BEHCM Jan. 25, 2013
Members Present: David Fuquay, Paul Massingill, Will Finnin, Dick Scheaffer, Mike Fordham, Beth Fogle-Miller, Paul Aupperlee, Christy Holden, Melynne Rust, Charissa Jaeger-Sanders, Narcie Jeter, Dan Wunderlich, Derrick Scott, Erwin Lopez, Beth Bostrom, Jim Manuel, Vance Rains, Gary Webb, Lyndol Loyd, Nathan Adams, Allen Johnson, Cindy Guiles, Bob Douglass, Drew Dancey
Call to Order- Lyndol Loyd
Devotion- Lyndol Loyd: 2 Kings 7:9- Sharing our faith with others because we can’t keep it to ourselves! Enabling our college students to experience God and share it with others.
Minutes- approved with minor corrections
Executive Director’s Report-
-Crosswinds Wesley Foundation/Campus Minister Search-
- Decision made to make campus minister a clergy appointment. Announcement made public on 1/17/13. Position has been posted. Prayerfully think of possible candidates for position. David will chair the search team along with members of Crosswinds Board. New campus minister to begin July 1, 2013.
- Jennifer agreed to serve through the spring semester.
-FSU Wesley Master Plan and Feasibility Study Update
- Tom Wilkinson reported to executive committee. He discussed the feasibility study for raising money for the project. Trustees approved money for the feasibility study. Tom and FSU Board have interviewed consultants and are in the process of checking references. The conference trustees will vote for approval at their meeting on Feb. 7. The contracted company will interview various connections to FSU Wesley to gauge the fundraising capacity for the project with a report hopefully out in June.
- Lyndol Loyd shared that David, Vance, and Beth, and he met with Bishop Carter to ask for his support of the project. Lyndol shared the Bishop’s willingness to jump in and help raise the money. Lyndol is encouraged by this conversation.
- Charissa J-S asked clarifying question about $55,000 that was set aside for BHECM development position. That money is still available for the years of 2013 and 2014. This money was set aside using part of the remaining funds from the 2012 budget ($40,000) supplemented by a line item in the 2013 BHECM Budget ($15,000).
- Dick Scheaffer asked Vance Rains how the ministry plans to continue (facility-wise) as this project is set into action. Vance shared that in Octoberthe conference sent a representative to look at the building. That person made a recommendation to add a fire suppression system and post evacuation plan in case of an emergency. Project will be $30,000-40,000. FSU is moving forward with this plan. Vance says they have done all that they can do to prepare at this point.
-Assessment Proposal/Annual Reports
- A conversation has been ongoing as to how to best assess the local campus ministries. With an executive director the need for having an assessment sub-committee seemed redundant. Proposal is that David will visit each ministry once a semester. Every member of BHECM is required to attend one of these site visits a year with David. He will announce when he is making these visits so that the board is aware of the dates. At least 1-2 board members in addition to David will be needed. This practice helps members get a better sense of the ministry while providing more “eyes” to observe the ministry.
- Lyndol emphasized that part of the reasoning of this move is so that all BHECM members are familiar with at least one campus ministry.
- Charissa J-S asked whether or not there is still an expectation that members visit their “assigned” campus ministry. David and Lyndol agreed that these assessment visits would essentially take the place of these previous assignments.
- Charissa J-S asked how local boardswould be evaluated. David agreedevaluationis an ongoing issue. Plans are being made to require an annual board evaluation due at the end of each calendar year. Additionally, David is trying to schedule additional Board training with each unit. Cindy G. shared that she made a board evaluation sheet for the Stetson board. She is willing to share it.
-Missional Vital Signs
- We do not have a strong proposal yetfor campus ministry missional vital signs. We are committed to moving forward. How do we do this? What do we want to measure? How do we measure the “right things?” etc. Goal is that the vital signs would be implanted by the beginning of the fall semester 2013. David would receive these reports, as would BHECM, district superintendents, and local boards.
- Bob Douglass asked if there might be a place to include some information on the sheet that wouldn’t “fit” in a spreadsheet. David said there wouldbe a place to make such notes/comments, and include information unique to each ministry.
- Paul M. asked for clarification on how often the report would be submitted and who would receive the information. David said we would most likely use a monthly report, and the information would flow directly to him before being shared more widely.
- Narcie J. shared that in South Carolina this process has been implemented. It has been used well to help tell the story of the ministries.
- Bob D. emphasized that this information will also be helpful for local boards in the work that they do.
-BHECM Communication
- Campus ministry video- create a video that will be used at camp throughout the summer to emphasize getting involved in campus ministry once in college. The video will help garner interest in campus ministry. The video would be paid for from BHECM contingency funds.
