C/S Restricted (Mock) LAB User Guide
Version 6.0
The C/S Restricted (Mock) LAB is configured to send orders from the Order Entry (OM) application to LAB via the standard LAB/OM interface.
Once LAB receives an order from OM, a specimen will be created with an internal (urn) and external number. The specimen status will be ORD. The OM order status will be Ordered (with an audit indicating Verified and Transmitted status updates).
The Order messages will be sent immediately out to the Other Vendor Laboratory Information System (LIS) with the internal reference number of the specimens.
When results are received from the Other Vendor LIS, they will be filed and verified in LAB. The specimen status will go to COMP if all results have been filed or RES if there are any pending tests on the specimens. The OM order status will go to Completed if completed or Results if there are still pending tests (with an audit indicating an In Process status update).
Upon filing, LAB will send results to the Enterprise Medical Record (EMR) for viewing.
Interface Summary
- OM/LAB – Files orders to LAB application
OM orders will add to existing LAB specimens until they are at a Received status or higher.
OM add-on orders requested after results have been filed will require a new specimen.
- Medinet Send Orders – Sends orders from LAB to Other Vendor LIS
- Medinet Receive Results – Receives Results from Other Vendor LIS
- LAB Inbox Analyzer Interface files results in LAB
The following Dictionaries and Routines are required to build and maintain a restricted LAB module. Standard Content for the Dictionaries is available and can be used to reduce the amount of dictionary building required.
DICTIONARIES / ROUTINESMIS Person Dictionary (Hospital/Meditech) / View System Status
LIS Customer Defined Parameters (Hospital) / Enter/Edit System Status
LIS System Parameters (Meditech) / Status Report
LIS Access Dictionary (Hospital) / View LIS Locks
LIS Method Dictionary (Meditech) / EMR Activity Log
LIS Site Dictionary (Meditech) / Order Entry Log
LAB Department (Hospital) / LAB Outstanding Specimen Report
LAB Test (Hospital)
/LAB Process Analyzers
LAB Analyzer / MIS Process Inbox/OutboxLAB Analyzer Type / MIS Process Unique Background Jobs
**LIS Order Group Dictionary
**LIS Test View Group Dictionary
** Optional Dictionaries for ITS and PHA integration.DICTIONARY CONCEPTS
Dictionaries allow users to input data into the system for use in the application. Every dictionary has three fields in common.
Mnemonic: This is a short term used to identify the entry being built. Entries always file alphabetically based on the mnemonic.
Active: This determines if the entry being built can be used in the system. There are three options at this field.
- “Y” indicates that this entry is available to be used and will appear in various lookups in the system.
- “N” indicates that this entry is not available to be used and will not appear in active lookups. You can view active and inactive entries by selecting Both (right hand body region) in the search box.
- “E” indicates that you wish to expunge this entry upon filing. The expunge feature is controlled by System Parameters and will be inactivated once your LIVE database is created. Once an entry is expunged, it cannot be retrieved. If a dictionary entry is associated to any other dictionary, it must be removed prior to being expunged. The system will display a cross-reference report if you try to expunge an entry with associations.
Name: The name field is a full-length description for the entry being built. It is primarily used to facilitate dictionary lookups.
Use the <F9> key or click on the drop down selection box to access a lookup of acceptable entries for the field you are on. <F9> will provide a lookup from the beginning of the file. If you know the first few letters of the entry you are looking for, you can seed the lookups with the letters then hit <F9>. The lookups will begin with those entries that start with the letters input.
On-line Documentation
Each field has documentation describing its use. To access the documentation hit the <Shift<F1> keys. For document on the entire dictionary or routine, hit the <F1> function key.
MIS Person Dictionary (Hospital/Meditech)
MIS Person Profile Dictionary (Hospital/Meditech)
MIS Menu/Procedure Access Dictionary (Hospital/Meditech)
- Users/Person who have access to the Restricted (Mock) LAB should have theLAB application (MIS Person Profile Dictionary) with the LAB.zcus.mock.mainmenu (MIS Menu/Procedure Access Dictionary).
- Meditech will create a person with the mnemonic of INFCE. This person will be given access to Confidential Patients and Tests, which allows the interface to file these results without error.
LIS System Parameters (Meditech)
Meditech will file the required defaults. The following prompts require hospital input.
- Not Done Mnemonic – This should match what the performing lab sends for tests that are ordered but not done.
- Not Done Result String
- QNS Mnemonic - This should match what the performing lab sends for tests that are ordered but not done because the specimen quantity is not sufficient.
- QNS Result String
- Archive and Purge Delay Parameters – Should be discussed when your facility begins archiving patient and specimen data.
LIS Access Dictionary (Hospital/Meditech)
Meditech will build an INFCE access group and fill in the required prompts. An ALL group should be created for users/person who will be maintaining the Restricted (Mock) LAB.
LIS Customer Defined Parameters (Hospital)
Meditech will file the required default parameters. The following parameters require hospital input.
