Swim and Dive BC Meeting

25 January 2018

Booster Club Board / Allison Youderian
Jennifer Rowe
Laura Rogers
Coach Franks / Booster Club Members / Brooke Buttner
Fiana Feldman
Lori Willard
Nancy Burns
Lisa Rockenbach
Kerry Veitch
David Veitch
David Myers
Paige Myers
  1. Upcoming meets/coach’s remarks

Two meets left! Districts was a resounding success. Everyone looked good. Qualified 26 athletes for Regionals. Kids are healthy; we need to keep them that way. Meet information coming out tomorrow. Friday starts at 11 am. Saturday commences at noon. There is a likelihood we will host districts again.

  1. Treasurer’s report

Beginning balance is $7687.87. Ending Balance is $7658.98.

  1. Concessions update; Meals update

Concessions started on Monday. Tuesday, Jan 30 is covered. We have two on March 6. We need one more for March 13.

Meals will be provided for Friday’s meet and so will a snack bag.

  1. Fundraising--special guest Christi Ream

She works with a brochure sales company. Seasonal options are available for Spring and Fall. Two different brochures are usually offered. Christi runs the kick-off, and there is an online store. Once the store is open it is open for a year, and it only counts as one fundraiser. Athletes are coached in how to sell. Payment methods are cash, check, and credit card. It truly is a point of sale method. This program is meant to be easy for teams. Quality guarantee--deal with customer only during the return process. Plus there is an award for selling. When products are ordered through the online store, they are shipped direct to customer. All other orders are shipped to a designate location. Profits are 40%. School district allows you to have two tax free fundraisers per year.

Another idea is a swim-a-thon. Proposed swim date of 24 March and a kick off date of Feb 20. Another idea, is to hit fan cloth hard for spirit wear. Another idea is buttons.

  1. Team Events: Pre-Region dinner, January 31, 2018

The team dinner will held at Allison’s house. Everything is signed up for.

  1. Banquet: Wednesday, March 28th at SCIS at 7pm

Volunteers are needed. Nancy Burns will be taking pictures of the seniors at the pool. More information will be coming soon.

7. Scholarships

We need to set a protocol for scholarships. More information will be coming soon.

Meeting adjourned at 8:04 p.m.