Macdonald Elementary School

Americas Southeast District

128 McCracken Street

Fort Knox, Kentucky 41121-6810

(P) 502-524-5650

(F) 502-624-2108

12/2-12/9 Book Fair

12/13- School Board Meeting

@Crittenberger 12:00pm

12/9- “Ugly Sweater” day for staff and students

12/15- Santa Hat day for staff and students.

12/16-No school for students (Report Card Day)

12/19-1/2-Holiday Break (No School)

1/3-Students and Teachers return

We would like to wish all of our MacDonald family and friends a Happy and Healthy Holiday Season!” We hope you enjoy time with your family and friends over the holiday season.


~Please remember to contact the school office if you know that you are withdrawing your child and will not be returning to MacDonald. We are asking that you give the office a minimum of 5 to 10 day notice to ensure that we can have the records completed on time.

~Winter is just around the corner and with its arrival brings the possibility of inclement weather. Students need to dress in warm weather gear for the season. In the event that school is cancelled or delayed, you will be notified by a One- Call message.

~Reminder: Our lost and found is growing every day with jackets and articles that students are leaving at school. Parents, please label your children’s jackets so we know who to return it when it is misplaced. Our lost and found is located right outside the gym. Please have your child to look and make sure they have not left anything. Any items left over the Winter Break will be recycled, as we have no storage available at school. Please, please, have your child check the lost and found box!

~Always remember we have an open door policy here at MacDonald. Feel free to contact the administrator anytime with any concerns you have. We believe strongly in school/parent communication and involvement. Together we make the difference in the lives of children!

The College and Career Readiness Standards (CCRSM) for mathematics include two types of standards: one for mathematical practice (how students are able to apply and extend math principles) and one for mathematical content (what students know about math). The two are linked together while students are learning.

The Standards for Mathematical Practice are:

1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.

2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.

3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.

4. Model with mathematics.

5. Use appropriate tools strategically.

6. Attend to precision.

7. Look for and make use of structure.

8. Look for and express regularity in repeated patterns.

Overall Average Daily Attendance data for the Month of November by grade level:

First / 90.4% / Goal: 95%
Second / 93.7% / 95%
Third / 89% / 95%
Fourth / 95% / 95%
Fifth / 92.6% / 95%

ATTENDANCE MATTERS: Being in school every day means your child won’t miss out on learning. Try to schedule appointments and family trips outside of school hours. If he/she asks to stay home “just because,” remind him/her of what they will miss. Explain that he/she can be absent only if they are sick or if there’s a family emergency.

Before/After School Activities:

Morning Show / Library / M-F
Book Club / Library / Tuesday 3:15-4:30
TAS / TBD / Tuesday/Thursday
Year Book Club / Room 7/8 / Wednesday
Beta Club / Room 13 / Wednesday- Rm 13
Chess Club / Cafeteria / Friday 3:30-4:30
Robotics Club / Room 7/8 / Tuesday/Thursday
Running Club
(Parent Volunteers) / Shauna Attaway
Jennifer Short / Monday-Outside
Robotics Club (Competition)
5th Graders / Room 13 / Friday- Rm 13
Junior Red Cross / Cafeteria / Tuesday
Spanish Club / Room 6 / Coming Soon
Brady C. / Deliah G. / Emiley M.
Fances O. / Jocelyn B. / Kayla L.
Layla H. / Leora H. / Liam T.
Makayla D. / Marissa S.

Congratulations Students of the Month!

Check out our “Book Fair” this week, right in time for some holidays. Give the gift of reading! Books are buy one get one free of equal or lesser value.

-Macdonald Elementary participates in the box tops program. Please continue to send in your box tops in support of our school.

Counselor’s Corner

Giving Tree

Macdonald Elementary School students are invited to bring in hats and mittens to hang on our Giving Tree. The holiday Giving Tree is teaching our students the importance of giving and helping those in needs. If participating, the hats and mittens for the tree should be new. The mittens and hats will be given to children who do not have those items for the winter. Thank you so much for your support of this endeavor.


