Madison East Kiwanis Newsletter

April, 2017
Meetings held at The Great Dane Restaurant,876 Jupiter Dr.,

Wednesdays at 12:00 Noon

April Programs

April 5 / YWCA – Maggie Porterkratz / Lue Sturdevant
April 12 / Life behind the Bench - Tim Tierney / Madison West Kiwanis
April 19 / Goodman CC – Kristin Groth / Diana Russell
April 26 / Jim Bly – Dolphins / Sibyl Morgan

***Programs are needed for the coming months. Please contact Barb Essock, and sign up for one of our Wednesday meetings. Open dates for May are May 10, 24, 31

April Birthdays:

April 4 – Norm Glotz

April 4 – Bob Schwan

April 14 – Dave Chamberlain

April Anniversary:

April 3 – John and Diana Russell

April Calendar:

April 7- 6:45 p.m. – Bingo at Belmont

April 9 – Palm Sunday
April 12 – Madison West visit

April 13- 6:30 p.m. – Aktion Club

April 14 – Good Friday

April 16 – Easter Sunday

April 17-7:00 p.m. – Board Mtg.

April 27- 6:30 p.m. – Aktion Club

April 29 – Lunch served at WilMar

Don’t miss Wednesday….March 29…

The “Stark Duo” will be with us!

Sandy and Charlie Stark will bring for our enjoyment, their extensive experience as music teachers and professional performers.

Betty Frater Award – Kearn Blocker

It was our pleasure to honor Kearn as a “Very Important Person in the Lives of Youth.” Having completed a 47 year career as an art teacher, Kearn and his wife Stella, moved to Madison to be near family. We were delighted to hear of his experiences as a teacher and now as a very popular crossing guard. The art work he brought to our meeting added a special dimension to his visit with us. When driving down Pfaum or Buckeye Road, be sure to wave at Kearn!

Bingo at Belmont Nursing Home

Another successful evening with our friends at Belmont. Six residents enjoyed the game and interaction with seven LaFollette Key Club members. Six Madison East Kiwanians were there to help.

I-Pad Presentations

On March 6th, Madison East presented an I Pad to a fourth grader at Westside Elementary in Sun Prairie. This was #29 for us. We are very grateful to Madison4Kids for their generous donation.

Interclub News

March 11 Stoughton Kiwanis Club held a highly successful pancake breakfast. Enjoying the food and the Irish dancers: Gaston, Russ and Shirley, Ginny, Bill, Diana and John and Gene and Lue. Bill, Gene and Lue sold cashew brittle to our Stoughton friends.

2017 Midwinter Conference

March 25 – Elkhorn

The conference was attended by Ginny Hesse, John Russell, Gene and Lue Sturdevant

A special training program was available for presidents, president elects, and secretaries.

Workshops provided help on how to grow our membership, how to maximize our Club’s impact, how to manage our Club’s operations.

Looking Ahead

A grant application has been sent to the WIUM Kiwanis District Foundation. With their help, we are looking forward to setting up Challenger Baseball in our community. Stay tuned!

WilMar Lunch Served April 29

Volunteers are needed to prepare, serve, and clean up at the WilMar lunch. Contact Gaston Razafinanja to let him know you can help and find out when you should arrive.

Aktion Club News

March 9 – Meeting– Monona Grove Key Club provided the program. Kate Ziegelmaier, advisor, and five MG students enjoyed helping make “bunny cups” to hold jelly beans. Barb Essock and Bill Allen helped, too.

April 13, 6:30 p.m. meeting – U.W. Circle K

April 27, 6:30 p.m. meeting –Dave and Peg Sharpe, tour of European cities.

Pop Tabs

Please continue to collect pop tabs for the Aktion Club’s service project and give to Sibyl or Barb.

Officers and Board Members:

President – John Russell

President Elect – Ginny Hesse

Past Co-Presidents – Gene and Lue Sturdevant

Secretary – Pat Beyler

Treasurer – Larry Ryan

Board Members: Bill Allen, Karen Bailey, Mike and Sibyl Morgan, Russell Theel

Foundation Officers and Directors:

President Karen Bailey

Secretary Peter Uttech

Treasurer Larry Ryan

Director John Russell

Newsletter Volunteers:

EditorSibyl Morgan

Assistant EditorLue Sturdevant

PublisherGaston Razafinanja

Kiwanis is a global organization of members, dedicated to improving the world one child

and one community at a time.