NDRI-TDF Ref. No. Date:
This form is to be submitted to Member Secretary, ITMC by NDRI Faculty Members (for listing of their technologies in NDRI list of technologies and for approval of price for technology).Please type the desired information, expand this form as per the requirement of the infomration.The Information in this report is provided to the Institute Technology Management Committee (ITMC) for facilitating commercialization of technology.
Submit this form to the Member Secretory, Institute Technology Management Unit, NDRI through e-mail to: . A hard copy along with signature may also be submitted to Member Secretary, Institute Technology Management Unit, National Referral Center for Milk Quality & Safety, ICAR-NDRI, Karnal
Technology Summary
  1. Title of developed technology:

  1. Main Division where the technology was developed:

  1. Information about Inventor Group (Please provide the name, complete address and phone nos of each inventor). Main inventor has to be faculty member. The name(s) of students/JRF/RA may be included subsequently.
  1. Main Inventor
  1. Inventor A
  1. Inventor B
(expand as needed for more inventors)
(Main Inventor) / (Inventor A) / (Inventor B)
Signature of Inventors
  1. Technical abstract of invention (not more than 150 words, Please include photographs, if required. Innovative step not to be disclosed)

  1. Technology is patentable or not, provide justification.

  1. Origin of technology (strike out which is not applicable)
(i)Research Project (Provide details)
(a) Externally funded project:
(b) Institute Research Project:
(ii)Student’s thesis work (Provide details)
(iii)Any other (Provide details)
  1. Proposed Price of the technology and justification (Please see the document “format for technology costingICAR-NDRI”)
(i)Price of technology with royalty -
(ii)Price of technology without royalty -
  1. Commercial aspects of invention
(i)Please mention the types of industry (e.g dairy, feed, testing house etc) who would be interested in this technology
(ii)Also mention name, complete address, email, phone numbers etc. of at least three firms which can be contacted for commercialization purpose.
Name of person completing this form:
e-mail address:
In submitting this form, you are accepting the responsibility for the accuracy of the information supplied.

Certificate by main inventor

Certified that the names of all those who contributed in the development of the technology (name the technology) have been included.




Endorsement of Head of Division



Signature of Joint Director (Research)



ICAR-NDRI Technology Disclosure Form