MADI Coordinator Notebook
2015 - 2016
Table of Contents
Important Dates & Deadlines2
MADI Changes and Critical Reminders3-5
MADI Policies & Procedures6-7
Coordinator Tasks8
Coordinator Role9
DI Lingo10
How to Get Started11-13
Budgeting for DI14
MADI Code of Conduct15-16
Appraiser Information17-20
Important 2015 - 2016Dates & Deadlines
DateSept – Dec / Purchase Team membership at
Sept- Oct / Attend a Coordinator meeting(in person or webinar/conference call)
Oct – Jan / Register your team for a Massachusetts regional tournament at
Nov 7 / Team Manager Training 1 at Grafton MS. Register at
Instant Challenge Symposium training at Grafton Middle School.
Dec 12 / Team registration deadline $135 per team at
Jan 9 / Late team registration deadline $175 per team at
Jan 9 / Team Manager Training 2 at Grafton MS. Register at
Jan 16 / Appraiser registration deadline. All team volunteers/appraisers must be registered by this date or the team will be non-competitive at the tournament and assessed a $200 penalty fee.
Jan 31 / MADI Scholarshipdeadline, application at
Jan 30 & Feb-TBD / Appraiser Training Sessions (attend either session)
February 15 / Last day for Challenge Clarifications at
Feb & early March / Pre-Tournament meetings (varies by region) - ALL payments must be received by this day or the team will not be allowed to present at the regional tournament
February/March / Regional tournaments (varies by region, detail at
March 26 / State Tournament at Worcester Polytechnic Institute
May 25-28 / Global Tournament at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville
MADI Changes and Critical Remindersfor 2015-2016
- Check out MADI’s updated website at
- Fees
- National DI membership fee continues to be $95 for the 1st team and $80 for each additional team under the same membership. Purchase at Reminder: Rising Star teams should purchase a specific Rising Stars membership at $60 team. There is no change to fees from last year.
- MADI Tournament registration fee is $135 per team if registered by Dec. 12. Registration fee then increases to $175 per team with final deadline Jan. 9. There is no change to fees from last year.
- Schools hosting a MADI regional tournament or training session will receive a $25 discount on the MADI tournament registration fee. This fee will be reimbursed to each Team, as applicable, after their registration fee has been paid.
Host sights include:
- Beverly High School, 100 Sohier Rd, Beverly (Region 6)
- Chelmsford High School, 200 Richardson Rd, No. Chelmsford (Region 4)
- Dennis-Yarmouth High School, 210 Station Ave, So. Yarmouth (Region 10)
- Grafton Middle School, 24 Providence Rd/Rte 122, Grafton (training site)
- Granite Valley Middle School, 21 Thompson St, Monson (Region 2)
- Greater Lawrence Technical High School, 57 River Rd, Andover (Reg. 5)
- Holliston High School, 370 Hollis St, Holliston, MA (Region 7)
- Innovation Academy, 72 Tying Rd, Tyngsboro (training site)
- Nashoba Regional High School, 12 Green Rd, Bolton (Region 3)
- Wayland High School, 390 Lincoln Rd, Wayland (Region 8)
- Whitman Hanson High School, 600 Franklin St, Whitman (Region 9)
- Team Manager Training will continue to be at no charge. MADI strongly encourages all new Team Managers to attend the November training session. The 6 hour training will pay off ten-fold by providing new managers with the foundation they need to get the team off to the right start. MADI strongly encourages all Team Managers to attend the January training session which focuses on understanding the challenge and preparing for the tournament. The team invests six months in the challenge solution. The January training will help to ensure critical elements are not missed or misunderstood.
- Tournament fees must be paid by the Regional Pre-Tournament Meeting or the team will be removed from the tournament schedule.
- Tournament Sites and Region Assignments
- There has been 1 regional tournament site change this year: Sudbury has moved to Wayland High School in Wayland. Go to for regional tournament site information.
- Last year the number of teams at MADI’s 9 regional tournaments ranged from 56 teams to 103 teams. We have made a number of region reassignments to equalize distribution and expect the range at regional tournaments this year from mid-60’s to mid-80’s.
