North East Regional Heads of Service

East Riding Yorkshire Council

Integrated Sensory Support Service

Room AF 129

Skirlaugh Council Offices

Main Road


HU11 5HN

Telephone: 01482 392436

FAX: 01482 396622 – Mark FAO of ISSS


North East Regional Heads of Service

Minutes for North East Heads of Hearing Impaired Services Meeting held on Thursday 15th May 2014, West Offices, York, 10.00a.m.

Apologies: Jan Seaman, Joanne Kirsopp

Attended by: Lesly Gallagher (East Riding) Sue Churchill (Northumberland) Annette Parr (Hull) Karen Jacklin (NE Lincs) Ali deGraaf (Calderdale) Kirsty Sanger (Middlesbrough) Helen Clark (Durham) Mina Kaur (Darlington) Paddy Kidd (Leeds) Caroline Farmer (Sunderland) Jan Wilson (N Tyneside) Clare Burdett (Kirklees) Sarah Wheeler (N Lincs ) Sarah Barton (Doncaster) Caroline Chettleburgh (Sheffield) Clare Armitage (Rotherham) Helen Martin (York)


·  To new colleagues.

Minutes of Previous Meeting

·  Discussion about NATSIP day in London

·  Who is attending? Perhaps go to different groups to ensure variety for feedback.

·  Feedback from this day will be at next NERHOS meeting

·  Freeman review of FM systems: transmitters and receivers provided between service and hospital. Middlesbrough/Hartlepool James Cook: thinking re radio aiding little ones. On hospital has an agreement.

·  Eligibility Criteria will be released at NATSIP 4 June day, not out as predicted in March.

Standing Items

·  Policies: Northumberland hosts the library. Sue Churchill contact if need a policy. Will send out if requested. Paddy asked if there could be a better system with changes in technology. Paddy looked at different options. “Drop box” suggested. Share rights. Certain email addresses have access. Not open access. Can’t be accessed through corporate addresses. Could set up from your home address. Colleagues think good idea. Paddy will look into it. Colleagues thanked Sue and Dawn for doing this and the speed at which they work.

·  Caroline and caseloads: Will collate this information for everyone. Discussion about this collection v CRIDE collection.

·  Phonak: Tony Murphy and Rob Taylor

·  Update

·  Changes in regional managers: Rob East side. Contact for most teams at NERHOS.

·  Tony: wireless based technology equipment responsibility.

·  Issues raised response: raised a necessity for training. CHSWG at Warrington – raised less TODs so maybe cannot get out to children as much as possible. Phonak is creating training packages. 2-3 years new products now before would have been 10 years. Using equipment may be different now and need to develop confidence in use.

·  Recognise it is not just about sales and need to develop packages.

·  Issues in Ireland: had battery-related problem. When plug in radio aid lose 20% of battery life. Parents responsible for HA batteries. See Audiologist once a year. Don’t see feedback, just see HA batteries being drained quickly.

·  Issues with shoes. Advocating integrated system: can avoid problems with water damage and condensation. Funding issue. UK: funding split between NHS. Issues for pre-schoolers. Phonak working towards radio aided Pre-Schoolers.

·  Lesley asked if Phonak could help services work towards the funding of this as cost is prohibitive. Scheme in Ireland: shared funding. Could maybe target children who are having most problems to start with.

·  £10 outlay difference but different in starting from scratch. Hope to put in place a fitting/trouble-shooting set of information as Classroom Teachers/Parents need this information on a regular basis.

·  Compensation for noise will drain battery so HA may work then stop and start again in quiet: need to ensure people know this.

·  Programme overview:

·  Advicefrom Phonak in training pack will be re: maintenance; aid function; basic check; preparation (Roger); HA checks batteries: recommend change twice a week on set days. Battery tester not reliable ..battery works or does not.; ear mould checks visual checks and when in ear check feedback; microphone covers; microphone wind and weather protectors; check contacts; drying boxes; wipe contacts with a swab (wipe with a bit of alcohol not too wet/ cotton bud dipped on a wipe); Roger or Inspiro monitor useful tool to detect receiver damage (use check function); Roger 12 hours of charge (if less may be something wrong with); Digital transmission is on or off so if a fault in system signal will die; don’t get interferences you get with FM; 20m minimum signal (so if not, could be fault); testing system by going out of room: you may lose signal using this eg if steel beam in between may fail; better signal/ more range inside a room than outside (still 20-30m range outside); CI check contact are clean; Nucleus 5 rechargeable pack with Roger receiver will provide more output power; audio shoes (clean contacts and replace); destroy faulty shoes (how long should a shoe last? 6 mths could be hearing aid link has worn: 2 years?); ensure children unplug properly/not in ear; integrated shoe last 5 years: same water resistance as HA even though has contacts/will still get mechanical wear; integrated shoes lock on (Sky); strongly recommend children under age of 3 to use; compatibility between transmitters and receivers: Inspiro broadcasts on FM and Roger whereas Roger transmitter can only broadcast Roger; bad year on shoes last year but resolved now; MLXi checkers: TODs?; waterproof membrane can wear.

