Maia Bloomfield Cucchiara


September 2013

Temple University, Department of Teaching and Learning

1301 Cecil B. Moore Avenue, Ritter Hall 252, Philadelphia, PA 19130



Assistant Professor of Urban Education, Department of Teaching and Learning, College of Education, Temple University, 2012-present

Assistant Professor of Educational Leadership, Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies, College of Education, Temple University, 2008-2012


Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, 2007

Education and Sociology (Joint Degree)

Distinction, dissertation and dissertation defense

Distinction, Urban Sociology comprehensive exam

Distinction, Sociology of Education comprehensive exam

M.A., Teachers College, Columbia University, 1997

Elementary Education

B.A., Carleton College, 1993


Magna cum laude


Urban Education, Sociology of Education, Education Policy, Urban Sociology


National Academy of Education/Spencer Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship, 2012

College of Education Graduate Teaching Award, 2010

American Educational Research Journal, Social and Institutional Analysis, Outstanding Reviewer, 2010

Merit Recognition, 2009-2013

Spencer Foundation Urban Research Fellowship, 2000-2004



1.  Cucchiara, M. (2013). Marketing Schools, Marketing Cities: Who Wins and Who Loses When Schools Become Urban Amenities. Chicago, IL: The University of Chicago Press.

Peer-reviewed journal articles

1.  Tincani, M., Cucchiara, M., Thurman, S. K., Snyder, M., McCarthy, K. (in press). “Evaluating NRC’s Recommendations for Educating Children with Autism a Decade Later.” Child and Youth Care Forum.

2.  Posey-Maddox, L., Kimelberg, S., and Cucchiara, M. (in press). "Middle-Class Parents and Urban Public Schools: Current Research and Future Directions." Sociology Compass.

3.  Cucchiara, M., and Horvat, E. (in press). “Choosing selves: The salience of parental identity in the school choice process.” Journal of Education Policy.

4.  Cucchiara, M., Rooney, E., and Robertson-Kraft, C. (in press). “’I’ve never seen people work so hard!:’ Teachers’ working conditions in the early stages of school turnaround.” Urban Education. (Written with graduate students.)

5.  Cucchiara, M. (2013). “’Are we doing damage?’ Choosing an urban public school in an era of parental anxiety.” Anthropology and Education Quarterly.

6.  Cucchiara, M., Gold, E., and Simon, E. (2011) “Contracts, choice, and customer service: Marketization and public engagement in education.” Teachers College Record, 113 (11).

7.  Cucchiara, M. (2010) “New goals, familiar challenges: A brief history of university-run schools.” Penn GSE Perspectives on Urban Education, 7

8.  Cucchiara, M. and Horvat, E. (2009). “Perils and promises: Middle-class parental involvement in urban public schools.” American Educational Research Journal, 46 (4): 974-1004.

9.  Cucchiara, M. (2008). “Re-branding urban Schools: Urban revitalization, education, and marketing public schools to upper-middle-class parents. Journal of Education Policy, 23 (2): 165-179.

10.  Cucchiara, M. (2003).“The evolution of reform: Studying ‘community partnerships’ in Philadelphia.” Penn GSE Perspectives on Urban Education, 2.

Book chapters and reports

11.  Cucchiara, M. (2013). “’I want the white people here:’ The dark side of an urban school renaissance.” In M. Katz and M. Rose (Eds.) Public Education Under Siege. Philadelphia, PA: The University of Pennsylvania Press.

12.  Gold, E., Simon, E., and Cucchiara, M. (2010). “The prospects for public engagement in a privatizing system: A case study of Philadelphia, 2001-2007.” In J. Rogers and M. Orr (Eds.). Public Engagement for Public Education: Joining Forces to Revitalize Democracy and Equalize Schools. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.

13.  Gold, E., Cucchiara, M., and Simon, E. (2009). “Market-oriented education reforms: The cost to civic capacity in Philadelphia.” Voices in Urban Education (23): 5-12.