- Challenges may be reassigned to a different regional tournament
- MADI intends to host all challenges at all 9 regional tournaments but if 5 teams or less register for a particular challenge, MADI reserves the right to reassign teams to a different regional tournament.
- To ensure the best alignment and percentage of teams performing in all Regions, several towns have been moved this year. Please see the list below:
- Region 2 Monson - Additions: Holden (from Reg. 3), Douglas (from Reg. 7)
- Region 3 Bolton - Additions: Shrewsbury (from Reg. 2), Westborough (from Reg. 7)
- Region 4 Chelmsford - Additions: Reading, Stoneham, and Winchester (from Reg. 6)
- Region 5 Andover - Additions: No moves
- Region 6 Beverly - Additions: Georgetown, Groveland, Middleton, Rowley (from Reg. 5)
- Region 7 Holliston - Addition: Medfield (from Reg. 8)
- Region 8 Wayland (f/n/a Sudbury) - Additions: Arlington and Belmont (from Reg. 6)
- Region 9 Whitman - Additions: Bellingham and Franklin (from Reg. 7)
- Region 10 South Yarmouth – Additions: Dartmouth, New Bedford, and Westport (from Reg. 9)
- Appraisers
- All teams must provide an appraiser volunteer for a regional tournament.
If a team does not provide an appraiser volunteer, the team will be designated non-competitive at the regional tournament and will not be eligible to advance to the State Tournament. In addition, the team will be assessed a $200 penalty fee.
When registering, appraiser volunteers will default to their team’s home regional tournament but to allow additional flexibility, volunteers will be given the option to “Request Assignment to a Different Tournament”. Note volunteers requesting reassignment must provide a minimum of TWO reassignment options. Once all teams are registered in early January, requests for different tournament assignments will be considered and appraisers assigned to tournaments based on need.
- Appraiser Reminders
- No team manager or team member can appraise Instant Challenge.
- No team manager or team manager can appraise the same challenge their team is presenting.
- If a team manager is also a team member – they are not allowed in the IC room of the team they are managing.
- Parents/relatives of team members CAN be assigned to Instant Challenge as appraisers. Simply make the IC Challenge Master aware of the relationship so they can assign you to an IC room different from the one the relative will present.
- High School students in 11th & 12th grade are eligible to volunteer at MADI regional tournaments. If the High School student previously participated in the DI program, they are eligible to be a Challenge appraiser. If the High School student is new to DI, they may volunteer to be a non-scoring general Tournament Volunteer.
- For 9th & 10th graders, they cannot be a Challenge appraiser, however, they can help out in other ways at the tournament (i.e., score runners, Rising Stars help). Please note that their help does not fulfill the Team Appraiser requirement.
- A limited number of “no advance training” volunteer positions are available, please review Appraiser detail information.
- Instant Challenge AppraiserTraining - In even numbered years, like this year, 2016,experienced IC appraisers take the online quiz. Experienced Appraisers must achieve a rate of 80% accuracy. If not, they will need to attend training.
All appraisers new to Instant Challenge must attend training their first year, and then follow the training requirement for experienced IC appraisers in subsequent years.
Experienced IC appraisers receive training in odd numbered years, thus the next full training for experienced IC appraisers is Feb 2017.
- Multiple Team Instant Challenge Policy - Teams withone or more of thesamestudents on multiple teams can not present at the same tournament or on the same weekend. These teams must decide whichgroup will attend the home regional tournament and then request the othergroup(s) be assigned to a tournament on a different weekend to ensure the same Instant Challenge is not assigned to the multiple teams.
- MA DI Contact Lists- have been posted to detailing Regional Directors and Affiliate Challenge Masters. When in doubt, contact your Regional Director.
- State Tournament - $40 fee must be paid via PayPal or school Purchase Order, no checks. Detailed information will be provided to advancing teams.
1.All memberships must have representation at one of the fall Coordinator Meetings and the Regional Pre-Tournament Meeting in February/March.
