Arnet, Bud Graham (via conference call)

Absent: Susan Poulos, Carolyn Jackson (provided proxy votes for anticipated motions)

Guests: Harry Robertson

As Bud Graham was on conference call, Sharon Feduniak agreed to take the minutes.

10:00am Conference call opened.

1. Phil Zweep moved and Janine Reimer seconded that the Minutes of the May meeting be adopted as presented.

A. It was determined Bud Graham will take minutes at the July meeting.

2. Reports.

A.(i) Sharon Feduniak gave the Finance report for Carolyn Jackson. SIC has a balance of $3699.09.

(ii) Janine Reimer moved and Jack Arnet seconded "that Barbara Graham is reimbursed for printing costs of the calendars, $1796.48 plus a couple of incidental costs, totaling approximately $2000.00." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.

B. Governance Subcommittee.

(i) Sharon Feduniak asked SIC to decide on three choices for our new Society name. SIC needs to “reserve” a name for our new Society and must submit three choices before further proceeding towards incorporation. Following discussion, it was moved by Jack Arnet and seconded by Janine Reimer that we apply to reserve our choices for our new Society’s name as:

a. SIRRA: Savary Island Residents & Ratepayers Association;

b. ASIRR: Association of Savary Island Residents & Ratepayers;

c. SIRRS: Savary Island Residents & Ratepayers Society;


(ii) Sharon Feduniak reported that the Governance Sub-Committee had met for 3 hrs. on May 17th and for another 3 hrs. on May 31st to work through the Society By-Laws. SIC Members were informed they would receive the By-Laws via email within the next week. The Sub-Committee expects SIC members to read through the By-Laws, and communicate any questions or concerns, prior to the July meeting. There will be three updates/addendums:

  1. There was an Email vote deciding our new Society should have a nomination process throughout the summer with Elections to continue in November.
  2. There was an Email vote deciding there would be “No” expulsion process included in our new Society By-Laws.
  3. Janine Reimer has written a draft Email question debating a 5-4 majority voting system vs. a 6-3 system, and is waiting for approval or re-editing from Phil before emailing the question to the committee.

C. Bud Graham reported on behalf of the Transportation Committee which was followed by discussion by SIC Directors. Bud informed us MoT is looking for SIC response to the Delcan Study. Bud is confident that Tyler Lambert and Sharon Goddard want to deal with Savary Island transportation issues.

(i) SIC agreed to hold a special meeting to review and analyze the 19 proposals listed in the Delcan study. Tentative date for the SIC special meeting is Sunday, June 28th, 10:00 am at the Firehall. Jack Arnet, Susan Poulos and Carolyn Jackson need to confirm their availability.

(ii) Bud Graham will contact Tyler Lambert at MoT to inform him SIC is working on a response.

(iii) Phil Zweep suggested SIC look into developing an agreement with MoT similar to the agreement the Islands’ Trust has with MoT. General consensus was that SIC move forward with this concept.

D. Parking Sub-Committee.

(i) Jack Arnet moved and Phil Zweep seconded “that SIC splinter Parking off from Transportation and form a working Parking Sub-Committee to work on parking issues at:

a. The Wharf;

b. Riggers;

c. Indian Point; with SIC representation from

d. Area A Susan Poulos;

e. Area B Mary-Ellen Dewsnap;

f. Area C Jack Arnet.”


(ii) The Parking Sub-Committee will draw up a plan regarding objectives/methods/timeline/location issues/seasonal issues/priorities/what can be done now/what can be agreed on/education/mutual respect/etc.

(iii) Jack Arnet will work on an ad/article re parking for SIN, deadline June 15th. He’ll circulate to SIC the article prior to submission to SIN.

E. Open House.

(i) SIC discussed issues to be included in the Open House Agenda and SIC Directors were asked to come prepared to the July meeting with a presentation or report for the August Open House. Items for the Agenda include:

a. Introduction of SIC Directors

b. Governance

- we’re incorporating

- how we came to this decision

- implications for future

c. Transportation Committee and Parking Subcommittee

c. Derelict Barge issue

d. No-Camping issue

e. Dock and RCMP issues

f. Siting permits

(ii) Janine Reimer moved and Mary-Ellen Dewsnap seconded "that the July Open House be cancelled." Discussion ensued. CARRIED.

(iv) Because the regularly scheduled SIC meeting falls on August 1st, the busiest day of the year, it was decided to move our SIC meeting to Monday, August 3rd, at 10:00 am to 12:00 pm. Following a half-hour break, the Open House will run from 12:30 pm until 2:30 pm.

F. As Susan Poulos could not attend the meeting, discussion of the Bulletin Board estimates was deferred.

G. As Susan Poulos could not attend the meeting, the Waste Mgmt Education Program: revised Grants-In-Aid proposal was deferred.

3. Other Business.

A. Rick Thaddeus reported on Dock/Wharf questions raised regarding dredging, low tides and emergency access/evacuation.

(i) Bud Graham moved and Phil Zweep seconded “ that Janine Reimer sends a letter on behalf of SIC to PRRD and DFO, similar to the letter sent by SIVFD outlining our shared concerns about dock access in low tide events.” CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. It was agreed the letter should copy Nicholas Simons M.L.A. and John Weston M.P.

(ii) Rick Thaddeus reported on finding accommodation for the RCMP at the Dewsnaps’ and at the Feduniaks’ during the July long-weekend.

B. Phil Zweep was asked whether or not SIVFD had heard from MoT regarding an item in the Delcan Report suggesting the Bottle Depot be moved.

(i) Phil responded that SIVFD had not been contacted to date, and that

(ii) should SIVFD be contacted in that regard, SIC could anticipate the response to be that when everyone else removes their encroachments off the road allowance, SIVFD will follow suit; and that

(iii) the ongoing recycling effort is a community volunteer project, although SIVFD and SIVFDA benefit from the bottle money.

C. Janine will write the SIN article by Wed June 10, final is due Fri 12th.

D. Next meeting Saturday, July 4th , 10:00 a.m. at Firehall.

E. Meeting Adjourned at 12:00 p.m.