·  Directionality: when turn it on? Linked to age, circumstances. Moved from FM Plus mic to now Easy FM. When turn on transmitter, hearing aid automatically responds. Linked to needs of child. Depends on Audiology and what they have chosen. Rob will talk with audiologists about the changes.

·  Nios, Naida S, Sky can be programmed where appropriate.

·  Audiology information passed to services : does it tell you all this information about the aid?

·  Aided thresholds: how many getting these…some services.

·  If schools/parents have this information then they will not worry if aids are not working. They will be more informed. Could Phonak provide steps for more info? They will look into it.

·  CI services are suggesting that children tell you when battery has gone: part of listening v change it regularly.

·  Questions;

·  All children in different classes Roger works fine. When check in same room a.m. confused. Connection needs to be close (4 inches) Option sync them. Sync is temporary so need to check again in class. Separate room? Training offered for this.

·  Are TODs involved in initial development? Yes part of focus group.

·  Default receivers if channel changes back.

·  SENCOs and LA info will be prepared for us to utilise. Can invite Phonak into SENCO day. Phonak will prepare a draft and share it with NERHOS.

·  Phonak will be invited annually to NERHOS for updates.

·  You can go to Warrington and have training different scenarios.

·  CI with ML14is: quite a lot lost is there a mechanical fault? Rob will look into.


·  Natsip feedback: one area deaf girl has high level support from HI Team so LA unlikely to give EHCP. Northumberland EHCP : allocated sum of funding according to banding so difference is EHCP gives security but don’t need to apply for top up. Discussion:EHCP to ensure security but not been accepted for this. Middlesbrough has banding which allows a child a certain level of funding. Some areas provide support as well. One area trying to get radio aid through EHCP. How ensure get an EHCP. Different in different areas.

·  Equipment Policy: one area. Tally: mixed..schools have to pay/joint funded NHS/School pays first £1000 and Team rest/equipment discussion.

·  Insurance: most not.

·  Ear Foundation: Tina and Lynda

·  Ex-Heads of Services

·  Commissioned by NDCS

·  No services will be quoted

·  Children who don’t make expected levels of progress project.

·  Deaf children fail to make as much progress as hearing between key stages.

·  Looking at meeting needs and addressing the barriers.

·  If want to develop an area, email Lynda and Tina..will take it to NDCS.

·  Next year project on mild and moderate HL.

·  NATSIP linked: develop strategies.

·  Questions:

·  Numbers of children who are not making progress? Who knows?

·  Discussion about needs of specific groups: mild/moderates; some staff aware of severe to profound. Regulars only

·  How identify these children:: regular meetings


1.  Who are these underachievers?

2.  Why are they not making this progress?

3.  Please share successful strategies you and/or schools have used to accelerate progress.

4.  How do you evidence the impact of these strategies?

5.  A high proportion of deaf children are eligible for the pupil premium. Have you seen any examples of successful use of additional school resources such as pupil premium, to improve progress of deaf children.

6.  What advice can the NDCS give to support effective teaching and learning strategies for these DYCP?

7.  Ideas for resources and training materials that would be helpful?

8.  Do you have any further comments on this group of DCYP?

·  1 and 2) Who are these underachievers and what are their characteristics?

Very deaf underachievers/ ones supported most achieved/ not picked up early/ children with Soc/emotional problems/children with any other need/ expected progress does not take this into account/Resource Base children making a lot of progress from a starting point but not expected in govt terms. Pupil motivation/ limited TOD time/ pre school – parents understanding of this..mild/moderate…they can hear/ denial/ understanding. Importance of schools/ flexibility of schools/ exam arrangements/ what happens between TOD visits/funding issues/academisation of mild/moderate losses/buying in of services: mild and moderate losses not bought in.

