Madeira Elementary School PTO Minutes

September 3, 2015

The September meeting came to order at 7:05 pm at the Madeira Elementary School.

1. Superintendent Report - Steve Kramer

a. Projects over the summer include - Courtyard area off the media center at MHS was turned into a paved area, the parking lots at MHS and MES were repaved and the preschool/kindergarten playground was restructured to include a soft area around a new play set.

b. New staff members at MES - Chandley Bacher will take on the roll as assistant principal at the elementary school as well as the middle school, Emily Nutley is the new elementary school guidance counselor and the kindergarten has two new aides.

c. Annual Goals for the 2015/2016 school year

1. Leading for the future

2. Challenge each child

3. Community involvement, communication and support

4. Sound operating management and financial stewardship

d. Planning Commission Recommendations for the ’15/’16 school year

1. One to World: How to best get more technology in our schools

2. MES and MMS Student Offerings: Providing more “encore” programs to enhance learning and exposure to students to prepare them for their future.

3. Annual Salary and Benefits Study: Comparing Madeira teacher salaries to those at other districts.

4. Global Classroom Programs: How we can expand international travel opportunities for high school students.

2. Principal Report - Tim Weber

a. MES building goals for the ’15/’16 school year

1. Leading for the future - visible learning and vocabulary

2. Challenge each child by using data to create personalized instruction and making sure we create an environment in which students feel safe and happy.

3. Creating community involvement through communication by providing classroom newsletters, weekly emails from the principal, Wednesday folders will now be provided online for easier access, using social media to provide snapshots of the day.

b. The classroom party process has been changed for the year. Only parents who are signed up to help with the party are to come.

c. Car rider dismissal - students will now wait in the library and be called out. Buses will now be entering from Thomas. Please make sure the driveway is clear so they can get through. When exiting school, please go straight out onto Buckeye Crescent.

3. PTO Report - Beth Demis

a. Introduction of PTO board members and committee chairs

b. $3,000 approval for new instruments for the music department

c. The MES school directory will again be digital this year and sent out soon. A hard copy is available upon request.

d. The room parent coordinator will be reaching out soon to those interested in being their child’s room parent.

4. Treasurers Report - Tina Isgrig

a. $21,000 in the bank. Changing Hands sale on September 12 and PTO dues will increase this amount.

5. Donuts with Dad - Kelly Hilgeman

a. Donuts with Dad will be held on Wednesday, September 30 and Thursday, October 1. Please RSVP as soon as possible to ensure numbers. Kroger will be donating the donuts and Coffee Please will provide the coffee. Volunteers for those mornings are needed.

6. Kroger Rewards - Amy Hyland

a. Please go to to register your Kroger rewards card to benefit the Madeira Schools Foundation.

7. Yearbook - Katie Maney

a. Please send pictures of school events that you have taken with a regular camera to If pictures have been taken with an IPhone 5 or 6, please send the actual picture that hasn’t been edited or resized.

8. Vegetable Tasting Tuesday - Synda Bernicke

a. Allows students to try different vegetables

b. Done during lunch time

c. A challenge among the grades is done to encourage students to try

d. Volunteers are needed to help pass out vegetables

9. Changing Hands Sale - Brandi Maples

a. The CHS board is in the process of transitioning over to new board members. New members will be in place for the 2016 fall sale.

b. Still looking for someone to take over the technology position.

c. The next sale is Saturday, September 12 at MES

d. Still looking for volunteers to help with the sale. Volunteers get to shop the pre-sale.

Meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Jenn Goldy


The next PTO meeting will be a joint meeting with all 3 schools on Friday, October 2 at 9:15 am