
Minutes of the Executive Board Meeting

Feb 27, 2005

Memorial Union


Attending: Nancy Holland, Ian Gaylor, Janice Lacock, Carol Buelow, Scott Weiss, Clelia Morris

1. Agenda: No changes

2. Minutes for Jan 20,2004: Scott moved to approve the updated minutes, Clelia seconded, and the motion passed.

3.  Treasurer’s Report. The checking account balance is $2084.11 This still includes Branch memberships. December dance expenses have been paid. The December dance party lost $244. The Mutual fund balance is $4323.44 Money was deposited from t-shirts and dance book sales.

The treasurer’s report was accepted by concensus.

4.  Secretary’s Report:

a.  Most of the Dance books for 2004 have been distributed. A few will still need to be mailed, or given out at the Ball.

b.  We had two inquiries for demos on St Patrick’s day, during the day (Thursday), so we turned them down. These were both from Senior organizations. One was from Jill Schone at Fitchburg Senior Center (in the Fitchburg Community Ctr on Lacy Rd.) They may set up a Sunday afternoon event some time in the future, aimed at a broader community audience.

5.  Vice-Chair’s report:

a. Dance department letter: Nancy H will complete.

6.  Membership-at-large:

Still waiting to hear back from Edinburgh about Branch memberships.

7.  Publicity-at-large: The Ball and concert details have been sent to MSCD, Muir Branch, Midwest groups, Inter City Scot. Will also send to Strathspey Listserve. The card has been sent to Mady, still need to send t-shirt. Concert info will be sent to Rhythm and Isthmus. Ian will give N.H. list of coffee shops, music stores to take flyers to. Board members and dancers are asked to post them around town.

8.  New Business: none

9.  Old Business:

a.  Dance Department letter: See 5. above.

10.  Timetable Review:

1.  Ball

a.  Dance program: done.

b.  Reconfirm hall and caterer: done; no likely competition for Great Hall

c.  Back-up location: Savannah Oaks School. Is it available? Norma will check with them. Hors d’Ouevres at Quivey’s Grove, Meal afterwards at Briggs’.

d.  Set times and fees: done

e.  Request hosts/hostesses for after-Ball party and for Brunch: Chuck and Ann will host after-party. Scott and Clelia will purchase beverages and help set up. Ian and Nancy M. will serve as greeters. Board members will help with clean up. N.H. will ask if Briggs would host Brunch.

f.  Draft registration flyer: done, a few registrations received

g.  Compile cheat sheets: done, up on web

h.  piper: Mike Fitak will pipe for his dinner and Ball attendance

i.  publicity to MSCD, Muir Branch, Midwest Groups, Strathspey List Serve, InterCity Scot: done except for Strathspey list.

j.  Intermission demo: nixed

k.  Menu: done

l.  Decorations:Scott, Clelia, N.H.,Janice: well underway

m.  Registrar: Bonnie Hall

n.  Button/badge design:Scott

o.  MC’s and briefers: Janice has lined up several briefers. Chuck, Nancy H. and Bob Hall will be asked to MC.

p.  Grand March: N.H. will see if Chuck would devise a March, to be led by Mike and Norma, Mike to be honorary Ball Chair

q.  Program booklet:Scott

r.  Paypal: set up

s.  Walk-throughs: Janice(?) will ask John McCormick to lead a walkthrough, in exchange for free Ball attendance.

11.  Next Meeting: Thursday March 17 6:30 at Nancy Holland’s

Respectfully Submitted,

Carol Buelow