Tender 22.1.10

My document



Telephone/FAX No.0175-2228454


1.Sealed tenders on prescribed proforma are invited from reputed and experienced agencies for Sewage Treatment Plant works on Turn-key basis for the following works. The bid documents will be issued to the prospective bidders, who along with request, give certificates regarding their fulfillment of eligibility criteria as mentioned at Sr.No.2 below, alongwith Rs.7500/- as cost of tender document in the form of cross Demand Draft in favour of Executive Engineer, Punjab W/S & Sewerage Division, Sangrur payable at Sangrur. The offer should be submitted in the office of concerned Executive Engineerin Three Envelopes as described in NIT.

2.Eligibility Criteria.

(a)Annual average turn over of the agency for the last three financial years should be not less than the value described in table at Sr.No.3.

(b)The applicant should have satisfactorily/successfully constructed and commissioned one work of similar nature and capacity not less than 80% of the capacity of tendered work or two works, each of similar nature and capacity not less than 50% of the capacity of tendered work or 3 works each of similar nature and capacity not less than 40% of the capacity of tendered work .

i)Similar nature of works means STP/ETP based on Conventional Activated Sludge Process/Extended Aeration/Sequential Batch Reactor (SBR)/Moving Bed Bio-Reactor(MBBR). The applicant shall necessarily tie up with a technology provider for providing design/performance guarantee /key equipments for MBBR technology. The technology provider must have provided this technology for minimum of three Sewage Treatment Plants not less than 14 MLD capacity each for work at Sr.No.1 and 6.5 MLD capacity each for work at Sr.No.2 anywhere in world and these plants should have been completed and commissioned satisfactorily.

ii)Works completed & commissioned after 31.3.2002 shall only be considered.

(c)The bidder should also have suitable qualified personnel, minimum 1 degree holder Civil Engineer with adequate experience for management and execution of works.

3.Scope of Work

Detailed scope of works and specifications are given in the bid document. The quantities and scope of work can be increased or decreased by the undersigned without assigning any reason. However brief scope is as mentioned below :-

Sr.No. / Name of Work / Eligibility Criteria Annual avg. turn over for last 3 Fin. Years
(Rs. In Crores) / Approx. cost
(Rs.in crores) / Completion time
(in months) / EMD
(Rs.in lacs)
1. / Const. of STP of 14 MLD capacity at Mansa based on MBBR including O&M for a period of 60 months / 5.00 / To be quoted by the Agency / 12 / 10.0
2. / --do—6.5 MLD capacity at Budhlada / 2.5 / -do- / 12 / 5.0

Conditions :-

1.The bid documents can be purchased from the office of Executive Engineer, Punjab W/S & Sewerage Division, Sangrur on any working day during office hours upto 2.3.2010

2.The tender documents will be posted or can be sent by courier if expressly desired by the Bidder, at his risk of delays and loss on payment of additional fee of Rs.500/- . Contractor/Bidders are advised to collect and submit the tender documents in person.

3.The last date for submission of bids is 15.3.2010upto 2.00 PM . Prebid meeting shall be held on 8.3.2010 in Punjab Water Supply & Sewerage Board( H./O.) Plot No.1-B, Sector 27-A, Chandigarh.

4.No bid shall be entertained after schedule date & time. If this day happens to be a holiday, then the bid shall be received & opened on the next working day at the appointed time.

5.Earnest money will be deposited by the bidder either in the form of crossed demand draft or bank guarantee of equal amount valid upto 180 days from the date of opening of financial bid. The bank guarantee of successful bidder shall be got encashed by E.E. after the award of work. Bank charges if any will be borne by the biddder.

6.In support of financial turn over, relevant authenticated certified documents should be submitted.

7.Only those bidders who meet the eligibility criteria in principle shall be issued the tender documents. However the detailed evaluation regarding the bidder satisfying the eligibility criteria shall be done after the submission of bids. Issuance of tender documents does not guarantee that the bidder is meeting the eligibility criteria. In this regard, the decision of Engineer-in-charge shall be final.

8.The applicant shall produce authenticated certificate regarding all the above conditions from the client department.

9.All the documents, certificates submitted shall be issued by Engineer-in-charge of rank not below Executive Engineer or Equivalent.

10.Agencies already enlisted with PWSSB, shall have to apply a fresh alongwith full earnest money and tender document shall be issued only if the agency meets the eligibility criteria defined herein above.

11.Successful bidder/contractor, within 30 days of award of work, shall produce VAT registration No.(TIN) issued by the Department of Excise & Taxation, Punjab.

12.Submission of false information/document by the prospective tenderer will invite dis-qualification from tendering process including forfeiture of EMD.

13.The priority of works will be decided by the Engineer-in-charge.

14.Executive Engineer, Punjab W/S & Sewerage Division, Sangrur reserves the right to reject any or all the tenders without assigning any reason.

15.Bid can be submitted by the joint venture consisting of at the most two firms i.e. lead partner plus one more firm. Technology provider whether as a partner of joint venture or other wise shall not be considered for the purpose of no. of firms in joint venture.

16.The performance guarantee is 5% of the contact amount during construction period and 1% during O&M period. Out of this, Technology provider shall provide 20% performance guarantee in shape of bank guarantee during construction period and O&M period as well . The balance shall be provided by the bidder.

  1. Bank guarantee should be encashable at Sangrur.

18.Tender notice is also available on home.com

Superintending Engineer,

Punjab W/S & Sewerage Circle,


Notice: Against tender notice no. G/3 Dt.22.1.2010 published in "the Tribune" and Hindustan times"for the work at Sr. No. 1 & 2 i.e.Const. of STP at Mansa and Budhlada on MBBR technology, the last date for purchase of bid documents shall be 25/3/2010, per bid meeting will be held on 1/4/2010 and last date of submission of bid will be 9/4/2010 upto 2:00pm. All other terms and conditions shall remain as per tender notice no.G/3Dt. 22.1.2010.

The Tender notice No. G/3 Dt. 22.1.2010 is available on and