Main Events

Period 1 Foundations - (8000 BCE – 600 CE)

Time Period / What Happened / Where / Who/What
8000-4000 BCE / Agricultural Revolution / Everywhere
4000 BCE – 1500 BCE / First Cities
First dynasties
Bantu Migration / Mesopotamia
Egypt (Middle East)
India (South Asia)
China (East Asia)
West Africa (throughout) / Sumerian
Root language
1500 BCE –
500 BCE / Aryan Migration
Warring States
King David
Greece poleis
RomanRepublic / South Asia (India)
Hebrews / Vedic Age – Hinduism and Caste System Dev.
330 BCE
– 500 CE
4 BCE-29 CE / Conquest of Alexander the Great
Pax Romana
Life of Jesus
Mayan Civilization
Buddhism and Hinduism Spread
Han and Gupta Dynasty / Persia/Egypt/India
Roman Peace
Roman World
South Asia
China/India / Hellenist Culture
Empires Decline (500-600 CE) / Han
Rome / China

Must Know:

1. Trans – Saharan versus Silk Roads trade

2. The decline and fall of Han, Rome, and Gupta

3. Expansion of Buddhism, Hinduism and Christianity

4. Confucianism and Daoism in China

5. Pastoral nomadic versus settled lifestyle

6. Trade in Indian Ocean versus those in the Mediterranean
Period 2 -600 CE – 1450 CE

Time Period / What Happened / Where / Who/What
600 CE – 1100
1096 / Life of Muhammad
Rise of Islam
Song dynasty
Normans invade Britain
First Crusade / Middle East, North Africa, Spain
Western Europe
Europe/Jerusalem / Abbasid Dynasty
Eastern/Western Christian Churches
12-13 Century / Swahili trading cities
Beginning of Mongols / East Africa
Asia, Russia, China / Axum, Zimbabwe, Mali
Yuan Dynasty
13-14 century / Beginning of Aztecs
Hundred Years War
Bubonic plague / Mexico
China and Europe
14th and 15th Century / Ming dynasty
Beginning of slave trade
Beginning of Age of Discover / China
Europe/Americas/India / Zheng He’s voyages
Middle Passage
Columbus, Da Gama, Diaz, Magellan

Must Know:

1. Feudalism in Japan and Western Europe

2. Mongol rule in Russia and China

3. Muslim Spain and spread of Islam

4. Chinese and European presence in the Indian Ocean

5. Aztec and Incan’s in Mesoamerican

6. Gender roles in Islam and under the caliphate

Period 3 - 1450 - 1750

Time Period / What Happened / Where / Who/What
1453 - 1500 / Fall of eastern Rome
Columbus / Constantinople
America / By Ottoman Turks
16thCentury / Treaty of Tordesillas
Mughal dynasty
Council of Trent / Americas
Europe / Divided between Spain and Portugal
Catholic Reformation
17th Century / Tokugawa Shogunate
Romanov dynasty
Louis XIV
Qing Dynasty / Japan
China / Centralized power
“Sun King” absolutism
Last dynasty in China

Must Know:

1. Trade in Mughal India versus Ming China

2. Transatlantic versus Indian Ocean trade

3. Russian versus Ottoman interaction with the West

4. Western European versus Asian and Ottoman technology

Summary - Period 4 – 1750-1914

Time Period / What Happened / Where / Who/What
1750 - 1800 / Beginning of Industrial Revolution
American Revolution
French Revolution
Haitian Revolution
Napoleon / Britain – Europe
Europe / Steam, textiles
Tyrant or Liberator
1800-1900 / Imperialism
Independence of Latin America
Opium War – Taiping Rev / All over the World
China / Europeans dominate - colonialism
1900-1914 / Mexican Revolution
Chinese Revolution
Panama Canal

Must Know:

1. Industrial Revolution – Europe, Russia and Japan

2. Revolutions: America, French, Haitian, Mexican, Chinese

3. Nationalism – Italy and Germany (univication)

4. Imperialism in Africa, China and Latin America

5. Trade in the Atlantic and IndianOceans

Period 5 – 1914- Present

Time Period / What Happened / Where / Who/What
1914 - 1945 / WWI
Russian Revolution
Great Depression
Stalin, Lenin, Hitler
Atomic Bomb / Europe
1945-Present / Communist China
Cold War
Independence of Colonial Empires
Fall of Communism
Iraq Wars / China
Southeast Asia
Africa/Southeast Asia

1. Decolonization in Africa versus India 2. Russian Rev. versus Chinese Rev.

3. Females roles in china and the West.

4. Global Trade in the Pacific Rim versus the West