Human Rights Argumentative Research Paper Assignment

Assignment details

Your assignment is to write a 1500-2000 word argumentative research paper. The goal of the argumentative research paper is persuasion, which means you will choose a topic related to human rights, choose a position, and argue your position persuasively. This assignment will be a significant part of your final grade for this term (500 points). As such, it should represent your best effort and reflect a culmination of the skills you have developed this year as a writer. This paper will be in MLA format including a Works Cited page. This will be your first paper citing outside sources, so you will need to use correct format for all citations that come from books, websites, journals, etc. For a paper of this length, focus on strong analytical development, good use of transitions, as well as grace and variety in introducing quotes. Write on a college level in which you attempt to contribute to the field rather than simply regurgitate facts or string together quotes. All correct conventions of language and style will be expected for this paper, so proofread repeatedly and thoroughly. Your paper should be formatted as follows:

Introduction and thesis statement: This full introduction will capture the interest of the reader, propose the question your paper addresses, and present your position on the topic (thesis statement), giving your paper perfect focus and direction.

o  Body: These paragraphs will reflect your research to support your thesis statement. Each paragraph should have a clear topic sentence and be at least ten sentences in length. A good concluding sentence that reinforces the point of the paragraph or transitions to the next paragraph is a critical component of good writing.

o  Conclusion: This paragraph allows you to provide a summary of your main points and should make reader think about implications of topic discussed.

As a research project, this paper must include at least SIX different legitimate scholarly sources that are appropriately cited in the text of your paper. Only works that are actually used will be included on your Works Cited page. We will spend time in the library in order to provide you with time to do research, but you will certainly need to work outside of class as well. Nonetheless, always come to class with electronic access to your paper by means of email, the cloud, or flash drive. You will be expected to work during class time on your paper, as we will have access to laptops or the computer lab each day.

Appropriate research resources include:

o  Reference materials

o  Literary/scholarly articles

o  Credible internet sources

o  Books pertaining to the topic

o  Major newspaper and magazine articles that are substantive, investigative journalism.

Grading details

The steps for this assignment will be to choose an approved topic, conduct scholarly research, prepare an argumentative thesis statement and outline, write an introduction, write a rough draft, and complete a final paper. This process will involve multiple submissions through as indicated below:

o  Submit thesis statement and outline (50 points): February 15, 2018

o  Submit rough draft (100 points): February 21, 2018

o  Submit final paper (350 points): Sunday February 25, 2018