December 13, 2011


1)  Welcome

Call to order @ 7:01 pm

a. Attendance

2)  Approval of October & November minutes

Approved with amendments both October and November

3)  Financial update

Good financial position and are available upon requests

3 purchases made for month of November

4)  Registrar update

Shirley absent

Canadian player transfers (form to be filled out). Forms were sent to associations with list of players and this should have been done by last weekend.

5)  Referee-in-Chief update

Art absent ( 5match hearings in past month and half and 1 pending)

6)  Match/STAR update

No reports

7)  District Coaching Director

a. Background checked adult inthe locker room (good idea to have more than 1 adult at a time)

b. Coaching modules and December 31st

*get on coaches to complete modules…not very many have done this yet

*There will be some suggestions made for changes for future modules (receptiveness)

*you have 30 days from minute you log on

*January 1 you will have to pull coaches off ice

8)  Old Business

a.  Review any player exception requests (vote on)

i.  Give back passed/denied exceptions

ii. 3 player exceptions currently

* Midget player out of Ann Arbor (passed)

*goalie on Bantam house team from West Kent to move to other Bantam house team without a goalie (passed)

b. Tourney sanction numbers

c. Last day to release a player was November 30 (coach initiated)

9)  New Business

A. District teams draw (see attached)

Final payments due at District Credential Checks which will be held on January 17th in Grand Rapids and January 19th in East Lansing @ 6:30pm.

***bring a check made out to MAHA D6

b.  Play-in games schedule, money to whom and when

* January 7, 2012

·  Wings West (old S2)

·  Schedule attached

·  157.00 for play in games (every level), the first team that shows up for play ins games needs to bring money if there are multiple teams from same associations

Balance will be billed after play in games complete

c. District schedules from associations to Chairperson by January 8, 2012

1.  To be reviewed by council 2 nights later

2.  Keep the 4/12 (hour) rule in mind

d. Reminders for January mtg.

1. Pre-district mtg. to follow regular mtg

2. Bring either district tourney chairperson or alternate for mtg.

3. Plan to take home medals, trophies and banners

4. Review the rules w/ hosts

10)  Q/A : Jamboree in Grand Rapids coming up: contact David Bima

11)  Motion to adjourn @ 8:20pm

Next Meeting:

January 10, 2012 @ Patterson in GR 7:00pm

see MAHA District 6 on
