NATA Airline Services Council

Regular Business Meeting

March 9-10, 2009


I. Welcome

NATA ASC Vice Chairman Jack Evans welcomed NATA ASC members to the meeting at 8:03 a.m.

Meeting participants included:

· Jack Evans, Total Airport Services, ASC Vice Chairman

· Karen Avestruz, Worldwide Flight Services

· Kevin Didion, Gate Safe, Inc.

· Wayne Eichel, Worldwide Flight Services

· Ronald Mustain, Allied Aviation

· Jim Mollison, Menzies Aviation

· Leonard Kirsch, McBreen & Kopko

· Patrick Maloney, Air General

· Randy Davies, Servisair

· Sally Leible, Airport Terminal Services

· Richard Thiel, General Aviation Terminal Inc.

· Paul Walton, Menzies Aviation

· John Willis, IAHA

· Margaret Giugliano, McBreen & Kopko

Guest participants included:

· Josh Parkin, Evergreen Aviation Ground Logistics Enterprises, Inc.

· Christopher Valentino, Jackson Lewis LLP

· Roger Briton, Jackson Lewis LLP

Staff participants included:

· James K. Coyne, NATA

· Eric Byer, NATA

II. Approval of December 5, 2008 Minutes

Evans asked for approval of the December 5, 2008 Minutes. The council members unanimously agreed.

III. Employee Free Choice Act / Railway Labor Act Presentations

Roger Briton and Christopher Valentino of Jackson Lewis LLP provided council members with presentations on both the Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA) and the Railway Labor Act, explaining the potential impact on NATA ASC member companies should the EFCA be approved by Congress. Their presentation can be viewed by clicking here.

Council members asked staff to provide talking points and a grassroots action call so NATA ASC companies could contact their Members of Congress opposing the EFCA. NATA has since done so via the links below:

Employee Free Choice Act – NATA Action Call

Talking Points on the Employee Free Choice Act

IV. Legislative Update

Eric Byer provided council members with an update on legislative issues affecting NATA ASC member companies. Byer stated that the current extension funding programs at the FAA expires at the end of March and that Congress is expected to approve another extension through the end of this fiscal year, September 30, 2009. Since the Las Vegas meeting, Congress has done exactly that, approving an extension that is anticipated to be signed by President Obama that would extend funding for FAA programs through the end of Fiscal Year 2009.

Byer stated that the association continues to monitor activity involving NATA ASC member companies on Capitol Hill, including hearings on the Certified Cargo Screening Program, appropriations funding for cargo security and ensuring that airports do not wrestle control away from ground handling companies on airline services providing.

No new reports as to whom President Obama would select as the next FAA Administrator or TSA Assistant Secretary were made in recent weeks according to Byer. However, since the Las Vegas meeting, President Obama did announce the selection of Randy Babbitt as his nominee to head the FAA. NATA has issued a press release on Babbitt’s nomination that can be viewed by clicking here.

V. TSA Update

Byer reported that the TSA has met its 50% mandate established by Congress to screen all cargo placed aboard commercial aircraft by February 2009. John Sammon from TSA had testified as much during a recent congressional hearing. Byer stated that it is important for the council and its cargo handling companies to put pressure now on the TSA to ensure that this segment becomes the “go-to” for the TSA as it now looks to the August 2010 100% compliance deadline. There is widespread speculation that the TSA will not be able to meet this deadline and TSA officials have hinted at this delay during recent congressional hearings.

Byer stated that a number of security measures affecting the commercial airport community are ongoing and that Doug Hofsass, the General Manager for the TSA’s Commercial Aviation and Airport branch, will be attending the May 2009 NATA ASC meeting in Alexandria, VA, to discuss these initiatives with members. Byer is still pushing for the release of a non-SSI bulletin on all information affecting ground handling companies in conjunction with the release of SSI notices so that there is no delay in funneling this information to airline service companies.

VI. Certified Cargo Screening Program Update

Gary Lupinacci from the TSA provided members with the latest updates on the Certified Cargo Screening Program (CCSP). To date, three NATA ASC companies have joined the program, including Swissport, Menzies, and Worldwide Flight Services. Guest Evergreen Aviation Ground Logistics Enterprises, Inc. has also joined the program.

Lupinacci’s presentation to the council may be viewed by clicking here.

VII. Regulated Versus Non-Regulated Discussion

As a follow-up to the non-SSI issuance of information from the TSA, the discussion moved to how the TSA treats the airline service community as a non-regulated entity. With NATA ASC member companies now joining the CCSP, members asked staff and Len Kirsch to craft a white paper outlining the pros and cons of being regulated versus non-regulated.

Since the time of the meeting, this white paper has been crafted and can be viewed by clicking here.

Members with additions to this white paper can send those suggestions directly to Byer at .

VIII. Airport Ground Handling Update

Council members highlighted a number of locations where commercial airports are exploring entering into the ground handling services business. At Bradley International Airport in Windsor Locks, CT, reports are that the airport management is considering purchasing ground support equipment to enter the airline servicing business.

At Port Columbus International Airport in Columbus, OH, airport management is also exploring entering into ground service providing.

Byer asked the council members to continue providing updates to him directly to ensure that accurate accounts can be kept to monitor this type of activity.

Members are reminded that the association has an “Issue Page” on its Web site titled “Airports Providing Aeronautical Services” that can be viewed by clicking here.

IX. Membership Update

Byer announced that the council has grown from 12 members in 2008 to 20 members as of the Las Vegas meeting. He said that the association continues to build its prospect list and that it is planning on sending a membership solicitation mailing sometime prior to its May meeting.

Members that have not already done so are strongly encouraged to incorporate the council’s new logo into their stationary and on their company Web site. Members wishing to incorporate the NATA ASC logo may do so by contacting Byer directly at .

Byer stated that the ASC Monthly Update recently received a facelift to improve the look and feel of the publication. Should members not be receiving this publication, please contact Byer directly at . All issues of the ASC Monthly Update can be viewed by clicking here.

As always, Council members can download the 2009 NATA ASC Brochure by clicking here.

X. Upcoming Meetings

Byer encouraged council members to attend the May 12-13, 2009 NATA ASC meeting in Alexandria, VA. This meeting is in conjunction with the association’s Day on the Hill event that takes place every spring. Members may register for both the NATA ASC meeting and the Day on the Hill by clicking here.

The fall 2009 NATA ACS meeting has been set for October 26-27, 2009, in Alexandria, VA. To view the tentative agenda for this meeting, please click here.

XI. Adjournment

There being no further business, the meeting concluded at 1:17 p.m.