·  3 and 4) Pupil voice: re support; presenting to sencos: pupil; Early Intervention: getting it right; proactive in schools recognising mild and moderate hearing loss in schools; chitchat training: some staff set up Language training with dvds for parents. Sharing. Small numbers but hitting some of families where most needed./need for QTODs; capacity. Some unqualified TODs great. Training needs to be appropriate. Role of TOD has changed: are the courses up to date with this? Audiology updated?

·  5) Issue that SEN funding in schools does not affect EY. School does not have the first £6000. Some schools use Pupil premium (free school dinners). Deprivation is indicator should this be deaf children included and address? Transport to allow extra curricular activities/ money used to pay for residential week?

·  6) Film of young people showing mild/moderates appearing to cope? Children saying I don’t like it when… pupil voice?

·  7) Resources: pupil voice/ quiet space/videoing a busy FS class and then checklist so staff can look at their practice/ unilateral/ mild/moderate at secondary: social and emotional… show a child’s friends and parents/show a child getting into trouble as don’t stop as need to know boundary/Early Intervention: early support and as children doing well reduce support: NDCS leaflet would be good to explain that this could happen and that it is good. More translated resources/ more targeted to Early Years. Target audience.

·  At end of project will be training available. Suggestions: parents to understand changes and that system has changed.

·  Strategies: quick tests/ fridge cards for schools. Secondary school slots: punchy and short.

·  8) What is expected progress for a deaf child? Compare with normal hearing. Would we compare children with same disability like this? Measuring well-being? Radical encouragement? Data systems don’t interface? All children dipped last year?

·  What Ear Foundation are working on?

·  All supporting achievement books area updated and are out this year. Go on Supporting Achievement. Secondary five films Eng, Maths, Science , MFL. Look. Smile, Chat. Peer awareness. New assessment Resource out this week: Free training on assessment resources: Nottingham, London, Belfast and Cardiff: Soc and Emot, Literacy, Numeracy. Can book Tina. Charge for this. Write to Ian Noon and ask.

·  Telephone interview: volunteers? Survey on HOSS on mild/moderate and funding for TODs.

·  NATSIP Assess, plan do review: leaflet. Powerpoint will be attached: can offer to SENCos.

·  QI work will be updated.

·  QS Early Years: based on joint inspection for local areas.. coming out in September.

·  Request for QS for FM to be updated.

·  NDCS: can we have hyperlinks? Lynda will send hyperlink and Lesley will send round.

·  Eligibility Criteria:

·  Ensure applying it in same way when you revisit: new criteria out now.

·  Ask NATSIP to look at it.

·  Paddy showed his spread sheet. Green goes to amber then read.

·  Conditional formatting to change colour.

·  Paddy will circulate updated after new criteria out and will circulate as it is now.

·  Outcomes Benchmarking: none

·  SEND reforms and the Local Offer:

·  Local Offer: varies from type in deaf and lots of info comes up, some links.

·  Own websites have this info.

·  Did a pathway for deaf children within the council (Leeds). Who involved at what stage? Wants it on Local Offer.

·  What’s on Local Offers? Some is contact details only; some requests for fact sheets. Websites: some are developing. So a parent typing in deaf, sensory support can access the link.

·  Journey for a parent?

·  Funding:

·  Radio aids; Lesley got 15-20 responses and will send out to everyone.

·  Regional Partnership Funding:

·  Money given to NERHOS to set up a conference over five years ago.

·  Trying to set up new signatories..ongoing.

·  Money kept for training for group: ask Tina to organise a day for Heads of Service. Agreed action: Lesley will ask her to set up next academic year. Will liaise with Helen. Assessment training focus: Numeracy, Literacy and Well Being.

·  Wider audience: conference room at West Offices: 30?

·  Safeguarding: none

·  How do services support families: sign support?

·  Some home, some groups. Continues: would carry on? Music groups, teachers, pay for parents, translation into different languages, in Nursery with pupil alternated with home, wider family classes. Funding: Adult Learning Alliance. Family Sign..dropping out. Based on need. Family Group for older children in a school. Based on need. Children’s centre: PS children and families. CSW in home. Deaf Worker. Funding to commission a local company. 20 sessions in home. Social Services funding L1 and 2 courses.