- A separate BHECM website- a place to put information, sign-ups, and scholarship information. Dan. W asked that a place to add local student information for those headed to campus from a local church be included.
- The Board gave affirmation of both the video and website.
- Please be in prayerful consideration of who might serve on BHECM. Six people serve each year. We need three spots for the class of 2015 as well. We need a balance of lay/clergy, geographically, fundraising experts, etc. We need a variety of people including recent graduates of the campus ministries.
- David shared information in regards to how funds can be raised across the conference for various conference-wide ministries. A conversation on Feb. 12 will take place as to how we can raise funds more efficiently as a conference and coordinate between various ministries. For example, one idea on the table is that there would be one central donor base, maintained by the Florida UM Foundation, for all conference-level ministries. Details will be shared when a concrete proposal has been developed. The evaluation for any new proposal will be whether it allows campus ministries to be more effective in their fundraising efforts.
SLT Update: Conference Office Re-Organization (Beth Fogle-Miller)
-What is the role of the conference, district, and local ministries
- Conference- vision, what are the processes and systems that need to be in place, etc. Conference wants to do well the things we do together, i.e. extension ministries.
- There are several conference reorganization changes taking place in the coming months. This includes the D.S. as the missional strategist for his/her assigned area. We are all resources for one another. New Church Development and Congregational Excellence are being merged. Currently five staff/six positions will become two staff/two positions. This transition will help streamline at the conference level. Clergy Excellence will stay as is, with the addition of identifying pastors who might be called and equipped to start new churches. The new department of “Missional Engagement” will help ministries become “outward” focus. There will be a lot of senior staff changes which will become public on 1/28/13.
- SLT recognized that BEHCM and Camps are doing great work, that the ministries belong to all of us, and that the work these boards are doing is a model for local churches and the conference. They belong to the conference, but arecontextualized and implemented locally.
- The committee expressed its thanks to Beth for her work in this process.
- Lyndol affirmed that David’s role/position is staying the same. He also encouraged the board to live into the SLT’s plan for the conference. How can we use this to advance ministry, fundraise, etc.?
Budget/Finance Report
-Presented by Dick Scheaffer
- Do not have a final 2012 report. That report will be distributed in advance of the April meeting.
- 2013 budget- line items were discussed. We have about 1.6 million as the budgeted amount. This amount is a slight increase over 2012.
- David clarified what the fund-raising line item is for possible purchase of development software.
- Lyndol suggested that FSC and BCU be asked to report to BEHCM what is going on in their respective ministry settings including how the money from BHECM is being used. David shared that a form is being developed to help record this information. Allen J. shared that he would like to know what students might expect who attend these colleges. A discussion as to where these line items come from ensued. Beth F-M gave a brief history of the Florida Conference’s involvement in higher education. David reminded the board that what we ask of the campuses should be in proportion to what we are funding.
- Charissa J-S asked for clarification on BPP line (a government requirement) and also the difference between UMSM and event lines. These two lines are the same. This is why the event line has been zeroed out.
- Dick presented the first draft a new funding model for each local unit. The new model would identify specific line items in a local budget that BHECM would cover, for example utilities, maintenance, insurance, and other operational costs. Campus ministries would then be responsible for fundraising for programming needs. An effort would be made to take into consideration the differences between local ministry settings. The current model provides a general block grant based on a percentage of each ministry’s budget. A formal proposal could be present in the fall for use in 2014.
- Lyndol mentioned that our sub-committees need more people. Each member of BHECM needs to serve on a sub-committee. One of the things to expect communication from Lyndol on is what sub-committee you are willing to serve on. David said that additional sub-committees might be created to help his role. For example, a property committee may be needed. Lyndol will send out a description of each sub-committee.
- Allen J. brought up a possible need for the campus ministers to have a safe place to discuss ministerial and personal concerns. Some thought was raised that David might check in with them on this area.
11:53 - Prayer for lunch by Will F.
Lyndon L. reconvened the meeting. He shared that the way we hear from each campus has shifted toward a mentality of being more in communication with the campus ministers.
Reports from Campus Ministries
-FIU/MDC Wesley- David gave a brief summary of the ministry taking place including community night and the rental houses.
- Areas for celebration?Three Wesley house ministries (intentional Christian communities), The Exchange lunch program with international students, Freedom Campaign around the issue of human trafficking, great conversation with Bishop Carter, diversity and excitement of students and staff (8)
- Areas of challenge? significant amount of staff transition and training, managing the staff while discipling them, condition of Miami Methodism, personal balance, ministry in the Miami context is hard (feels like the ministry is starting over every semester), logistical and coordination responsibilities
- Vision of the ministry for the future? still evolving, we are a network of smaller communities that are connected to the area of the city of their context, mission statement of: Follow Jesus, Love others, Change the World, Wesley is a relational identity, focusing on the dual components of campus presence and Wesley house ministries, hope to have 5-6 campuses by the fall
- What do you want to be able to report next year? Would hope in a year that the ministry has reached more students, more campuses, and more houses. Also want to report that some help has been received for the continual needs of the ministry.