- Single team memberships taken by private groups/individuals that areNOT connected with an established non-profit, such as a school, library, town recreation program, etc. should conduct a CORI background check, attenda Coordinator Meeting and the Team Manager I training. All of these criteria should be met before a private individual can manage and register a team for MADI regional tournament.
- Teams may choose to participate in a regional tournament as NON-competitive. Such teams will receive all participant pins and ribbons, be scheduled in the Central Challenge and Instant Challenge as all other teams, but will not be scored in any way. The decision to register as Non-Competitive must be made when the team registers.
- All team members should be prepared to participate in their Instant Challenge. This is the essence of teamwork and the basis of learning how to problem solve. This is a MADI goal for every team member. Full participation is expected.
- No one is allowed to visit a tournament site prior to the tournament daywith the intent of "checking out" the site, building, or prop areas. We are guests of the school and it is unfair to intrude. This is also considered unfair to other teams. This type of behavior could result in an “Unsportsmanlike Conduct Penalty” for the team at the Tournament. Regional Directors will make every effort to provide information describing the sites at your regional Pre-Tournament meeting and if the space is not in use, may offer the opportunity to view presentation sites.
- Each team MUST provide one adult that will volunteer at a regional tournament for the entire day. The volunteer will be assigned as an appraiser or a non-appraising roles. Teams who do not provide an appraiser will be designated as non-competitive and will not be eligible to advance to the State Tournament. In addition, the team will be assessed a $200 penalty fee.
Please Note: If your team’s volunteer does not show up on tournament day, the team will be assessed the $200 no appraiser fee.
- Team may introduce themselves before their presentation. This must be done without any enhancement to their presentation. This is done before their time begins.
NOTE: This is different from Global procedures where introductions may not be allowed.
- Team manager(s) may accompany a team to the Instant Challenge room but this is a team decision and only allowed if the team consents. It is recommended that the Team Manager(s) accompany teams into the IC room. This will help the Team Manager better understand the IC process at the tournament.
- The Massachusetts Code of Conduct will be enforced at all MADI sponsored tournaments. All team members and one of their parents/guardians will sign the Code of Conduct form. A Code of Conduct Confirmation form will be submitted by the team manager at the tournament. Regional Directors will ensure everyone attending the tournaments is informed of the rules.
- Rising Star teams: MA policies that may vary from International Rules.
- Rising Star teams are subject to the same Interference Rules as other age levels.
- Rising Star teams may have more than 7 on a team (no more than 10 recommended).
- Rising Star teams receive their awards immediately after their performance.
- Good Faith Solutions
The essence of each DI Challenge requires the Team to make a “Good Faith” effort to present a solution to the challenge. The minimal requirements for a solution can be found at the beginning of each specific Challenge. Teams come prepared to offer a solution and props collapse, devices fail to respond or a team member cannot come to the competition. Teams still rise to the occasion and perform as best they can!
In some cases, a Team may discover they are the only team (at their level) competing at a Regional Tournament. The assumption has been the team will automatically move onto the next level of competition – States! This assumption has lead Teams to present solutions to the Challenge that fall far from the minimum requisites outlined in the POINTS OF INTEREST! and/or the INTENT OF THE CHALLENGE.
Henceforth, for a team to advance to the next level, their solution must attempt to meet the minimal requirements outlined in the POINTS OF INTEREST! and/or the INTENT OF THE CHALLENGE Sections at the beginning of each Challenge. If the Team can prove to the Appraisers they did provide a “good faith” attempt at a solution that meets the stated requirements, the team will proceed to the next level.
Any decision to deny advancement will be a determined by the ACM for that Challenge, Challenge RCM, RD and members of the MADI Executive Committee present at the Tournament, and their decision is final!
- MADI offers scholarships to graduating high school seniors that participated in the Destination Imagination program at some time in their school career. Scholarship application forms are available at and are due by January 31. Seniors will be recognized at each Regional closing ceremonies and presented tassels for graduation. Scholarship recipients will be announced at the State tournament awards ceremony.