This time of the year brings about a special sense of renewal and giving. We frantically rush about trying to find that perfect gift for our children, our neighbor, our colleague, our friend, our relatives and the list goes on. We ponder over the person’s favorite color, their favorite author, music, game, toy, etc. Have your ever stopped to think that the “special gift”, in right within our reach? It is not a gift that we need to go to the store to purchase, or worry if it is the right size, color or within our price range. And guess what, it is a “one size” fit all. The recipient of this gift will definitely not be in the return line after the holiday. Are you thinking about what the gift could be? Wait no longer. It is the gift of LOVE!

This is the one gift that does not cost any money. You do not need to go to the store to purchase it. No standing in long lines to wrap it, or worry about mailing it. Most importantly, it is a favorite of everyone. Many will benefit from it, the giver and the receiver, the young and the old, the rich and the poor, and the boy and the girl. Let us take the time this holiday season to embrace the gift of Love. You would be surprised at what a difference it will make in the lives of people everywhere. Go ahead, sprinkle and spread it around. Start today, you do not have to wait until December 25, 2016, or that magical moment. The time is now! Below are some recommendations for other gifts that can be given at any time:

1.  Set up a college fund that grandparents can contribute.

2.  Give “experience gifts” such as a day at the zoo, a week of summer camp, tickets to a game, play or concert.

3.  Give books, board games, and puzzles. They help stimulate the brain and enhance cognitive thinking.

4.  Lincoln Logs, Legos, and quarter collections are good activities to help develop interest and build social skills for every childhood learner.

Happy Holidays

Mrs. Tucker/Guidance Counselor


DECEMBER IS HERE! The temperatures will be dropping. So, don’t forget your hat, scarf, coat, and gloves! The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has some valuable tips on how to keep your children safe and warm during the cold temperatures and winter months. To learn more about the following topics: hypothermia, frostbite, and winter sports and activities visit the following link:

IMMUNIZATION REMINDER: Per DoDEA requirements the following immunizations are due after student’s 11th birthday: Meningococcal Conjugate Vaccine and TDAP (Tetanus/Diphtheria/Pertussis-Booster). A letter will be sent home with the student after the 11th birthday. Please return a copy of the updated immunization record to School Nurse asap.

WHEN TO RETURN TO SCHOOL AFTER A FEVER: If your student is ill with fever (fever is noted to be present at 100.0 F) please remain at home until fever free (oral temperature below 99F) without the use of fever-reducing medicines, for a complete school day (24 hours) before returning to school.

Clean Hands Save Lives!

Please click on the following link to learn more about handwashing:

There is a great video you can share with your family!

Handwashing is a win for everyone, except the germs.

CHANGE IN PHONE NUMBER? Please let the office staff know asap if your number or emergency contacts have changed.

Holiday Fun Facts

1. The birthstone of December is turquoise.

2. Zodiac signs for December are Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21) and Capricorn (December 22 - January 19).

3. The birth flower of December is the narcissus.

5. December 3 - International Day of the Disabled Person

6. Universal Human Rights Month

7. National Read a New Book Month

8. In December, Nobel Prizes are awarded.

9. On December 4, 1791, The Observer newspaper (the first Sunday newspaper) was first published in Britain.

10. Christmas Day is celebrated on December 25th.

11. On December 7, 1941, The United States Naval Base at Pearl Harbor was attacked by Japanese planes which killed more than 2,300 Americans.

12. On December 20, 1803, the Louisiana Purchase was completed.

13. Kwanzaa is celebrated on December 26 - January 1 every year.

14. National Stress Free Family Holiday Month

15. December 27th is National Chocolate Day

16. On December 29, 1862, the bowling bowl was invented.

17. Poinsettia Day is on December 12th.

18. On December 3, 1967, the first heart transplant was completed.

19. On December 17, 1903, the Wright Brothers made their first flight.

20. On December 14, 1791, the Bill of Rights was passed.

Parents please do not allow your student to bring Pokémon cards or other games to school. Thank you for your help with this request.