- Priority String (Hi-Lo)
- Result String
- Pending Result String
- All Results Pending Msg
- No Reportable Rslts Msg
- Exceptional Result Flags
- EMR Inquiry -.INQUIRY
LIS Method Dictionary (Meditech)
The Method Dictionary defines the methods used to perform tests and procedures. At least one method must be defined. Most sites use Mnemonic: REF and Name: Reference Lab
- Mnemonic: Define a unique mnemonic that represents the method. This mnemonic will be associated to tests/procedures.
- Active: Enter “Y” to make this entry eligible for use within the system. Enter “N” to prevent this entry from being used.
- Name: Define a name that represents the entry being created. The name will be primarily used for lookups.
LIS Site Dictionary (Meditech)
The LIS Site Dictionary is used to create ordering and performing sites to be used within the Laboratory application. For the Restricted (Mock) LAB, Meditech will build one LIS LAB Site with the mnemonic of ML.
Define the following 6 prompts on Page 1.
- Mnemonic – Enter a short meaningful term for the site being defined. For example: ML.
- Active – Set this prompt to “Y”
- Name – Enter the full description of the site being defined.
- Site Code – Enter up to three letters to be used as the site code. For example: ML. This field is used for patient reports generated from MEDITECH. It is a required field but will not be utilized with a restricted LAB.
- REF LAB? – Enter “N”
- Report Address String – Free text the address for this site. Please note that in the case of a Restricted (Mock) LAB, the ordering site and performing site are going to be the same, so the Address String will not appear on the EMR Inquiry Report.
LIS Site Dictionary - Page 3(MEDITECH)
- Orders to Recipient – This links the MIS Outbox Recipient to this Ordering Site. It is required to generate outbox order messages.
- Modules – This is set to L indicating outbox messages will be generated from the LAB module.
- Imm – This is set to “Y” indicating that the outbox message will be generated as soon as LAB creates the specimen.
- Int Comm – This determines if internal specimen comments are sent in the outbox message. This can be set to Y or N depending on your requirements. Internal comments are generated by using an “@” sign at the beginning of each comment line.
LAB Department Dictionary (Hospital)
The purpose of the LAB Department Dictionary is to:
- Separates tests into departments for the INQUIRY report
- Controls the creation of specimens
- Mnemonic – Define a short meaningful term for the department being created. For example: CHEM, HEM, COAG, UC, UA.
- Active – Enter “Y” to allow this department to be used in within the system.
- Name – Enter the full description of this department.
- Abbreviation – Enter an abbreviated name for this department.
- Prefix – Enter the one to two alpha character prefix to use for specimens created from this department.
-Each prefix sets up a specimen accession wheel that resets daily.
-Each department may have a unique prefix or share a prefix with another department.
Example specimen number: 0112:C000005R
US -> MMDD:PrefixNumberPriority
Canada -> DDMM:PrefixNumberPriority
- Barcode Number Days – Since specimen labels will not be generated, this field can be left blank.
Note: A LAB department without a prefix should be built for use with Group type LAB tests with components from multiple departments.
Print Numbers
Print numbers determine the order in which tests print on patient reports and in result entry. In the standard configuration, the first three digits represent the department the test is performed in and the second set of digits (4 or 5) represent the test and its position within the department.
- Assign each department a block of numbers
- When assigning “T” type test numbers, leave a space between the numbers for additions and/or corrections
- Assign “P” and “G” type tests a lower print number than each of the components
Chemistry / 400
Lytes (Profile) / 400.0000
NA / 400.0100
K / 400.0200
CL / 400.0300
CO2 / 400.0400
Types of Tests
"T" Type Test
- Single, resultable test
- Numeric (Ex: NA) – Accepts integer and decimal results only.
- Non-numeric, single (Ex: RPR) – Accepts all results.
- Non-numeric, multiple (Ex: RBC Morphology)
- Timed (Ex:GTT3)
"P" Type Test
- Profile - group of "T" and "P" type tests from the same department.
- Component tests appear beneath the abbreviation header on the Inquiry report.
- EX: Lytes - NA, K, CL, CO2
"G" Type Test
- Group - cluster of "T", "G", and "P" type tests from different departments (Attach the Laboratory department to these tests).
- Group names do not appear on the Inquiry report.
- EX: ADM Panel - CBC, PT, PTT, UA, Lytes
"C" Type Test
Charge tests are not used in a Restricted (Mock) LAB
LAB Test Dictionary – “T” Test (Hospital)
Only those fields required to file results into Meditech will be discussed during this implementation.
- Print Number: The print number is used as the internal identifier for this test. When building a new test, enter the desired print number here. Once a test is filed the print number can’t be changed.You can enter the mnemonic to recall the entry.
- Active: Enter “Y”.
- Mnemonic: Enter the code used to identify this test. This will be the primary mapping term for the interface. It can be a short meaningful term for this test (which will facilitate recalling this test during dictionary maintenance) or it can be the other vendor’s order code. Note: You can also map the other vendor’s order code on page two of this dictionary.