- What haven’t you been asked that you want to share? Paul suggested that we begin to look at the long-term sustainability of the current model including plans for the next campus minister whenever that might be. He is concerned as to whether the ministry has the strength to continue its current ministry as well as ministry in the works. There is a need to help with many of the administrative needs.
- Prayer needs- balance in Paul’s life (fulltime working parents)
- Follow-up conversation- observations about the community night, conversations around the launch of the new church, the need of additional help for the expansion of the ministry, a conversation of US-2 ensued, the need for an administrator
-UM Wesley-David gave an overview of the ministry, a bit of an island within South Florida, Beth serves as a chaplain to the whole school in addition to her role at Wesley, worship is on Sunday nights, very involved in Branches and UMVIM, campus facility, half of it is rented by the university, housing is also on the grounds
- What can we celebrate with you? – great group of student leaders, 7 are living at Wesley, band growth and diversity, created a music ministry that is group focused rather than based on an individual, 4-5 can lead at any given time, excited about upcoming Haiti trip, exam study hours and hospitality
- What are your challenges? – the building, 60 years old, $22,000 worth of work in 2012. There are air conditioning concerns. The context itself is difficult. There are many options in Miami. The SE district is difficult for fundraising, not often able to ask for assistance. Part of the challenge is having two Wesley foundations in the same area.
- What is the vision for Wesley?- try to live into the mission and vision statement, strong missions partnerships with First UMC of S. Miami and Branches, to have the need to use the gallery as the worship space,
- How to help grow worship through leadership team? – friends inviting others, the attractiveness of the music at worship, continue opening up ministry for dinner preparation, Beth shared the order of worshipincluding the closing prayer circle
- What do you hope to report back in a year? What is it that you think will help you get there? – Board and fundraising- help equip the board to do fundraising and to help create a more diverse board. Love to be able to say we’ve had a major fundraising effort in the past year. Have a unified fundraiser for the year with FIU/MDC Wesley. Would like to be able to report that she is through the ordination process
- What have we not asked you about today that you should have? – Continuing education, part of the UM Campus Minister association, participated in a mission conference last summer for past missionaries
- How can we pray for you? – Haiti trip in March, the many details including fundraising, continued discernment in the district for how we minister to young people
- Follow-up conversation- need a broader view of where to reach potential donors, could look to other districts, identified needs of dreaming bigger and having higher expectations, affirmed the ability to serve the local community,
-Stetson Wesley House- David shared the story of the Wesley House, smallest school that has a campus ministry, it is the most established ministry at Stetson, the location of the primary worship (Sunday nights) has changed, there are space constraints with the Wesley House, others are brought in to preach or other forms of worship are practiced
- What can we celebrate with you? - Change this World ministry, $12,500 needed to be raised, had a missions week to kick off the fundraising, partnered with local churches to help make this happen, packaged 50,000 meals, a great project that helped them to focus, moved worship, current worship attendance is 25, shared good news of receiving funds from the student life fund, at capacity on Wednesday nights for free dinner, need more space for this
- What are your challenges?dealing with the worship space and size, dealing with graduation and leadership roles, the relationship and knowledge of Stetson University’s view of religious life, parking lot issue- Stetson wants to pave and part of the land is unusable. Additionally the property of the Wesley House is larger than they had known, the University has been using part of it. Lyndol suggested that Cindy tell Stetson that she does not have the authority to make trustee-type decisions as an employee of the Florida Annual Conference. Cindy was encouraged to trust that the trustees are working on it.
- What are the future plans/steps for the ministry? Cindy would like to have more input from BHECM on this matter. Cindy would like to bring others including students into the visioning process. She expressed a need for staff (administrative). She wants to go to the next level which includes filling the new worship space for worship and tying worship to discipleship, more discipleship opportunities including specific groups for new believers, a staff person who is further removed from college age to fill in the spaces of Cindy’s gifts and graces. She sees this person as being there for several years, not an intern. Would like to double the amount of students that are reached on campus in all areas (except for dinner where they have reached max capacity of over 100).
- What do you want to be able to report in a year? – That we’ve had a strategic workshop/brainstorm on how we reach and disciple more people.
- What can we pray for you about? – my health, loosing weight, keeping health a priority
- Follow-up Conversation: she is great, she needs help! board needs a vision, what is the focus, what is the next level? A conversation about over-identifying with the physical facility ensued. How can we help Cindy to begin thinking about what is next and how she can help take it there?