Our athletes are ages 3-18 and no experience is necessary to tryout. The try out process is very casual and fun! the athletes will demonstrate Jumps, Tumbling Skills, and Choreography. They meet the staff and new friendships are formed. Athletes are evaluated in groups and we encourage each person to do their best.
We can’t wait for you to experience it for yourself to truly understand the dynamics traditions and success of our Champion Family!
2016 Tryout Schedule
AGES / Day / TIME3-6 years / April 5th or 6th / 4:30-5pm
7-9 years / April 5th or 6th / 5-5:30pm
10-14 years / April 5th or 6th / 5:30-6pm
14 & up / April 5th or 6th / 6-6:30pm
Tryout Process
The try out process is very casual and fun! The athletes demonstrate Jumps, Tumbling Skills, and Choreography. Everyone is placed on a team no matter what! After tryouts, the staff will pick teams based on their discretion. Many key elements factor into the decision. Keep in mind all CA teams are built to compete at a high level.
· TINY: 6 and under
· Mini: 8 and under
· Youth: 11 and under
· junior: 14 and under
· senior: 10-18 years
Your age will be “locked in” on August 31, 2016 and this will determine your “competition age”. Please bring a copy of your birth certificate for Champion All-stars to have on file.
There are 5 levels in All-star Cheerleading. The “level” refers to the type of stunts, pyramids, and tumbling that a team can safely perform. They are numbered from 1 to 5 increasing in difficulty. The level is determined solely by the coaching staff.
There may be athletes on any give team that tumble different level than the best of their teammates. we try to match up the athletes by level as best as we can, but please remember that stunting, pyramids, jumps, dance, motions, and age are huge factors as well. Some will be stronger tumblers than others. Some will contribute more with stunts than others. We choose our teams based on the positions that we need to fill (bases, flyers, tumblers, etc.) Every athlete is on the team for a reason – Please trust the staff!
We look forward to working with you at our upcoming tryout. Be sure to arrive with these items already completed:
o Copy of birth Certificate (new athletes only)
o $35 tryout fee ($50 family)
o Tryout Release Form/ Application
o team roster information
Tuition is auto-withdrawn on the 1st of every month.
§ 1 hr class 1x week $50
§ 1 hr class 2x week $60
§ 1.5 Hr Class 2x week $75
§ 1.75 Hr class 2x week $95
§ 2 Hr class 2x week $110
§ 2.5 Hr Class 2x week $125
Discounts and Savings
§ Sibling Discount 10% off 1st sibling 20% off second sibling
§ Multi Class Discount
§ Pay your annual tuition fees up front and save 5% off your total
Competition Fees
Our competition fees include all of the following. Entrance fee per competition, music, choreography. This year our JUNIOR and SENIOR teams will travel to Las Vegas and learn their routines at California All-stars. We will not have 2015-2016 pricing until later in the year once we have final prices we will send out exact costs. Deposits for fees are as follows
Date / Junior and senior / Youth / Mini and Tinymay 20th / $150 / $100 / $50
July 20th / $150 / $100 / $50
August 20th / $100 / $75 / $50
September 20th / Remainder / Remainder / Remainder
§ Practice gear $65
§ Uniform NEW Style $275 (tiny and mini have opportunity for used $100)
§ Camp Fee $110 will be held month of JULY there will not be tuition this month
Camp will be for our Mini Youth Junior and Senior Teams. Camp will be held in JULY at our gym. We will have dates as soon as we have teams! Please note CAMP IS MANDATORY!
Choreography will be held in Las Vegas at California All-stars gym. This will be for our JUNIOR and SENIOR teams. It will be held the first week of AUGUST before school starts. It is 2 days and we will travel there and back as a team. We will have volunteer signups for driving. We will have the MINI and YOUTH teams learn their routines at the gym on a Saturday in August.
When does the season start?
We will email out days and times for your athlete following our tryouts. Then we will start right up that coming week (April 11th)
What if i can’t make the tryout date?
No problem we can hold a private tryout on another date. please just contact us immediately to set that up.
What if i can’t tumble? Does this mean I am not going to make a “good” team?
no! all of the teams at Champion All-stars are GOOD teams! Everyone has a place here. Tumbling is not a requirement. It is something you will learn with our staff.
What is a team rep?
A team rep is a parent who is the liaison between the coach and the parents. There is one rep per team. The rep is in charge of meeting the team at competitions, handing out wristbands, and assisting with team functions and communication. They will also head up team fundraising ideas and parent committee
How many competitions are there?
This year we plan on having our Junior and Senior teams attend 5 competitions starting in Dec ending in March. Our youth and Mini team will attend 3-4 and or tiny will attend 2. The next season competition schedules have not been released yet but as soon as they are we will have dates, locations, and prices.
Communication is important at Champion All-stars. To help us keep in touch with you on a regular basis please fill out the form below. Your information will be kept strictly confidential. Thank you.
Athletes First Name Last Name
Street Address City, State, and Zip
Birthdate Home Phone
Mothers Name Fathers Name
Mother or Fathers Cell phone Mother or Fathers Email
Clothing Size
Our athletes wear professional consistent clothing and uniforms to practices and competitions. Please use the chart below and circle the size best for your athlete. All uniforms will be sized by our varsity rep on our fitting day.
