MadibengLocal Municipality
/ P O Box 106BRITS
Tel: (012) 318 9100
Fax: (012) 318 9203
02 June 2015
The Press Council
3rd Floor, 9 St. David's Park
St David's Place, Parktown
Dear Sir/Madam
Re: Formal Complaint against Madibeng Times
The following is the formal complaint about Madibeng Times conduct and their nature of reporting which is against the press code.
Madibeng Times dated 28 May 2015 is in breach of the press code in a number of articles contained in their publication. The intention of the articles appears to be prejudicial to the municipality and none of them are truthful, accurate nor fair.
The front page story with the heading “Where is the rest of the Bridge” accuses the municipality unfairly and dishonestly by suggesting that the municipality is failing the community by not repairing the broken bridges in Hebron and Klipgat respectively. This happens against a clear explanation provided by the municipality in that, the two bridges are the responsibility of Public Works and not of the municipality. This sort of reporting does not anyway subscribe to section 2.2 of the press code. In their report, they put it as if we are abdicating the responsibility to the provincial government and that is not true. It is unlikely that an opinion piece can make a front page, and it does not indicate that is an opinion.
Articles in page 3 and 4 are also in breach of the same clause since the presentation of articles is only founded on opinion and it is void of facts and context.The article in page 8 (Bring back hanging are in direct breach of sub-section 5.21. and 5.2.2 of the press code as it seek to incite violence against the municipality and further advocating propaganda.
This complaint comes after a backdrop of a number of similar publications which mislead and misinform the public about the operations of the municipality. We therefore wish to draw the attention of the Press Council to intervene and correct the conduct of this publication.
Monde Juta
Municipal Manager