MA Destination Imagination
Coordinator Task Calendar
SEPT/OCT Attend MADI Coordinator Meeting
Distribute DI Registration Information through school
Submit DI Information Night notice to local newspapers
E-mail DI Registration Info to previous year participants
Hold DI Registration and Information event
OCTOBERRecruit DI Team Managers and form teams
Purchase team memberships with national DI at
Assign experienced Team Manager mentors to new TMs
Recruit High School students as team assistants
DI Team Manager Kick-off Meeting
Encourage TMs to register and attend MADI Training & IC Symposium
NOVEMBEREnsure all team members have been contacted and 1st meeting held
TM mentor attend 1st team meeting for new teams
Send appraiser letter to HS student and local volunteer organizations
Send DI Team Update letter to principals and superintendent
Facilitate Instant Challenge practice session for all teams
DI Challenge selection deadline due from TMs to coordinator
DECEMBERAppraiser volunteer information due from TMs to coordinator
Ensure teams are registered for MADI tournament at
Ensure all Appraisers have registered at
JANUARYEncourage TMs to register and attend MADI training
Remind HS Seniors about MADI and DISC scholarships
Finalize town t-shirt design
Consider holding a 2nd Instant Challenge session for all teams
FEBRUARYRemind Appraisers to attend one of the required training
Order membership t-shirts, include extra for supportive school personnel
Remind TMs of challenge clarification deadline
FEB/MARCHRemind TMs to attend Pre-Tournament Meeting
Distribute Tournament Announcement through school
Send Tournament Announcement notice to local newspapers
Send Tournament Invitation to principals, superintendent and others
Remind Appraisers about their Tournament commitment
MARCHSend tournament results to principals, superintendent and others
APRILSend state tournament results to principals, superintendent and others
Submit DI article to local newspapers and school newsletter
Global team meeting, discuss Global Funding and develop action plan
Request Global funding grants to school PTA/CSA
Review business donation opportunities
Hold various Global Fundraisers
Global tournament results to principals, superintendent and others
Celebrate close of a great YEAR!
MADI Coordinator Role
The MADI Coordinator plays a vital role that will ensure a well-organized year for your teams. Duties include:
- Attend a Coordinator Meeting in the fall to get all the information for the year.
- Purchase team numbers.
- Purchase team numbers at
- $95 for the 1st team, $80 for each additional team.
- $60 for a Rising Stars team
- Ensure team managers are registered for team manager trainings .
Register for MA Team Manager training sessions at
- Team Manager Training I – Nov. 7, Basic Training for new and less experienced managers
- Instant Challenge Symposium – Nov.7, Training for experienced team managers.
- Team Manager Training II – Jan. 9, Preparing for the tournament and understanding your challenge.
- Makes sure all teams are registered for the tournament.
- Ensure teams are registered at
- Register by Dec. 12at $135 per team.
- Late registration until Jan. 9 at $175 per team
- Makes sure all teams have submitted their appraiser’s name and remind the team's appraiser to register & attend their training .
- The Appraiser representing each team must register at by Jan. 16.
- Appraisers must attend training as required by their appraisal role. Remind appraisers that if they do not attend training (if required by their role) they will not be able to appraise, the team will be non-competitive at the tournament and will be assessed an appraiser penalty fee of $200.
- Copy and distribute all MADI information & updates to your teams.
- Makes sure all fees are paid on time.
- All Team Registrations Fees and Appraiser Fees must be paid by the Pre-Tournament Regional meeting in February or March. Teams with unpaid fees will be unable to perform and will be removed from the tournament schedule. (Note: a copy of a purchase order is considered payment.)
- Attend & Bring your managers to your Pre-Tournament Regional Meeting in February / March. Have all managers dispense tournament information to all parents and spectators.
- Reinforce MADI rules and philosophy for team managers, team members and family & friends.
“DI” LINGOCentral Challenge – One of seven challenges a team chooses and works on over a long period of time. Each focuses on areas such as technical, mechanical, theatrical, improvisational, or fine arts elements. The team’s solution is presented to an audience.
Instant Challenge (IC) – A 10-15 minute challenge that a team tries to solve without knowing about it ahead of time. This puts the team’s problem solving abilities, creativity and teamwork to the test in a short, time-driven challenge.