Virginia Board for People with Disabilities

Executive Committee Meeting

September10, 2014

Committee Members Present:Korinda Rusinyak, Chair

Charles Meacham, Vice-Chair

Dennis Manning, Secretary

Dennis Findley

John Kelly

Mary McAdam

Jessica Philips

Sarah Ratner

Angela Sadsad

Angela Yong West

Other Board Members Present:Carina Elgin

Ed Turner

Committee Members Absent:None

VBPD Staff Present:Heidi Lawyer

Nan Pemberton

Barb Dodd

Michal Ketner

Katherine Lawson

Linda Redmond

Lynne Talley

CALL TO ORDER:The Chair Ms. Korinda Rusinyak, called the meeting to order at 7:51 a.m.

OPENING REMARKS:The Chair greeted and welcomed Board members and Staff.

REVIEW OF THE AGENDA: The Chair reviewed theExecutive Committee Meeting agenda items.

APPROVAL OF JUNE 4, 2014 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES: The Chair asked if there were any amendments to the June 4, 2014Executive Committee meeting minutes. There being none, the Chair called for a MOTION toapprove the minutes. Dennis Findley made a MOTION to approve. Charles Meacham seconded the MOTION.The MOTION was approved unanimously.

BOARD MEMBER ATTENDANCE: Nan Pemberton,Director of Administration, reported on Board member attendance through June 4, 2014 on behalf of Secretary Dennis Manning. There were no attendance issues.

DIRECTOR’S UPDATE: Heidi Lawyer, Executive Director,gave the Director’s update. Highlights/points of discussion included: participation in the DOJ related meetings, Waiver redesign meetings, submission of public comment to DBHDS in several areas, a joint effort with the Arc for video storytelling; successful completion of the YLF program, completion of the state strategic plan, completion of the Disability Assessment and distribution to the Governor and his policy staff as well as Secretary Hazel and his staff. Many other activities were discussed. (See attachment EC 4 for details).

SFY 2015 OPERATING BUDGET: Nan Pemberton, Director of Administration,reported on the Fiscal Year 2015Proposed Agency Budget. The proposed VBPD state fiscal year 2015 budget is $1,405,422 (See EC-5 for details). More details regarding the proposed budget will be given by Nan at the full board meeting. At this time, the Program and Training Manager position responsible for the PIPand YLF training programs is still vacant. Additionally, attempts to secure a venue for PIP have been unsuccessful. Therefore, it is recommended to postpone the 2014/2015 PIP class until next fiscal year. During this period, the staff will reassess the program and work on strengthening the advocacy activities of the PIP alumni network. The amount of funding for PIP shown in the proposed budget assumes PIP will not be held this fiscal year. There were two corrections to the proposed budget shown on attachment page EC 5-2. The Board Administration variance is 20% not 5%. The Partners in Policymaking variance is 80% not 0%. Discussion followed. The Chair called for a MOTION to bring the proposed budget to the full Board for a vote. Dennis Manning made the MOTION. Dennis Findley seconded. The MOTION was approved unanimously.

AGENCY FISCAL REPORT: Nan Pemberton, Director of Administration, provided the agency fiscal year 2015 report. Year-to-date operating and Board meeting expenditures through August 15, 2014 totaled $76,033 (see EC 6-2 for details). Total year-to-date expenditures for the agency through August 15, 2014 totaled $186,405 (see EC 6-4) for details.

GRANT EXPENDITURE UPDATE: Lynne Talleyprovided a grant expenditure update. One contract and eight grants are active. As of July30, 2014, a total of $1,115,056.00 in grant funds had been awarded and $482,778.86 had been expended leaving a balance of $632,277.14. Reimbursements for last quarter totaled $145,917.96. The available balancefor state fiscal year 2015 conference support funds is $4,350 (see EC 6-5 through EC 6-6 for details). The Board has received a request from the Partnership for People with Disabilities (PPD) for $4,000 to support their 2014 Building Bridges IV Conference (see attachment BD 2 for details). Discussion followed.

FFY 2016 INVESTMENT INITIATIVES:Lynne Talley reported on FFY 2016 investment initiatives. In the State Plan, the Community Integration and Education and Employment Committees have potential grant investments for the upcoming year. Each of these Committees will be discussing two initiatives today. Roughly $250,000 is available for grants. If the Committees decide to pursue any of these initiatives, Board staff will develop draft RFPs and present them at the December 2014 Board Meeting. Discussion followed.

COMMUNICATIONS/MARKETING UPDATE:Barb Doddreported on the Board’s web site and Facebook page traffic during the period from May 1, 2014 through August 5, 2014. Most visitors access the web site from desktop computers but traffic coming from mobile devices is increasing. Facebook page activity spiked during PIP and YLF. As of the end of August 2014 total Facebook page likes were near 1,000.

COMMITTEE CHAIR/STAFF MEETING AGENDAS:Committee Chairs provided overviews of their respective Standing Committee meeting agendas.

OTHER BUSINESS:The Chair called for discussion of any other business. There was none.

ADJOURNMENT:The Chair called for adjournment of the meeting at 9:11a.m.