Clothing / youth / sizes / Adult / SizesT-Shirt / Small / Med / Large / Small / Med / Large
Shorts / Small / Med / Large / Small / Med / Large
Tank top / Small / Med / Large / Small / Med / Large
Hoodie / Small / Med / Large / Small / Med / Large
Name Phone Number
Athlete’s First Name Last Name
Street Address City, State and Zip
Birthdate Age on August 31, 2016
Phone Email
Circle your skills
skill / level 1 / level 2 / level 3 / level 4 / level 5Standing Tumbling / Backwalkover
Front walkover / Backhandspring / Multiple backhandsprings / tuck
bhs tuck / jump to tuck
Running Tumbling / roundoff bwo / Round off bhs
round off
multiple bhs / Round off tuck
Round off bhs tuck / round off layout
round off bhs layout / round off full
round off bhs full
stunting experience / BASE / BACKSPOT / FLYER
previous level experience
Would you accept ANY Champion All-stars Team? YES NO
Liability Release
I understand that there are risks of physical injury associated with, arising out of and inherent to the activity of cheerleading/tumbling/dance. In recognition of this acknowledged risk of injury, I knowingly and voluntarily waive all rights and/or causes of action of any kind, including any and all claims of negligence, arising as a result of such activity from which liability could accrue to Champion All-Stars LLC, its officers, agents, employees, instructors, owners and all affiliated entities. I hereby agree to release Champion All-stars LLC and hold them harmless of all liability, and agree to pay reasonable attorney's fees and costs incurred by Champion All-Stars LLC in defending such acition. Further hereby acknowledge that I knowingly and voluntarily assume full responsibility for all risks of physical injury arising out of active participation in the cheerleading/tumbling/dance on behalf of the participant. I am aware that this is a release of liability and acknowledgment of my voluntary and knowing assumption of risk of injury. I have signed this document voluntarily and of my own free will in exchange for the privilege of participation. If I am a minor, my parent and/or legal guardian has signed this document releasing Champion All-stars LLC from any and all such liability described above and has acknowledged that I am knowingly and voluntarily assuming all risk of injury inherent to this activity. The student named above has my permission to attend Champion All-Stars classes. I warrant the above information is complete and correct. I hereby authorize the Champion All-Stars owners to act in my behalf to provide emergency medical treatment. I further release Champion All-Stars of all liabilities associated with my child's attendance at Champion All-stars Gym/facilities, and agree to the terms stated hereinabove
Attendance is crucial to a team’s success. An absent request form must be filled out prior to the missed practice. one unexcused absence will result in a $10 fine per absence. NO PRACTICES can be missed two weeks prior to any competition. Please note that Dec-March we have competitions back to back. Please avoid scheduling family trips during this time.
Excused Absences
· contagious illness
· school function that affects grade
· family emergency
· summer vacation
Unexcused Absences
· Birthday Parties
· Too much homework
· Don’t have a ride
· DR appointments (unless emergency)
DON’T BE LATE, please. We like to use the saying at CA “if you are early you are on time, if you are on time you are late .”
All athletes are placed on a team at the discretion of the coaches. Age, experience, and ability all factor into placement. Please understand that athletes may be repositioned moved or changed at any time at the discretion of the coaches. We do not make these changes lightly and are in the best interest of the team and athlete.
Uniforms and Attire
Please keep all CA All-star clothing. Warm up and uniform in good condition. Practice uniforms are required for every practice. These will be sized and ordered over the summer and delivered mid-august. No jewelry to practice. Hair needs to be up out of face.
Parents are not allowed to come onto the floor during practice. Our practices are closed because we want every athletes full attention. We do have parent performance nights where we show off the routines in full uniform hair and makeup. It’s a fun way for them to get out jitters before competing and a good opportunity for family and friends that cant travel to see them perform Athletes cannot sit in on other teams practice times or hang out in athlete rooms.
á Do not make assumptions ask about anything. your athlete is always our top priority. We are constantly learning and better ourselves as coaches please know you can always talk to us with ideas or concerns
á attitude is everything. all-star cheerleading is a hard sport but teaches athletes important
life skills. please help your athlete stay positive in their journey here.
á do not call or text staff unless it is an emergency. The staff needs to have their personal time away from work. thank you in advance for respecting this rule
á all cell phones must be turned off once practice starts
á all clothing and personal items must be stored upstairs in the athlete room. Do not bring anything of high value to the gym. CA is not responsible for lost or stolen items
á The commitment to the team is a one-year contract. If you quit the team there will be no refund and a $200 contract cancellation fee will be assessed and collected immediately as well as any outstanding balances via auto withdraw
á The only people allowed in the gym are staff and athletes that are on the team rosters
during that set practice time. Please do not drop your athlete off more than 15 min early for practice
á Anyone threatening to quit will be asked to leave immediately. No Refund will be given
á If you are still reading this packet please write “banana” at the top of your roster page for $10 off registration fee.
á Do not gossip about other teams, parents, other gyms or kids. Again please remember this is about shaping kids into extraordinary adults.
á All correspondences are sent through email. Please check email often and stay up on all information in the gym. We also have a texting service for quick messages.
á parents and athletes must always example good sportsmanship, positive conduct and professionalism at all competitions and practices
á No profanity or rude language will not be tolerated
á Punctuality is a MUST. Arrive 10 min early to all practices competitions and functions
á practice schedules can change. We will add Saturday practices when we see it fit for teams. We try and give as much notice as possible.
á Competitions are Mandatory! Athletes need to be at every competition their team is competing at.
Junior/Senior Team Nationals