Maiden Bradley with Yarnfield
Parish Meeting
10th May 2016
Present: Councilor’s, Angus Neish, Patrick Nixon, Ben Gunstone, Poppy Wilcox and Susanna Brigden. Mrs Elizabeth Nixon Village Shop Chairman, Tricia Cox Youth Club Representative, Mrs Brenda Smart and Ms. Celia Blay PCC Representative.
Clerk: Mrs. Sarah Jeffries MILCM.
In the Chair: Councillor Angus Neish
15/001Acceptance of apologies for absence
Unitary Councillor Fleur De Rhe Philipe had given her apologies. Councillor Sebastian Seymour had sent his apologies due to a work commitment.
15/002 Approval of minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on 12th May 2015
Theminutes were signed as a true record.Proposed: Councilor Ben Gunstone Seconded: Councilor Patrick Nixon
15/003 Matters arising from the last meeting
None given
15/004 Chairman’s Annual Report
The Chairman to added his Annual report, see attached
15/005 Unitary Councils Report
Circulated to Councilor’s before the meeting, a copy is attached to these minutes.
15/006 Police Report
A report had not been received.
15/007 Reports from the Groups and Clubs of the Parish
Village Hall Committee
Mel Thomas the Chairman had sent a report to the meeting. A copy of his report read out is attached to these minutes.
Parish News
Pat Kennedy the Editor had sent a report to the meeting. Her report was read out and a copy is attached to these minutes.
Community Garden
No representative was present but a verbal update was given by Councillor Ben Gunstone.
Village Shop
Elizabeth Nixon the Village Shop Chairman gave a report to the meeting. A copy is attached to these minutes.The Chairman thanked her for the update.
Celia Blay a representative from the PCC read out a report to the meeting. A copy is attached to these minutes.The Chairman thanked her for the update.
Kids at MB Youth Club
Tricia Coxthe Youth Club Organiser reported verbally that sadly no children are now attending the Youth Club as they have gone up to Gillingham School. In the last month it has not run at all. There is still some money in the Youth Club bank and of course the equipment is still available. It was felt that a film night might bring the children back in to the club and would be trialled. Issues with volunteers had been had but this had been resolved and they want to re fire it. It was noted that there is not enough of the younger age group children within the parish now. The Chairman thanked Tricia Cox for her update.
Community Garden
Councillor Ben Gunstone gave a brief report on their behalf. It is still running numbers have waned but it is still open to new members, allotment strips are in place for those who would prefer this system.The Chairman thanked Councillor Ben Gunstone for the update.
It was noted that Owlets has now sadly closed.
15/008 Chairman’s Closing Speech
The Chairman thanked everyone for coming and sharing the aspirations for the future.
The meeting concluded at 7.45pm.