Madison Southern High School

Saturday, March 12, 2016, 9:00am – 3:00pm

The Madison Southern High School Band Boosters will be sponsoring a Spring Craft Fair on March12, 2015in the Madison Southern High School Cafeteria. Show will be advertised in local newspapers and radio.

Date of Fair / Saturday, March 12
Times of Fair / 9:00am to 3:00pm
Address / 279 Glades Road, Berea, KY 40403
Set-up times / 8:00 – 9:00 am
Tear Down times / 3:00 – 4:00 pm
Booth Fees / $25 handmade items/$40 goods and services (per space requested)
Booth size / 12’X12’ maximum
Booth Location / School cafeteria
Electricity / Limited availability – please specify if needed
Supplied by participant / Tables, chairs, EZ-ups (if desired), change
Deadline for application and payment / March 1, 2016
Concessions / Provided by MSHS Band Boosters

Please complete the contract on the following page and return with payment to reserve booth space. Make checks/money orders payable to: Madison Southern Band Boosters. Please do not send cash. Booths are available for crafters and vendors. I will only accept 1 vendor for each company – for example, only 1 representative for Pampered Chef, 1 representative for Tupperware, etc. Booth space is reserved with payment only and is allotted on a first come, first served basis. For more information call Mary Margaret McNemar at (859) 437-0719 or email .

Payments should be mailed to:

Madison Southern High School Band Boosters

C/O Mary Margaret McNemar

135 Raven Drive

Berea, KY 40403



Contact Name______

Business Name______



Crafted goods (describe)______

Vendor goods (describe)______

Payment: Crafts - $25 X _____ spaces= $______

Goods - $40 X _____ spaces= $______

•I understand that in order to protect the integrity of the fair and to protect the investment of the other vendors, Madison Southern Band reserves the right to refuse booth space to vendors/businesses whose wares/services are deemed inappropriate for display at the fair.

•I agree that in applying for booth space that I waive the right to hold the Madison County School system, the MSHS band, students, or band boosters responsible for any loss or harm, to person or property incurred during participation in the Madison Southern Band Craft Festival.

•I understand that no refunds will be issued as of March 1, 2016.

•I have read and understand all information pertaining to participation in the Madison Southern Band Craft Festival.


Please include this page with your payment. Payments should be mailed to:

Madison Southern Band Boosters

c/o Mary Margaret McNemar

135 Raven Drive

Berea, KY 40403