
FATS / Weight / Measure
Lard / 1 lb. / 2 c.
Butter / 1 lb. / 2 c.
Margarine (Dry) / 1 lb. / 5 c.
Oils / 1 lb. / 1 pt. Or 2 c.
Shortening / 1 lb. / 2 c.

Flours & Cereals

/ Weight / Measure
Rye, sifted 1 / 1 lb. / 5 2/3 c.
Whole Wheat / 1 lb. / 3 ¾ c.
Wheat, Cracked / 1 lb. / 3 ½ c.
Corn Meal / 1 lb. / 3 c. raw, 12 c. cooked
White, sifted 1 / 1 lb. / 4 c.
Cake, sifted 1 / 1 lb. / 4 ¾ c.
Bread crumbs / 1 lb. / 5 c. (dry Bread)
10 c. (Fresh or soft pieces)
Crackers, soda / 1 lb. / 108,
1 c. crumbs = 7-9 crackers
Graham crackers / 1 c. crumbs = 9-11 crackers
Vanilla wafers / 1 c. crumbs = 20-30 wafers
Macaroni / 1 lb. / 4 c. raw or 9 c. cooked
Egg Noodles / 1 lb. / 7 c.
Rice / 1 lb. / 2 c. raw or 8 c. cooked
Popcorn / 1 lb. / 2 c.
Farina / 5 lb. / 13 c.
Oatmeal / 1 lb. / 2 2/3 c.
Fruits (Dried) / Weight / Measure
Apples / 1 lb. / 4 c. raw, 8-10 c. cooked
Apricots / 1 lb. / 3 c. raw, 5 c. cooked
Currants / 1 lb. / 3 c.
Dates / 16 oz. / 2 ½ c/ pitted, 50-60 dates, 1 ¾ c. unpitted
Figs / 1 lb. / 3 c. or 44 figs
Prunes / 1 lb. / 2 c. dry or 40-60 prunes
Raisins / 16 oz. / 3 c. seedless,
2 ½ c. seeded
Vegetables (Dried) /


/ Measure
Kidney beans / 1 lb. / 2 ½ c.
Lima beans / 1 lb. / 2 ½ c.
Navy beans / 1 lb. / 2 1/3 c.
Pinto, Red & white beans / 1 lb. / 2 c.
Split peas / 1 lb. / 2 c.
Carrots, Diced / 2 lb. 6 oz. / 12 cups
Onion, Minced / 1 lb. / 4 ¾ c.
Potato Flakes / 1 lb. / 7 1/3 c.
Potato Granules / 1 lb. / 2 ½ c.
Bacon Bits / 1 lb. / 4 1/4 c.
Sugar & Sweets /


/ Measure
Sugar, white / 1 lb. / 2 ¼ c.
Sugar, brown / 1 lb. / 2 ¼ c, packed
Sugar, confectioners / 1 lb. / 3 ½ c.
Molasses / 1 lb. / 1 1/3 c.
Corn syrup / 1 lb. / 1 1/3 c.
Honey / 1 lb. / 1 1/3 c.
Marshmallows / 1 lb. / 80 large
Spices /


/ Measure
Basil Leaves / 5.5 oz. / 58 Tab.
Chili Powder / 18 oz. / 80 Tab.
Cinnamon / 1 lb. / 65 Tab.
Cumin / 14 oz. / 68 Tab.
Garlic Powder / 19 oz. / 71 Tab.
Bouillon, Chicken & Beef / 1 lb. / 32 Tab.
Baking Items /


/ Measure
Baking Powder / 5 lb. / 9 ½ c.
Baking Soda / 1 lb. / 1 ¾ c.
Clear Jel / 1 lb. / 3 1/3 c.
Cornstarch / 1 lb. / 3 c.
Cocoa, Baking / 1 lb. / 4 ½ c.
Eggs, Whole Dry / 1 lb. / 4 1/3 c.
Salt / 1 lb. / 1 ½ c.
Yeast, Instant / 1 lb. / About 29 T.
Milk & Cheese (Dry) /


/ Measure
Cheese, Powder / 3 lb. / 11 ½ c.
Milk, Chocolate / 1 lb. / 2 ½ c.
Milk, Powdered / 1 lb. / 3 c.

Can Number

/ Weight / Measure
No. 300 / 14 to 16 oz. / 1 ¾ c.
No. 303 / 16 to 17 oz. / 2 c.
No. 2 / 1 lb., 4 oz. / 2 ½ c.
No. 2 ½ / 1 lb., 13 oz. / 3 ½ c.
No. 10 / 6 ½ to 7 ¼ lbs. / 12 to 13 c.

Family Preparedness


If getting your food storage started over whelms you, maybe this idea will help. Set down and plan a two-month calendar of Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner’s that your family likes. Multiply the quantity of the ingredient in each meal by 6. Then tally all ingredients by commodity. This will give you a list of which commodity needed to make those meals for one year. Then make plans to purchase those commodities a little each month. If you will keep your list of the foods needed, when there is a sale you can take advantage of it.

If you find it difficult to work with a full year’s planning at once, you may want to apply a similar technique for a month at a time. Building a month at a time can also be easiest on the family budget.

Involve your children in your planning. As a family home evening lesson have each member of your family make a list their (or tell you and you make the list) favorite meals. With older children you can have them help you calculate the ingredients (a great math assignment).

For example:


2 cups white flour

2 T. sugar

1 tsp. salt

1 T. yeast

Add 1 1/2 cups hot water. Slowly add 1 ½ cups more of flour. Knead 10 min. Raise until double (in a hurry leave out this step). Roll out in rectangle. Cut in 1-inch strips. Twist and put in pan. Be sure to grease pan. Bake at 400 degrees for 10 min. Brush with margarine - sprinkle with garlic salt or Parmesan cheese. * If in a big hurry don't raise in bowl, put in pan and raise ½ to 1 hr. then bake.

If I had planned in my menu to Bread Sticks once a month.

3 ½ cups Flour x 12 = 42 cups = 10 ½ lbs.

2 Tab. Sugar x 12 = 24 Tab. = 1 ½ cup = ½ lb.

1 tsp. Salt x 12 = 12 tsp. = 4 Tab. = ¼ cup = 2 oz.

1 Tab. Yeast x 12 = 12 Tab. = approx. more than 1/3 lb.

Once you have figured out what you need for a year, make sure and put it right on your recipe card for future use.

Dash = less than 1/8 teaspoon

3 teaspoons = 1 tablespoon

5 tablespoon plus 1 teaspoon = 1/3 cup

16 tablespoon = 1 cup

1 cup = ½ pint

2 cups = 1 pint

2 pints (4 cups) = 1 quart

4 quarts (liquid) = 1 gallon

16 cups = 1 gallon

1 ounce = 2 tablespoons

4 ounces = ½ cup

8 ounces = 1 cup

16 ounces = 1 pound

32 ounces = 1 quart

Food Storage Tally Sheet

Wheat /

White Flour

/ Corn Meal / Oats, Rolled / Rice / Spaghetti / Egg Noodle

Food Storage Tally Sheet