JUNE 2016
Moved by Edward Farley, supported by Brian White, that this resolution shall be the general appropriations act of Macomb Intermediate School District for the fiscal year 2015 - 2016: AN ACT to make appropriations, to provide for the expenditure of the appropriations; and to provide for the disposition of all revenues received by Macomb Intermediate School District in compliance with P.A. 621.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the total revenues and unappropriated fund balance estimated to be available for appropriations in the GENERAL FUND of the Macomb Intermediate School District for the fiscal year 2015-2016 are:
Local $ 6,423,862
State 22,141,317
Federal 6,046,827
Transfers & Modifications 6,672,000
Total Revenue $41,284,006
Fund Balance, July 1, 2015 $3,197,821
Total Available to Appropriate $44,481,827
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that $41,233,152 of the total available to appropriate in the General Fund is hereby appropriated in the amounts and for the purposes set forth below. Line item adjustments may be made within the total amount appropriated. Furthermore, it is understood that administration is authorized to assign fund balance to any specific purpose as allowed.
Added Needs $ 444,220
Support Services:
Pupil 803,843
Instructional Staff 11,617,929
Business/Administration 3,417,872
Operations and Maintenance 2,471,383
Central 7,633,799
Transfers and Other 14,844,106
Total Appropriated $41,233,152
Projected June 30, 2016 Fund Balance $3,248,675
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BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the total revenues and unappropriated fund balance estimated to be available for appropriations in the SPECIAL EDUCATION FUND of the Macomb Intermediate School District for the fiscal year 2015-2016 are:
Local $72,295,801
State 37,764,000
Federal 42,543,281
Transfers & Modifications 9,880,000
Total Revenue $162,483,082
Fund Balance, July 1, 2015 $7,614,409
Total Available to Appropriate $170,097,491
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that $162,469,348 of the available to appropriate in the Special Education Fund is hereby appropriated in the amounts and for the purposes set forth below. Line item adjustments may be made within the total amount appropriated. Furthermore, it is understood that administration is authorized to assign fund balance to any specific purpose as allowed.
Added Needs $37,215,180
Support Services:
Pupil 23,851,386
Instructional Staff 13,098,163
Business/Administration 3,868,244
Operations and Maintenance 4,540,618
Transportation 16,277,216
Central 668,086
Transfers and Other 62,950,455
Total Appropriated $162,469,348
Projected June 30, 2016 Fund Balance $7,628,143
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the total revenues and unappropriated fund balance estimated to be available for appropriations in the MEDICAID FUND of the Macomb Intermediate School District for the fiscal year 2015-2016 are:
Local $8,500,000
Federal 340,000
Total Revenue $8,840,000
Fund Balance, July 1, 2015 $3,658,962
Total Available to Appropriate $12,498,962
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that $9,950,000 of the total available to appropriate in the Medicaid Fund is hereby appropriated in the amounts and for the purposes set forth below. Line item adjustments may be made within the total amount appropriated. Furthermore, it is understood that administration is authorized to assign fund balance to any specific purpose as allowed.
Support Services:
Business/Administration $350,000
Transfers and Others 9,600,000
Total Appropriated $9,950,000
Projected June 30, 2016 Fund Balance 2,548,962
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BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the total revenues and unappropriated fund balance estimated to be available for appropriations in the SCHOOL LUNCH FUND of the Macomb Intermediate School District for the fiscal year 2015-2016 are:
Local $ 30,000
State……………………………………………………………... 3,000
Federal 335,000
Incoming Transfers 25,000
Total Revenue $393,000
Fund Balance, July 1, 2015 $4,841
Total Available to Appropriate $397,841
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that $397,841 of the total available to appropriate in the School Lunch Fund is hereby appropriated in the amounts and for the purposes set forth below. Line item adjustments may be made within the total amount appropriated. Furthermore, it is understood that administration is authorized to assign fund balance to any specific purpose as allowed.
Support Services:
Other/Food Service $397,841
Transfers and Other …………………………………………………………….0
Total Appropriated $397,841
Projected June 30, 2016 Fund Balance $0
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BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the total revenues and unappropriated fund balance estimated to be available for appropriations in the COLLABORATIVE EDUCATION IB FUND of the Macomb Intermediate School District for the fiscal year 2015-2016 are:
Incoming Transfers $400,000
Total Revenue $400,000
Fund Balance, July 1, 2015 $778,477
Total Available to Appropriate $1,178,477
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that $450,000 of the total available to appropriate in the Collaborative Education IB Fund is hereby appropriated in the amounts and for the purposes set forth below. Line item adjustments may be made within the total amount appropriated. Furthermore, it is understood that administration is authorized to assign fund balance to any specific purpose as allowed.
Support Services $450,000
Transfers and Other …………………………………………………………….0
Total Appropriated $450,000
Projected June 30, 2016 Fund Balance $728,477
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BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the total revenues and unappropriated fund balance estimated to be available for appropriations in the COLLABORATIVE EDUCATION EC FUND of the Macomb Intermediate School District for the fiscal year 2015-2016 are:
Incoming Transfers $3,500,000
Total Revenue $3,500,000
Fund Balance, July 1, 2015 $700,000
Total Available to Appropriate $4,200,000
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that $3,500,000 of the total available to appropriate in the Collaborative Education EC Fund is hereby appropriated in the amounts and for the purposes set forth below. Line item adjustments may be made within the total amount appropriated. Furthermore, it is understood that administration is authorized to assign fund balance to any specific purpose as allowed.
Instruction $2,800,000
Support Services 550,000
Transfers and Other……………………………………………………..150,000
Total Appropriated $3,500,000
Projected June 30, 2016 Fund Balance $700,000
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BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the total revenues and unappropriated fund balance estimated to be available for appropriations in the COLLABORATIVE EDUCATION MME/SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT of the Macomb Intermediate School District for the fiscal year 2015-2016 are:
Incoming Transfers $0
Total Revenue $0
Fund Balance, July 1, 2015 $1,103,151
Total Available to Appropriate $1,103,151
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that $100,000 of the total available to appropriate in the Collaborative Education MME/School Improvement Fund is hereby appropriated in the amounts and for the purposes set forth below. Line item adjustments may be made within the total amount appropriated. Furthermore, it is understood that administration is authorized to assign fund balance to any specific purpose as allowed.
Support Services $100,000
Transfers and Other……………………………………………………………………..0
Total Appropriated $100,000
Projected June 30, 2016 Fund Balance $1,003,151
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BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the total revenues and unappropriated fund balance estimated to be available for appropriations in the COLLABORATIVE EDUCATION PATHWAYS FUND of the Macomb Intermediate School District for the fiscal year 2015-2016 are:
Incoming Transfers $0
Total Revenue $0
Fund Balance, July 1, 2015 $500,000
Total Available to Appropriate $500,000
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that $50,000 of the total available to appropriate in the Collaborative Education Pathways Fund is hereby appropriated in the amounts and for the purposes set forth below. Line item adjustments may be made within the total amount appropriated. Furthermore, it is understood that administration is authorized to assign fund balance to any specific purpose as allowed.
Transfers and Other $50,000
Total Appropriated $50,000
Projected June 30, 2016 Fund Balance $450,000
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