14.  Gold, E., Simon, E., Cucchiara, M., Riffer, M., and Mitchell, C. (2007) “A Philadelphia story: Building civic capacity for school reform in privatizing system.” Philadelphia, PA: Research for Action.

15.  Gold, E., Cucchiara, M., Simon, E. & Riffer, M. (2005). “Time to engage: Civic participation in Philadelphia’s school reform.” (Research Brief) Philadelphia, PA: Research for Action.

Popular Media Articles

  1. Cucchiara, M. (10/15/2013). “Cities are Trying to Fix Their Schools by Luring the Middle Class: It Won’t Work.” (


External Grants

1.  Cucchiara, M. (2012-14). National Academy of Education/Spencer Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship. “Low-income mothers’ experiences with parenting education.” $55,000

2.  Horvat, E., and Cucchiara, M. (2008-10). Spencer Foundation Research Grant. “Can middle-class parents save urban schools?” $40,000

Internal Grants: Temple University Office of the Provost

1. Cucchiara, M. (2011) Study Leave/Sabbatical. “Marketing schools, marketing cities.” ~$35,000

2. Cucchiara, M. (2011). Temple University Summer Salary Award. “Marketing schools, marketing cities.” $5,000

3.  Cucchiara, M. (2009). Temple University Summer Salary Award. “Education and urban revitalization: A cross-city comparison.” $5,000


1.  Horvat, E., Cucchiara, M., and Rooney, E. (2013). “Illuminating the black box of charter school practice: How does one successful charter school achieve its outcomes?” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association in San Francisco, CA, April 2013. (Written with a graduate student.)

2.  Posey-Maddox, L., Kimelberg, S., and Cucchiara, M. “School gentrification? Toward a framework for understanding the movement of middle-class families into urban public schools.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association in Denver, CO, August 2012.

3.  Cucchiara, M., Rooney, E., and Robertson-Kraft, C. “We are ready and willing to do the work.” Teacher self-efficacy and school turnarounds. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association in Vancouver, Canada, April 2012. (Written with graduate students.)

4.  Cucchiara, M. and Horvat E. “I’m proud I didn’t send my kid to private school.” School choice and the construction of parental identity. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Eastern Sociological Society in New York, New York, February 2012.

5.  Cucchiara, M. and Horvat, E. “Are we doing damage? Choosing schools in an era of parental anxiety.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association in New Orleans, LA, April 2011.

6.  Cucchiara, M. “From citizen to customer: The other side of an urban school renaissance.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Eastern Sociological Society in Philadelphia, PA, February 2011.

7.  Cucchiara, M. “Return to Rocky? Education policy and the fear of middle-class flight.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association in Atlanta, GA, August 2010.

8.  Horvat, E. & Cucchiara, M.. “Pushing parents away: The role of district bureaucracy in limiting economic integration.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association in Denver, CO, May 2010.

9.  Horvat, E., Cucchiara, M. & Porterfield, L. “But then you have to deal with the district: School district institutional structure, and economic integration.” Paper Presented at the annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association in Philadelphia, PA, December 2009.

10.  Cucchiara, M. “The final piece of the puzzle? Public schools and urban revitalization” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association in San Diego, CA, April 2009.

11.  Cucchiara, M. & Horvat, E. “The perils and promises of middle-class parental involvement in urban schools: A comparative analysis.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association in San Diego, CA, April 2009.

12.  Cucchiara, M. & Horvat, E. “Understanding middle-class parental involvement in urban schools.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New York City, March 2008.

13.  Cucchiara, M., Gold, E., Simon, E., Riffer, M., and Mitchell, C. “Privatizing civic engagement: Markets, schools, and the challenge to civic capacity for school reform in Philadelphia.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New York City, March 2008.

14.  Cucchiara, M. “Marketing schools, marketing cities: Urban revitalization, public education, and social inequality.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Eastern Sociological Society, Philadelphia, PA, April 2007.

