
Barnard College, B.A.

Fordham University,M.A. and Ph.D


Lehman, CUNY

National Science Foundation, IDA Consultant

South Bronx Ecomomic Ccouncil

Drug Abuse Unit, U.S. Dep’t of Probation, Eastern District, N.Y. , Director of Evaluation

Fordham University

Bureau ofResearch ,U.S. Dep’t of Educ.ation, Consultant

American Immigration & Citizenship Conference, Research Assistant

Fordham University, Research Fellow

Bureau of Applied Social Research, Columbia University, Research Assistant


Consultant, Committee on the Status of Women in the U.S. Catholic Church,

Archdiocese of NY

Member, Bronx Borough President’s Advisory Committee on the Homeless


The World Who’s Who of Women

Who’s Who in American Education

International Who’s Who in Education

The Who’s Who of Women

Who’s Who

Who’s Who in the East

American Men and Women of Science

Community Leaders in America

Contemporary Authors

Elected to Alpha Kappa Delta, National Sociological Honor Society

Fordham University, NIMH Funded Research Fellowship,

Fordham University Teaching Assistantship


Books and Monographs

DellaCava, Frances A. and Madeline H. Engel, Sleuths in Skirts, New York:

Routledge Publishing, May 2002, 315 pp.

DellaCava, Frances A. and Madeline H. Engel. Female Detectives in American

Novels. NY: Garland Publishing Co., 1993, 157 pp.

Marden, Charles F., Gladys Meyer and Madeline H. Engel, Minorities in American

Society, 6thed. NY: HarperCollins, 1992, 550 pp.

Engel, Madeline H. The Drug Scene. NY: Hayden Book Co., 1974, 179 pp.

Engel, Madeline H. Inequality in America. NY: Thomas Y Crowell, 1970, 239 pp

Tomasi, S.M. and Madeline H. Engel, (eds.) The Italian Experience in the United

States. Staten Island, NY: Center for Migration Studies, 1970, 239 pp.

Articles (Peer Reviewed)

Engel, M.H., N.K. Phillips and F.A, DellaCava“Forced Migration and Immigration

Programs for Children:The Emergence of a Social Movement” International Journal of Children’s Rights,”To be published Summer 2016.

Engel, M.H., N.K. Phillips and F.A. DellaCava, “Inter-Country Adoption of Children

Born in the United States,” Sociology Between the Gaps 20151 (1): 1-13.

( also available at /sbg/vol.1/iss1/1)

Engel, M.H., N.K.Phillips and F. A. DellaCava,“Indigenous Children’s Rights: A

Sociological Perspective on Boarding Schools and Transracial Adoption” International Journal of Children’s Rights 20 (2012): 279-299.

Engel, M.H., N.K.Phillips and F.A. DellaCava, “Cultural Difference and Adoption

Policy in the United States: The Quest for Social Justice for Children,” International Journal of Children’s Rights 18 (2008): 1-18.

Reprinted in: MeenuBhatnagar (ed.), Child Adoption: Issues and

Perspectives. Ahmedabad, India: Icfai University Press, 2008,

pp. 137-156.

Engel, M.H., N.K. Phillips and F.A. DellaCava, “International Adoption: A

Sociological Account of the U.S. Experience,” Sociology and Social Policy 27 (2007): 257-270.

DellaCava, F. A., N.K. Phillips and M.H. Engel, “Adoption in the US: The

Emergence of a Social Movement,” Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare 31 (Dec. 2004): 141-60.

Phillips, Norma and Madeline H. Engel, “New Perspectives in the

Undergraduate Social Work Program in a Combined Department,”

Arete 17 (Winter 1992): 58-62.

DellaCava, Frances A. and Madeline H. Engel, “Resistance to Sisterhood,”

International Journal of Women’s Studies 2 (Nov.-Dec. 1979): 505-12.

Book Chapters

DellaCava, Frances A. and Madeline H. Engel, “Racism, Sexism and Anti-

Semitism in Mystery Fiction Featuring Female Sleuths,” in Kathleen Gregory Klein (ed.), Diversity and Detective Fiction. Bowling Green, OH: Bowling Green University Press, 1999, pp. 39-60.

Engel, Madeline H. “Alienation among Minorities,” in W. Bier (ed). Alienation: Plight

of Modern Man? NY: Fordham University Press, 1972, pp. 94-112.

Engel, Madeline H., ”The Widow in America,” in W. Bier (ed.) Women in Modern Life.

NY: Fordham University Press, 1968., pp. 158-182.

Research Reports

15 for: Bronx Borough President; South Bronx Overall (SOBRO) Economic Development Corp.; NIMH,:US Department of Probation – Eastern District of NY,; Fordham University: Office of Juvenile Delinquency and Youth Development.



Former Chair, Sociology

Former Chair, Sociology & Social Work

Former Co-Director, Office of Graduate Studies

Former Coordinator, Women’s Studies Program

Committee Memberships

Departmental Prizes and Awards Committee 2000-present

President’s Advisory Committee on Promotion 2005, 2009

President’s Advisory Committee on Tenure 2006, 2007

Middle States Group 5 2008

Equivalency and Waiver Committee 2000-2003

Divisional Executive Committee 1995-2011

Faculty Personnel and Budget Committee 1995-2011

Italian American Studies Committee 1995-2005

Women’s Studies Program Committee 1994-2003

Women’s Studies Advisory Committee 1994-2003


Former Editor, International Migration Review

Founder, Chapter Mu of New York, Alpha Kappa Delta 1970

Faculty Advisor to Alpha Kappa Delta 1970-2008, 2011-present

Chair, Joseph P. Fitzpatrick, S.J. Memorial Scholarship, Fordham University 1995-present (current value $225,000)

Organized Joseph P. Fitzpatrick Archive, Fordham University Library, Rose Hill Campus, Bronx, 1995