Magnolia Trace Elementary


3rd Grade Student Application

After viewing the amazing accomplishment of FHS’s Robotics Team (a.k.a. RoboDawgs), we decided to join in on the fun of learning about science, technology, engineering, and mathematics; while using Legos. For the past four years we haveorganized teams to address the Jr. FLL’s Challenges and learned a lot about motorized Legos, technology, and team building logistics. The 2017/18 Jr. FIRST Lego League teams at MTE will be comprised of 3rd grade students who will meet after school 1 time a month for 60 - 90 minutes to:

  • Explore simple machines and mechanical designs using Legos
  • Practice “Gracious Professionalism” while working in collaboration teams
  • Address the Jr. FLL challenge: “Aqua Adventures” to learn about the journey of the water we use. Students will pick one way we use water at home or in our community and willdesign a solution to improve a part of water’s journey.
  • Create a PPT and Lego display model that communicates the team's research and the functionality of their motorized invention
  • Present the culmination of their work publicly at a school exposition

We have the capacity to maintain 5 teams with the ratio of 4 students to 1 adult coach. Therefore we will conduct a random drawing of student applications to select 10 boys and 10 girls to participate in this year’s Jr. FLL teams. Please carefully consider the requirements listed below before submitting an application. There is team/sport/hobby out there for everyone, but one does not have to do everything to be fulfilled. If your child(ren) are already committed to several other after school events, this may not be the right fit for them and you at this time. Middle schools, junior high schools, and high schools are now starting to form their own age appropriate robotics teams and there will be plenty of opportunities to come.

Application Fee: A nonrefundable check $20.00 (written to MTE)to cover team T-shirt, snacks, and registration fee for the Jr. FIRST Lego League will be required. Please hold checks until you have been notified of your child’s acceptance to a team, via written acceptance letter on Friday, Sept. 8th.

Parent Requirements:

  • Parents must pledge to say only “nice things” about the team sponsors who are freely giving up their time to enrich your child’s education.
  • Parents must commit to REMEMBERING to pick their child promptly at 5:00 the 1st semester & 5:30 the 2nd semester in the front of the school. (Those who accidentally forget, will have to pay a $10 drop-in fee for After-Care which runs until 6:00)

Student Requirements:

  • Students must work cooperatively with team members to problem solve and collaborate in a kind, respectful, and gracious manner.
  • Students must have a signed Media Release on file in the office.
  • Students must attend all team meetings.

Date / Time / Topic
Monday, Sept. 25th / 4 - 5:00pm / Gears
Monday, Oct. 23rd / 4 - 5:00pm / Levers
Monday, Nov. 27th / 4 - 5:00pm / Wheels & Axles
Monday, Dec. 11th / 4 - 5:00pm / Pulleys & Motors
  • Students will be giving a research assignment(typically 2 questions pertaining to the upcoming challenge)to conduct at homewith the assistance of a parent& will report their findings at the Jan. 29th meeting.

Monday, Jan. 29th / 4 – 5:30pm / Whole Group Challenge
Monday, Feb. 26th / 4 – 5:30pm / Whole Group Challenge
Monday, March 26th / 4 – 5:30pm / Whole Group Challenge
Monday, April 23rd / 4 – 5:30pm / Speech & PPT Creations
Monday, May 7th / 4 – 5:30pm / Finishing touches

Meetings are afterschool from 4pm – 5:00pm 1st semester & till 5:30 2nd semester and will not interfere with K-Kids Meetings or Monday night Saints Games. Plan to pick your child up via the car and please DO NOT walk to the building to collect your child. It is a safety hazard to have people walking in and out of cars moving through the carline.

Grounds for team dismissal:

  • Missing two team meetings, without a doctor’s note (not a parent letter)
  • Three behavioral reprimands at team meetings

Should you find that this is a good fitfor your family, please help your child complete the application and submit it to their homeroom teacher/front office by Tues., Sept 6th. Coaches will prepareapplications for random drawings and will contact parents of those selected with written letter on Friday, Sept. 8th. If your child is not selected, you may want to consider hosting a team through another social organization, such as; girl scouts, youth groups, neighborhood groups, etc. 

Please detach & submit to homeroom teacher/front office by Tues, Sept. 6th.

Late applications will not be accepted after this date.


MTE’s Jr. FIRST LEGO League Student Application

Student Name: ______Boy or Girl Grade: 3rd Teacher:______

(Please circle one)

By submitting this application for MTE’s Jr. FLL, I am stating that my child and I are fully aware of parent & student requirements, application fees, and meeting dates for this afterschool program. I understand that this application will be part of the random drawing selection process.



ContactPhone #:______