15.  Cucchiara, M. “What if they all left? Policy discourse and the fear of middle-class flight.” Paper presented at the annual Ethnography in Education Research Forum, Philadelphia, PA, February 2007.

16.  Cucchiara, M. “Creating the valued customer: Urban revitalization and marketing public schools to the middle class.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Urban Affairs Association, Montreal, Canada, April 2006.

17.  Cucchiara, M. “A ‘higher class’ of school reform: Urban revitalization, middle-class parents, and public schools.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, April 2006.

18.  Cucchiara, M. “Engagement for the elite: Education, urban revitalization and the special status of middle-class families.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Washington, DC, December 2005.

19.  Cucchiara, M. “Contracting the public sphere: Philadelphia’s school reform and a new model for civic engagement.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, Philadelphia, PA, August 2005.

20.  Cucchiara, M. “From center stage to the sidelines: Community organizations and the state takeover of the Philadelphia School District.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Eastern Sociological Society, Philadelphia, PA, March 2003.

21.  Cucchiara, M. “Community organizations and the state takeover of the Philadelphia School District.” Paper presented at the Spencer Student Research Symposium, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, March 2002.

22.  Cucchiara, M. “History of university-run schools.” Paper presented at the Spencer Urban Education Seminar, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, October 2001.


Panelist. “Public Education in Philadelphia.” South Philly Parents Resource Center. Philadelphia, PA. October 10, 2013.

Panelist. “A Path Forward to Equitable and Sustainable Development.” Sojourner-Douglass College, Baltimore, MD. March 9, 2013.

Panelist, “Social Justice Debate.” Elizabethtown College. October 25, 2012.

Panelist. “Behind and Beyond the Debate. A Public Speaker Series on Education in Newark.” Rutgers University—Newark, Institute on Ethnicity, Culture, and the ModernExperience. November 10, 2011.

Panelist. “New Directions in Research on Urban Education.” Princeton University, The Center for African American Studies. April 19, 2011.


Book featured on Chicago public radio’s This is Hell (live interview) (9/7/13)

Book reviewed in Philadelphia City Paper (Summer 2013).

Next City (1/25/13). “Urban education’s breadline problem.”

USA Today (11/6/12). “Urban middle class boosts school diversity.”

CBSPhilly (5/5/13). “Professor: Campaign to market Center City public schools increases divide of ‘haves,’ ‘have nots.’”

New York Teacher (4/5/12). “Philly business ed model shuts out public.” (2013). “When the melting pot boils over.”

Science Daily (4/24/09). “Can middle-class families make urban schools better?”

Times of India (4/26/09). “You can make urban schools better.”


Contemporary Trends in Educational Research (ED5010), Temple University, Fall 2012, Fall 2013.

Educational Leadership as Civic Leadership (EA5653), Temple University, Spring 2012, Spring 2013.

Qualitative Data Collection (ED8102), Temple University, Spring 2012, Spring 2013.

Introduction to Urban Schools (UE5401), Temple University, Fall 2009, Spring 2010, Fall 2010, Spring 2011.

Introduction to Urban Schools (UE5401), Temple University-School District of Philadelphia Partnership Program, Fall 2010.

Kids, Community and Controversy: Understanding Social Problems in American Schools (ED823), Temple University, Spring 2010.

Research Design in Education (ED5101), Temple University, Fall 2008, Spring 2009, Fall, 2009.

Education, Schooling, and the Individual in American Society (ED1196), Temple University, Fall 2008.

Urban Education (URBST/EDUC 202). University of Pennsylvania. Spring 2005.

Introduction to Sociology (SOCI 001). University of Pennsylvania. Summer 2004.


Merit Recognition (Temple University), 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012.

NAACP (Terrebonne Parish, Louisiana, Chapter) Excellence Award, March 1995.

Volunteer of the Year, Houma Housing Authority, Houma, LA, June 1995.


American Sociological Association, member since 2001

American Educational Research Association, member since 2001

Eastern Sociological Society, member since 2003

Cucchiara Curriculum Vitae 8