- Name: Enter the full name description of this test.
- Abbreviation: Enter an abbreviated name for this test. The abbreviation will appear as the test name on the Inquiry Report if this test is pending when the report is printed.
- Type: Enter T. Once the test is filed, you can’t change the test type.
- Department: Enter the department this test is performed in.
- Orderable: Enter “Y”.
- Ask Order Count: Enter “N”.
LAB Test Dictionary – “T” Type - Page 2(Hospital)
- LAB Site: Enter ML, this is the ordering and performing site for the test.
- Ref Code: If the mnemonic entered on Page 1 is not the other vendor’s order code for this test, enter the order code here. This is only required for tests that can be ordered. If this mnemonic does not match the OMOrder mnemonic, mapping will be required in OM as well.
- Res Code: Enter the other vendor’s result code for this test. This is only required for tests that can be resulted (“T” types).
LAB Test Dictionary - “T” Type - Page 3 – Numeric(Hospital)
- Numeric: If the other vendor will only send numeric results for this test, enter “Y”. Enter “N” if results can be either numeric or non-numeric. Numeric based results can be graphed within the EMR. However, you should only set the test to Numeric if you can guarantee that only numeric values will be sent as the value. Special results (like NEGATIVE, Hemolyzed, Wrong Patient Collected, Cancelled, etc) cannot be sent as the result value but as result comments only.
- Multiple: If the other vendor can send more than one result for this test, enter “Y”. This field can only be accessed if Numeric is set to “N”.
- Confidential: Enter “Y” if this test is confidential. If you enter “Y” users must have access to confidential data to view the results in the EMR and on the Inquiry Report. This test must also be listed in the Confidential Test section of the LIS Access Dictionary.
- Reportable: – Enter “Y”. This prompt determines if the results of this test can be seen outside of LAB.
- EMR ID: Enter the identifier used to display this test in EMR. This is only required for reportable tests. This is a lookup into the HUB Item Dictionary. If you do not find an EMR ID that represents the test, open a task to request that a new ID be created.
LAB Test Dictionary - “T” Type - Page 4– Numeric(Hospital)
- Res Group: At least one result group must be defined. If you are accepting the other vendor’s reference ranges, enter A. If you will not be accepting the other vendor’s reference ranges, the rest of the prompts on this page will be discussed during the training call.
- Report Name Short/Long: The name from page 1 will default in as the Report Name Short and Long. You can edit these if desired. The short name will appear as the test name on the Inquiry Report.
LAB Test Dictionary - Page 6(Hospital)
- Method: Enter REF
- Result Group: Enter A
- Default Method: REF will default in when the cursor moves to this field.
LAB Test Dictionary - Page 4 – Non-Numeric(Hospital)
If the test is defined as Numeric = N on page 3, page 4 will look as follows:
- Leave the Res Code and Result Text fields blank to allow MEDITECH to accept any result the other vendor sends.
- Define a Res Group and Report Name Short and Long as described previously.
LAB Test Dictionary - Page 1 – Group/Profile(Hospital)
Groups and Profiles are orderable tests only and allow multiple tests to be ordered by a single mnemonic.
- Type: Enter G for Group or P for Profiles.
- Department: Enter the department the component tests belong to.
-Groups can have tests from the same or multiple departments. If tests are from multiple departments, select the department of LAB, which has no prefix. This allows the specimen numbers to be generated by the component tests. If all tests belong to the same department, the prefixed department can be listed here.
-Profiles should include tests from the same department as all tests appear beneath a header defined by the Abbreviation field.
- Orderable: Enter “Y”
- Ask Order Count: Enter “N”
LAB Test Dictionary - Page 2 – Group/Profile(Hospital)
For Groups and Profiles, enter Lab Site and Ref Code prompts only. All other fields relate to results.
LAB Test Dictionary - Page 3 – Group/Profile(Hospital)
For Groups and Profiles, enter N/A for the EMR ID. The EMR ID will be associated to the component tests. All other fields relate to results.
LAB Test Dictionary - Page 4 – Group/Profile(Hospital)
- Profile/Group: Enter .STD. This will represent the standard group of tests to be resulted when this group or profile is ordered. Note: Profile or Group will appear based on the Type defined on page 1.
- Component Tests: Enter the mnemonic of the component tests in the group or profile. You can enter the mnemonic or #print number. The system will order the entries based on print number once the dictionary is filed.
- Default Profile/Group: Enter .STD. Note: Profile or Group will appear based on the Type defined on page 1.
- Only Broadcast When Complete: This prompt appears on profile types only. This is not will not be utilized with a restricted LAB.
LIS Test View Group Dictionary (Hospital)
Test View Groups are linked in the Pharmacy Drug Dictionary or the ITS Procedure Dictionary and display LAB Results upon ordering drugs or procedures. This is an optional dictionary and only needs to be build if PHA or ITS requests the information.
LIS Order Group Dictionary (Hospital)